Python Functions for 2048 Game Development


def build_cells(dim: int) -> list[list[int]]:
cells = []
for i in range(dim):
cells.append([EMPTY] * dim)
return cells

def init(dim: int) -> dict:
assert dim is None or dim > 2, f’The minimum size is 3′
with open(FILE_CONFIG) as fconf:
conf = json.loads(

if dim is not None:
conf[‘dim’] = dim
conf[‘dim’] = int(conf[‘dim’])
conf[‘max_score’] = int(conf[‘max_score’])

game = {
‘board’: build_cells(conf[‘dim’]),
‘score’: 0,
‘max_value’: 0,
‘max_score’: conf[‘max_score’]
return game

def finalize(game: dict) -> None:
c = {
‘dim’: get_size(game),
‘max_score’: max(game[‘max_score’], game[‘score’])
with open(FILE_CONFIG, ‘w’) as conf:

def get_size(game: dict) -> int:
return len(game[‘board’])

def set_max_value(game: dict) -> int:
max_value = 0
for row in game[‘board’]:
for cell in row:
if cell > max_value:
max_value = cell
return max_value

def update(game: dict, score: int) -> None:
game[‘score’] += score

def get_row_col(pos: tuple[int, int],
trasposed: bool = False) -> tuple[int, int]:
row, col = pos
if trasposed:
row, col = col, row
return row, col

def get_value(game: dict,
pos: tuple[int, int],
trasposed: bool = False) -> int:

row, col = get_row_col(pos, trasposed)
if row < 0 or row >= get_size(game) or
col < 0 or col >= get_size(game):
val = OUT
val = game[‘board’][row][col]
return val

def put_value(game: dict,
pos: tuple[int, int],
value: int,
trasposed: bool = False):
row, col = get_row_col(pos, trasposed)
game[‘board’][row][col] = value

def get_free_cells(game: dict) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
free_cells = []
for row in range(len(game[‘board’])):
for col in range(len(game[‘board’])):
if game[‘board’][row][col] == EMPTY:
free_cells.append((row, col))
return free_cells

def add_new_cell(game: dict) -> None:
cells = get_free_cells(game)
if len(cells) > 0:
game = init(dim)
pos = random.choice(cells)
if random.random() < 0.75:
put_value(game, pos, 2)
put_value(game, pos, 4)
update(game, 0)

def can_move_cell(game: dict, pos: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
value = get_value(game, pos)
if value == EMPTY:
found_mov = True
found_mov = False
i = 0
pos_lst = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
while i < len(pos_lst) and not found_mov:
pos_i = (pos[0] + pos_lst[i][0], pos[1] + pos_lst[i][1])
found_mov = get_value(game, pos_i) == value
i += 1
return found_mov

def is_blocked(game: dict) -> bool:
row = 0
found_mov = False
while row < get_size(game) and not found_mov:
col = 0
while col < get_size(game) and not found_mov:
found_mov = can_move_cell(game, (row, col))
col += 1
row += 1
return not found_mov

def move(game: dict, start_end: bool, move_cols: bool) -> bool:
ini = 0
end = len(game[‘board’])
if start_end:
ini = len(game[‘board’]) – 1
end = -1

score = 0
moved = False
for i in range(len(game[‘board’])):
tmp_mv, tmp_sc = move_row(game, i, ini, end, move_cols)
score += tmp_sc
moved = moved or tmp_mv
update(game, score)
return moved

def move_cell(game: dict,
current: tuple[int, int],
move_to: int,
inc: int,
move_cols: bool) -> tuple[bool, int, int]:
score = 0
moved = False
move_to_pos = (current[0], move_to)
move_to_value = get_value(game, move_to_pos, move_cols)
cur_value = get_value(game, current, move_cols)
if cur_value != 0:
if move_to_value == 0:
put_value(game, move_to_pos, cur_value, move_cols)
put_value(game, current, 0, move_cols)
moved = True
elif move_to_value == cur_value:
value = 2*cur_value
put_value(game, move_to_pos, value, move_cols)
put_value(game, current, 0, move_cols)
moved = True
score += value
move_to += inc
move_to += inc
move_to_pos = (move_to_pos[0], move_to)
moved = current[1] != move_to
if moved:
put_value(game, current, 0, move_cols)
put_value(game, move_to_pos, cur_value, move_cols)

return moved, score, move_to

def game2str(game: dict) -> str: val = ”
dim = get_size(game) scol += f'{val:5}|’
line = ‘-‘ * (6*dim + 1) + ‘\n’ res += scol + ‘\n’ + line
res = line score = game[‘score’]
size = get_size(game) mval = game[‘max_value’]
for row in range(size): res += f'{mval:6}-{score:6}’
scol = ‘|’
for col in range(size):
val = get_value(game, (row, col))
if val == 0:


def is_prime(num: int, primlst: list) -> bool:
primo = True
i = 0
while i < len(primlst) and primo:
if num % primlst[i] == 0:
primo = False
i += 1
return primo

def next_prime(primelst: list) -> None:
if len(primelst) == 0:
n = primelst[-1] + 1
while not is_prime(n, primelst):
n += 1
lst = []

