
Ch. 1 Quiz

-The affective domain is most related to what?


-You have just heard that a new football stadium is going to be built for your university. You are interested in developing an instrument to assess student opinions about this huge expenditure. In what domain of interest do you need to develop an interest?

Affective, Psychomotor, Motor, Cognitive

-Casey is a dietitian. Her friends and family often ask for her advice about their health. She has noticed that although she asks them the same questions repeatedly, her friends and family do not always give honest answers (for example, about their weight). What kind of relationship between reliability and validity does this describe?

Can be reliable but not valid

-For which domain is a taxonomy NOT developed?


-Imagine that to become accepted into college, you must score at least a 500 in each of the categories tested. What kind of evaluation is demonstrated by the results of your own SAT scores?

Criterion referenced

-What type of report do you want from your personal physician?**

Criterion referenced

-What happens as you use questions from the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the cognitive domain (increase from knowledge to evaluation)?

They are more discriminatory

-Fitness testing represents what domain?**


-What usually follows a measurement procedure?**


-Of the six purposes of measurement, testing, and evaluation, which is used in determining what college you may attend based on how you scored on the SAT?


Ch.2 Quiz

-Under what SPSS/PASW menu would you create or compute a new variable?**


-What does PASW stand for?

Predictive Analytics Software

-What SPSS.PASW menu is used to get chart results?**


-What SPSS/PASW menu is used to get statistical results?


-What type of data files are on the class textbook Web site?

.sav and .xls

-Which have the most in common?

Excel spreadsheet and SPSS/PASW Data view

-Which of the following best describes FITNESSGRAM?

Criterion referenced

-.xls is to Excel as ____ is to SPSS/PASW.


-Which is not an SPSS/PASW window?

Results view

-Who developed Fitnessgram?


Ch. 3 Quiz

-Who has the best relative performance based on this information:

Ray scored 120 on a test with a mean of 130 (S=15)

Becky obtained a t score of 43.

Mark had a z score of -0.39

Patti achieved the 43rd percentile.


-The average basketball shoe lasts 30 months (S=6 months). What percentage of shoes last ≤ 21 months?


-Imagine that the class results from the last test were analyzed and described as platykurtic. What does this mean?

They were heterogenerous

-What is the best estimate of the median of the measurements 10, 7, 8, 18, 13, and 12?


-Find the ΣX for these values: 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2


-What scale of measurement would describe male or female?


-A reaction time is an example of what level of measurement?


-As a soccer coach, you are logging the total number of minutes played by each athlete on your team. The average number of minutes is 20, with a standard deviation of 5 minutes. What percentage of your players play 27 minutes?


-Which distribution is the most heterogenous?

                A with mean = 100 and variance = 25

                B with mean = 120 and variance = 36

                C with mean = 90 and variance = 49


-A basketball team has held their opponents to an average of 45 points a game. The standard deviation is 10. What percentage of opponents score between 50 and 60 points?


Ch. 4 Quiz

-What correlation would you expect between an endurance running test (5-mile run) and the distance covered (12 minutes)?

High and negative

-Professor Jones found the correlation between midterm and final examination score to be .80, with a standard deviation of 20 points. He wants to predict final examination scores from midterm scores. What is the standard error of predicting final examination score from midterm score?


-What is the relationship between the following variables?

Weight:                High jump score:

100                         10

125                         20

135                         30

140                         40          

150                         50


-You want to develop a prediction equation from a variety of sources: class assignments, quizzes, midterms, participation, absences, and so on. Which of the following correlations would be the best source to use?

Classes absences, r = -.78

-The higher the correlation in absolute value, the better able you are to ____ Y from X.


-What are the two attributes of a correlation coefficient?

Magnitude and direction

-The lower the value of the correlation, the more poorly you are to predict Y from X. One must always remember to consider the ______ value of the calculated statistic (r).


-If two things are correlated, you can predict one from the other. However, unless the correlation is ____, there will always be some error in estimation.


-The prediction, equation is this: Predicted VO2=40+1*(X), where X is the time in minutes to complete a 1.5-mile run. The SEE is 5 ml/kg/min. John did the 1.5-mile run in 10 minutes. What is his predicted VO2?


