Python Programming Tutorial: Data Structures, Algorithms, and Libraries

Python Programming Tutorial

Data Structures and Algorithms

Linear Search

This code implements a linear search algorithm to find an element in an array.

Binary Search (Using bisect Module)

This code demonstrates the use of the ‘bisect’ module for efficient insertion into a sorted list.

Object-Oriented Programming


This code showcases inheritance in Python, where a ‘Derived’ class inherits properties and methods from a ‘Base’ class.

Data Analysis with Pandas

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

This code demonstrates data cleaning techniques using Pandas, including handling missing values and exploring descriptive statistics.

Data Indexing and Selection

This code explores various methods for indexing and selecting data in Pandas DataFrames, including using date-time indexes and resampling.

Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn

Line Plots, Bar Plots, Scatter Plots, Histograms, and Pie Charts

This code provides examples of creating different types of visualizations using Matplotlib, including customizing labels, colors, and legends.

Regression Plots, Distribution Plots, Count Plots, and Box Plots

This code demonstrates the use of Seaborn for creating informative statistical visualizations, including regression plots, distribution plots, count plots, and box plots.

Machine Learning with Scikit-learn

Linear Regression

This code implements a simple linear regression model using Scikit-learn and visualizes the results.

Logistic Regression

This code demonstrates the use of logistic regression for classification tasks and visualizes the model’s predictions.