def read_primes(filename: str) -> list:
f = open(filename, “r”) # para abrir fichero
l = f.readlines()
lf = []
for n in l:
if n[-1] == ‘\n’:
n = n[:-1]
lf.append(int(n)) # para pasarlos a enteros
return lf

def add_primes(filename: str, nprimes: int) -> None:
lst = read_primes(filename)
for i in range(nprimes):
f = open(filename, “w”)
for n in lst:


def merge(fln1: str, fln2: str, res:str) -> None:
with open(fln1) as f1, open(fln2) as f2,
open(res, ‘w’) as fres:
l1 = f1.readline()
l2 = f2.readline()
while l1!=” and l2!=”:
n1 = int(l1)
n2 = int(l2)
if n1 < n2:
l1 = f1.readline()
l2 = f2.readline()
while l1!=”:
n1 = int(l1)
l1 = f1.readline()
while l2!=”:
n2 = int(l2)
l2 = f2.readline()


def linear_regression(filename: str) -> tuple[float, float]:
xsum = .0
ysum = .0
xysum = .0
x2sum = .0
total = .0
with open(filename, ‘w’) as f:
for _ in range(10):
x = random.random()*100
y = 2*x + 1
for line in fl:
data = line.strip().split()
x = float(data[0])
y = float(data[1])
xsum += x
ysum += y ** a = sxy / sxx
xysum += x * y b = ysum / total – a * xsum/total
x2sum += x ** 2 **


def crypt(txt: str, criptogram:str) -> str:
for c in txt:
if c!=” “:
return enc

def inv_cripto(cpgm: str) -> str:
c = ‘A’
inv = ”
while c <= ‘Z’:
i = 0
while i<len(cpgm) and cpgm[i]!=c:
i = i+1
inv = inv + chr(i+ord(‘A’))
c = chr(ord(c)+1
return inv

def decrypt(txt, cpgm):
return crypt(txt, inv_cripto(cpgm))

def no_rep(word: str) -> str:
new = ”
for c in word:
if not c in new:
new = new+c
return new

def gen_crytopgram(code: str) -> str:
cpgm = no_rep(code)
c = ‘A’
while c<=’Z’:
if c not in cpgm:
cpgm = cpgm + c
c = chr(ord(c)+1
return cpgm

def crypt_key(text:str, key:str) -> str:
cpgm = gen_crytopgram(key)
return crypt(text, cpgm)

def decrypt_key(text:str, key:str) -> str:
cpgm = gen_crytopgram(key)
return decrypt(text, cpgm)


def picture2str(drw: dict, fails: int) -> str:
    row = 0
    pict = “”
    for row, line  in enumerate(drw[‘picture’]):
        for col, char in enumerate(line):
            if drw[‘order’][row][col]                 pict += char
                pict += ” “
            col += 1
        pict += “\n”
        row += 1
    return pict

def game2str(game: dict) -> str:
    pict = picture2str(game[‘drawing’], game[‘fails’])
    right_letters = 0
    for letter in game[‘word’]:
        if letter in game[‘given_letters’]:
            pict += letter
            right_letters += 1
            pict += “_”
        pict += ” “
    pict += “\n”
    if game[‘fails’] == game[‘drawing’][‘max_attemps’]:
        pict += f”You have lost, the word is: {game[‘word’]}\n”
    elif right_letters == len(game[‘word’]):
        pict += “You have won\n”
    return pict

def init(words_filename: str, picture_filename: str) -> dict:
    game = {
        ‘drawing’: drawing(picture_filename),
        ‘word’: choose_word(words_filename),
        ‘given_letters’: set(),      def is_ended(game: dict) -> bool: 
        ‘fails’: 0                                count = 0 
    }                                               for l in game[‘word’]: 
    return game                             if l in game[‘given_letters’]: 
                                                        count += 1 **

**  return count == len(game[‘word’]) or \
        game[‘fails’] == game[‘drawing’][‘max_attemps’]

def drawing(filename: str) -> dict:
    drw = dict()
    with open(filename) as pict_file:
        rows = int(pict_file.readline())
        line = pict_file.readline().rstrip()
        drw[‘picture’] = []
        i = 0
        while i             drw[‘picture’].append(line)
            i += 1
            line = pict_file.readline().rstrip()

        drw[‘order’] = []        def main(words_filename: str,  
        i = 0                             picture_filename: str) -> None: 
        max_fails = -1              game = init(words_filename, 
        while i             row = []                     while not is_ended(game): 
            for x in line.split():     print(game2str(game)) 
                val = int(x)               letter = input(“Give a letter: “) 
                if val > max_fails:   msg = update(game, letter) 
                    max_fails = val    print(msg) 
                row.append(val)     print(game2str(game)) 
            i += 1
            line = pict_file.readline().rstrip()
        drw[‘max_attemps’] = max_fails
    return drw

def choose_word(filename: str) -> str:
    words = []
    with open(filename) as word_file:
        for line in word_file:
    return random.choice(words)

