
**Policy :
-Agreement or consensus
-Setting OBJ
-monitor progress
-Goals and Aims
-”Saving lives: healtheir nation ” ENG

**Health Policy :
-Descion/plans/ action taken to acheive healthcare & Goals. 
1-defines vision for future( Short medium term)
2-outlines PRiorities, consesic & inform ppl

Continous process
-asses situation
-Formulate policy 
-implement monitor 
x process  Non linear

Evaluate–> Formulate–>implement—> monitor 


**LT health policy:
–physican ass 1989
-National concept 10/1991
-93 & 97 conference
-98 : NHP approved parlament & Board

 mortality/ life Expentacy
-Life Quality 


Article 25 (1948)
-everyone…beyond control (13 pts)
-motherhood& childhood ..same protection
-‘‘Health for All 2000”
-Primary health Care& Disease prevention”

health 2000Principles:
1.Ensure Equity Health (↓gap in status btwn countries & groups in Country)
2.+5 years of life( full physical mental & Social Potential)
3-Adding health to life(↓ disease& diability)
4-+ years : 
↑ life expentacy
Ottowa Charter (1986)
1-build public policies
2-supportive Enviroment
4-personal skills
5- Re-orientation of health servies
-coherent  HEalth policy
-Listen to Citizens
-Reshape  health delivery
-Reorient Human resources
-Strenth Management
-Learn from experience
-↑ invetments in health
-↑ Social resp
-↑ colaoration in health promotion
-infrastructure ↑

Health 21
1 GOAL:  achieve full health potential for all

2 aims:
I- ↑ & protect people health
II- ↓ suffering

3 Values:
-Health is a Human right
-Equity in health solidatory ( country ,groups and gender)
-accountiblity of diff groups

-mulisectoral Coloboration
-investment to health:
Health<–> Economi<–> Social
Millienuin (2000-2015 )
-tackle poverty il helath and↑ life by 2015
1-Eradicate extreme povery& hunger
2- achieve universal  1 education
3-Gender equality empower Women 
4- ↓ child death
5-↑ mothers health
6- HIV combat
7- envi friendly
8- Global partership

health 2020:

***WHO :

-directing and cordinating authority
-global health matter
-Evidence- based policy
-Monitor & Asses Trends
-health guidlines& Standard
-health research 
-help countries
-Geneva,president 5 Years

^WHO world: 
^ EU:
^ Meditera:

 ^South east :
-new delhi

^western pacific :

^ Africa: 
Brazaville, congo
^ Americas :
-washington DC .

-Strategic center—> Disease outbreaks& Emergency
-International health regulation (IHR)—–>estblish rules for countries
– access to Quality 
-educate& manage health workforce


I-Health resources:# hospitals/beds/physican/GP/ nurses per 100 K
II- Ulitization & expenditure: THE from GDP (%)  /THE,PPP/public health % of THE


**Health system:
-Promote , Restore & Maintain Health
-includes all Organizaton , ppl and resources to improve health action

^^Boundaries of HS:
2-Narrowetst:  MOH + individual health services
2-non personal & collective medical services but exclude intersectoral action (water nad sanitation programs)
3-All Actors   instituiion & resources incuding Intersectoral ![ WHO ]

*HS vs other Systems:
1- external environment
2-continous evolution of technologies
3-workforce management difficulty
4-x potential goal of service delivery !

HS should be stidues with other asepcts of society,NOT in Vaccum
     reflects social balances and Values

**HS function :
1-Supervise Heath Resources & services ( oversitght)
2-produce and deliver personal & non personal health services  (human & physcial resources /raising and poolign resources)
3-Financing health service( collecting & allocating resrouces)
 imrpve ppl health / out of pocket burden / Focus on public & private sector

***HS Obj :
-Improve health of popullation
-live up to expectation
-protect agaisnt Cost of illness

^ Medical pluralism :  70-90% of health care in popular sector

***Heath Care Sectors: 
1-popular (70-90%): 
2- folk:
3-professionl : by laws, health sectors & professional

^^Patents Role :
2-contributer to financing the system
3- providoer(sometime)(pregnant women)

***HS components:
1- Resources: Human/ comodities /X / knowledge
2-Organization : mainly by govenrment/Private enterprises—–> most variable
3-Managements:planning/ Administration / regulation / legislaiton—> on political system
4-Economic support :SHI / charity / Foreign Aif /
5- Delivery : combination of 4 above = 1/2/3 health care + ambulance


***Decentralization :
-the smaller the better more agile  then larger ones .
-Trasnfer of power from higher to lower (STATE& procesS)
  in this case to Various institutions of HS .

  to a lower
organizational level.
Deconcentrationto lower Adminitrative level
Devolutionto lower political level
Privatizationto private owners

Russia vs Norway vs Canada

-↑ link descion makers  & users
-different service and financing levels
-Smaller units more flexible 
-easier internal coardination 
-focus on own micro performance rather then Macro
-↓coardinated impulses
-inapp diversity
-↓ comparibilty a& preidctibility

C vs DC :
-C : better supervision ( poland & slovakia Nordic countrieS)
after they were DC


**financing the HS:
1-Revenue Collections /Fun Pooling / Purchasing
which is then used to PRovide Personal / Non-Personal HS

I- Revenue collection :
from popullation 
-Taxation (direct from invidual/ household) / indirect( transactions) – national vs local – general or hypothetical
-Private insurance
-out of pocket

-difference from revie colelction , in pooling financial risk is Shared
-”accumilation of prepaid revenue on behalf of popullation;’;
-this function can be done by SHI , by if done bu diff agents we need” RISK adjusment”

”Trasnfer of pooled resources to service provider”

what affects expenses and Revenue:
-Supply and Dmand
-Contextual factors (ituation / sstructure/ envi/ culture)

Situation : political event
structural: economic base/ Political insittution / dmeography
Enviromental Factors:EU regulation 
-cultural: value of communities

***Types of HS financing:
classification by : 
2- Authors

1- NAtional (UK)
2- SHI ( Germany)
3- Private( US)
Bismark( EU based today)

market driven (private sector)

-spread risk broadly,  by making SHI a MUST ( UNIVERSAL)
-redistrubte income from higher to lower paid
-Emloyers to pay part
-utelising Public, Quasi public , Non profit insititution
-SHI IS ind from government and its budgert
-shared btwn employer and emplyee
-sickness fund dep on income and is employee and employer related
-Most EU with trukey and israel

State finances healthcare( NOT SHI) via TAXATION regional and local
-Not earmarked( not preplaned)
-Universal coveragE( everyone) ( liek bismarek)
-Sickness fund not Independt
-pnulic sector is resp for heathcare provision
-All people recieve same rnage of services
-NORDIC countries, UK andireland
  greece, italy, portugal spain also

-Central organisation and control
-STATE owned  and financed fron state budget
-instiution budgeting
-Free for all citizens
-depends on geo distirbution
-Policlinc main service providoer
-USSR  , baltic states


*** models of payment:
1-Free-for -serive
2- Salary , emploment contract
3- capitation

Free-for -service:
-Most common
-consumer pays provider directly
-Direct relationship with consumer with no other interferance
-max the responsiveness of privdor

Salary : or emplyment:
-health providoer emplyed by large company
-Hospital community
-emplyer pays the salary for practional in exchange for service
-provider is accountable to consumer and to employer
-guidline based ( tiem cotnraint)
-ethical problems

-provider is paid a fixed sum over period of time
-problem is under privding
-common in primary health care services