-What values must a correlation be between?

-1.00 and 1.00

Ch. 5 Quiz

-Which method is used when there is one ratio-dependent variable and there are more than two groups for a single independent variable?

One-way ANOVA

-Which method is used when one group of subjects is measured on only two separate occasions?

t-test for dependent groups

-A recent study examined how oxygen consumption was affected while wearing a weighted vest during treadmill walking. The researchers concluded that using a weight vest can increase the metabolic costs during walking.

There is no relationship between oxygen consumption and wearing a weighted vest.

-An investigator conducts a study to determine if there is a relationship between how many carrots you eat and your ability to see better. Assume the investigator makes a Type II error. What did the investigator do to make this error?

All of these are true,

-A researcher is interested in testing the relationship between the amount of physical activity one gets and the development of heart disease in those age 50+. What is the dependent variable?

The development of the heart disease.

-You reported a relationship that does not exist. Which of the following is true?

You committed a Type I error.

-Assume an investigator wants to conduct a study to determine if there is a relationship between how many carrots you eat and your ability to see better. What is the investigator’s research hypothesis?

There is a relationship between how many carrots you can eat and eyesight.

-Justin wants to test whether men and women differ in vertical jumping ability. What procedure should he use?

T test

-A researcher is interested in testing the relationship between the amount of physical activity one gets and the development of heart disease in those age 50+. What is the independent variable?

Ch. 6 Quiz

-Validity is made up of what two pieces of information?

Reliability and relevance

-Molly has an observed score of 500 on the SAT verbal. The reliability of the test is .91 and the SD is 100 points. You can be 95% confident that Molly’s true score falls between what two values?

440 and 560

-What graphical PASW/SPSS procedure might be used to get a look at the reliability of two trials of a 1-mile run?


-What single word best describes reliability?


-What rationale validates a 50-question test being more reliable than 10-question test?

Spearman-Brown prophecy formula

-What is the range for reliability?

0 reliability 1

-Renee is teaching fellow in the kinesiology department. She correlated the results from her Mon/Wed class from her T/R class, each with different students. How would you interpret her correlation?


-You have a tennis test with 5 trials. Estimate the intraclass reliability for the 5-trial from the following data:

Trail 1 variance  10

Trail 2 variance  12

Trail 3 variance  12

Trail 4 variance  15

Trail 5 variance  10

Total variance    100


-Given that the test mean is 100 and the SD is 10, what is the variance of  the error score if the test reliability is .81?


-Observed score = ___+____.

True score; error score.

Ch. 7 Quiz

-What concept is illustrated by a teach deciding that all students should be able to swim 50 yards before graduating?

Criterion-referenced standard

-Most criterion referenced standards are established using a

Combination approach

-What is a major problem with criterion-referenced standards?

The arbitrary criterion chosen

-Why do epidemiologists often use criterion-referenced techniques?

The outcome variable is categorical

 -If you received a false positive on a field test what would that mean?

Field test is wrong, but you achieve the criterion.

-If one tests the significance of a concurrent validity with PPM, what statistical test might be used with criterion-referenced validity?

Chi square

-What is the sum of observations for a specific row or column called in a 2 x 2 contingency table?


-Norm-referenced reliability and validity measures are ___ while criterion-referenced reliability and validity measures are ___.

Continuous; categorical

-What statistic can be used to make decisions about the goodness of the reliability and/or validity of a criterion-referenced test?

All of the above.

-Are there parallels in criterion-referenced reliability for all the methods used in norm-referenced reliability?


Ch. 8

-The following information was obtained from an item analysis. The keyed correct response to the item was D. What is the difficult index for this item?

                                A             B             C             D*

Higher Group     25           15           10           50

Lower Group     15           10           10           65


-What is the highest that the item variance can be?


-A table of specifications

Tells you test content

-The following information was obtained or an item analysis. The keyed correct response was D. What is the difficult index for this item?

                                A             B             C             D*

Higher Group     10           15           225         250

Lower Group     5              20           175         300


-At what difficulty index do test items have best potential discrimination?