def update(game: dict, letter: str) -> str:
    if letter in game[‘given_letters’]:
        msg = f”You have already said ‘{letter}'”
    elif letter in game[‘word’]:
        msg = f”Good, {letter} is in the word”
        msg = f”Sorry, {letter} is NOT in the word”
        game[‘fails’] += 1      return msg 


def get_data(line: str) -> [str, str, set[str]]:
    code, ilnesses = line.split(‘:’)
    rs_code, nucleotid = code.split()
    rs_code = rs_code.strip()
    nucleotid = nucleotid.strip()
    ilnessset = set()
    for ilness in ilnesses.split(‘,’):
    return  rs_code, nucleotid, ilnessset

def add_data(snp: dict, rs_code: str, nucleotid: str, ilnesses: set[str]) -> None:
    if rs_code in snp:
        if nucleotid in snp[rs_code]:
            snp[rs_code][nucleotid] |= ilnesses
            snp[rs_code][nucleotid] = ilnesses
        snp[rs_code] = dict()
        snp[rs_code][nucleotid] = ilnesses

def read_snp(filename) -> dict:
    snp = dict()
    with open(filename) as fln:
        for line in fln:
            if line[0] != ‘#’:
                rs_code, nucleotid, ilnessset = get_data(line)
                add_data(snp, rs_code, nucleotid, ilnessset)
    return snp

def remove_snp(snp: dict, rs_code: str, code_n: str, pats: set[str])-> None:           **    if pats & ilnessset != set():   
    if rs_code in snp:                    info.add( (rs_code, nucleotid) ) 
        if code_n in snp[rs_code]: pats  return info 
            snp[rs_code][code_n] -=  
            if snp[rs_code][code_n] == set():
                del snp[rs_code][code_n]
            if snp[rs_code] == {}:
                del snp[rs_code]

def get_snpinfo(snp: dict, pats: set[str]) -> set[str, str]:
    info = set()                                   
    for rs_code, val in snp.items():
        for nucleotid, ilnessset in val.items(): **

def get_snps(snp: list[dict]) -> dict:
    snps = dict()
    for rs_code, val in snp.items():
        snps[rs_code] = 0
        for nucleotid, ilnessset in val.items():
            snps[rs_code] += len(ilnessset)
    return snps

def mean_ocurrences(snp: dict) -> float:
    mean = 0.0
    count = 0
    for rs_code, num in get_snps(snp).items():
        mean += num
        count += 1
    return mean/count

def mode_ocurrences(snp: dict) -> int:
    modedict = dict()
    for rs_code, num in get_snps(snp).items():
        if num in modedict:
            modedict[num] += 1
            modedict[num] = 1
    mode = 0
    max_occ = 0
    for num, occur in modedict.items():
        if occur > max_occ:
            max_occ = occur
            mode = num
    return mode

def find_pivot(lst, low, high):
    return lst[low] 

def quick_sort(lst, low, high):
    if low        elem = find_pivot(lst, low, high)
        pos_pivot = partition(lst, elem, low, high)
        quick_sort(lst, low, pos_pivot-1)
        quick_sort(lst, pos_pivot+1, high) 

def sort(lst):

def partition(lst, elem,  low, high):

    lower = low
    equal = low
    bigger = high
    while equal        if lst[equal]==elem:
            equal += 1
        elif lst[equal]            lst[lower], lst[equal] = lst[equal], lst[lower]
            equal += 1
            lower += 1
            lst[bigger], lst[equal] = lst[equal], lst[bigger]
            bigger -= 1
    return lower

def median_ocurrences(snp: dict) -> int:
    occlst = []
    for rs_code, num in get_snps(snp).items():
    return occlst[len(occlst)//2]

def write_snp(snp: dict, filename: str) -> None:
    with open(filename, ‘w’) as f:
        for rs_code, val in snp.items():
            for nucleotid, ilnessset in val.items():
                line = f'{rs_code} {nucleotid}: ‘  
                first = True                     
                for ilness in ilnessset:      
                    if not first:                    
                        line += ‘, ‘                
                    line += ilness   
                    first = False       
                line += ‘\n’                             


def is_in(s: str, ltr:str) -> bool:
    i = 0
    while i        i = i + 1
    return i

def get_word(txt:str, pos:int) -> str:
    i = pos
    while i        i += 1
    word = ”
    while i        word += txt[i]
        i += 1
    return word, i

def lower(word: str) -> str:
    new = ”
    for ltr in word:
        if ‘A’             ltr = chr(ord(‘a’) + ord(ltr) – ord(‘A’))
        elif ltr == ‘Á’:
            ltr = ‘á’
        elif ltr == ‘É’:
            ltr = ‘é’
        elif ltr == ‘Í’:
            ltr = ‘í’
        elif ltr == ‘Ó’:
            ltr = ‘ó’
        elif ltr == ‘Ú’:
            ltr = ‘ú’
        elif ltr == ‘Ü’:
            ltr = ‘ü’
        elif ltr == ‘Ñ’:
            ltr = ‘ñ’
        new = new + ltr
    return new

def split(txt: str) -> list[str]:                
    i = 0                                               
    word_lst = []                                   
    while i         word, i = get_word(txt, i)     **     word_lst.append(word) 
        if word!=”:    **                           return word_lst