-The following information was obtained or an item analysis. The keyed correct response was D. What is the difficult index for this item?

                                A             B             C             D*          E

Higher Group     5              5              4              35           1

Lower Group     7              22           5              10           6


-If an item discriminates positively, it ___ the test reliability.

Adds to

-Which of the following measurements uses dichotomous variables?

More than one of the above.

-What is the best step you should take when developing a questionnaire?

Conduct a pilot test.

-The following information was obtained from an item analysis. The keyed correct response to the item was D. What is the discrimination index for this item?

                                A             B             C             D*

Higher Group     25           15           10           50

Lower Group     15           10           10           65


Ch. 9 Quiz

-Though field tests of physical fitness may be more feasible than criterion measure, what is one major disadvantage of field tests?

Reduced validity

-The term obesity is used loosely in everyday conversation. What is an accurate definition of obesity?


-What are the two main classifications of techniques for assessing physical activity?

Objective and self-report

-What major advantage do field tests have over laboratory tests?

Greater feasibility

-In your testing and exercise prescription course, what kind of relationship would you expect to see between skinfold measures and hydrostatically determined percent fat?

High positive

-What is the relationship between physical fitness level and negative health outcomes or risk?


-What are three major components of health-related physical fitness?

Aerobic capacity, body composition, and musculoskeletal fitness

-What is the relationship between skinfolds and hydrostatically determined percent fat?

High positive

-In what population might balance be considered a component of health-related physical fitness?

Elderly adults at risk for falling

-Who developed a physical fitness test for older adults?

Rikli and Jones

Ch. 10 Quiz

-The President’s Challenge passing standards are based on ___ data while the FITNESSGRAM’s standard are based on ___ criteria.

Normative; health-related.

-Which of the following is not a component of motor fitness?

Sit-and-reach test

-What is the criterion-referenced standard called on the FITNESSGRAM?

Healthy Fitness Zones

-Which of the following is not considered a primary component of health-related physical fitness?


-In fitness assessment of special children, what factor or factors should be evaluated before the assessment occurs?

All of the above; validity, feasibility, disability

What does the FITNESSGRAM include that the President’s Challenge does not?

Physical activity assessment

-What kind of activity is the following FITNESSGRAM question based on: “On how many of the past 7 days did you participate in physical activity for a total of 30 to 60 minutes (or more) over the course of a day?”

Aerobic activity

-Which of the following is true when comparing the FITNESSGRAM and the President’s Challenge?

All of the above; Both are tests of health-related fitness; Both include tests of cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, and musculoskeletal fitness; The President’s Challenge includes a test of motor fitness (the shuttle run) while the FITNESSGRAM does not.

-Which of the following attributes is considered by most authorities not to be a component in motor fitness?

Body composition

-How many of the following are components of the FITNESSGRAM: PACER, skinfold, curl-up, trunk lift, push-up


Ch. 11 Quiz

-In your high school athletics program, students must pass an overhand throwing test in order to try out for the softball team. A target is used in the testing protocol. This measurement procedure has a high degree of ____.


-Why might you use a performance profile?

To learn strengths and weaknesses

-A new scoring system was used for the first time in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It was introduced to reduce ____ after what happened at the 2004 Athens Olympics, when Paul Hamm of the United States won the individual all-around gold after judges awarded an inaccurate low score to his South Korean opponent?


-Which of the following are purposes of human performance testing?

Selection, classification, diagnosis, and prediction

-What must tests be?

All of the above; reliable and valid, feasible, discriminatory

-When asked to prioritize the importance of different basketball skills, what level of Bloom’s taxonomy would you use?


-What is an important characteristic of a test of sport skill or motor performance?

All of the above; reliability, validity, feasibility

-What is the biggest potential problem with subjective rating scales?


-Effective testing strategies include which of the following?

All of the above; pretest considerations, test administration considerations, posttest evaulation

Which is a requirement for constructing an effective performance tests?

All of the above; Be knowledgeable in proper techniques of test construction, have thourough knowledge of the subject area, know the group’s level of understanding