Public Attention
see matters ranging from personal appearance as recommended
member of the Contact Area of the organization, its language and the workplace.
– General rules of hygiene:
– The costumes:
1. Standard cultured supraformal:
2. Formal linguistic purism:
3. Informal linguistic purism:
4. Standard formal uneducated:
5. Standard informal uneducated:
Conditions for the formal expression
Conditions for the formal expression
4. Naturalness:
The space for the attention of the public must meet certain conditions or requirements
become essential to create a pleasant environment for customers and for those providing the
1. Clean: this is a basic requirement in all human activity, therefore, the aspect that gives
the workplace will give a clear vision of the company and officials are working on it.
Do not expect him to do the toilet, take responsibility in this respect it deserves.
2. Order: in close relationship is this aspect with the previously mentioned, the order
reflects the inner attitude of the person. The order of the implements of work shows care,
dedication and care. For a lot of activity that occurs in a specific place, always
must maintain a proper disposition of material. Invites disorder to disorder.
3. Material: in the workplace must be all the materials needed to perform the
function. It is also necessary that they are in good condition, and therefore suggested to review
regular presence and status of work materials.
4. Atmosphere: try to create a pleasant environment in your workplace with the elements that account
especially if the public receives. Do not go overboard with decorations that suffocate.
Given the responsibility of being in the Contact Zone in response to the client, it should be
present some considerations that favor communication:
The fact that a person is prepared or not, it means that your mood is favorable or unfavorable
respect of any incident. This means that a person may or may not have a mental attitude
positive or negative.
It’s called positive mental attitude to everything that is constructive, all that is to solve problems
everything that contributes to produce, build, create, face difficulties with optimism.
Positive mental attitude means crossing barriers is an important step after the other and persist
to reach the goal proposed.
Positive attitude means not surrender to any difficulty, but to face it with determination.
When a person is trying to achieve something, when everything seems so difficult when things
seem impossible, if the person perseveres and succeeds, then we can say with property
that person is thinking and positive attitudes.
Interest and enthusiasm are emotions that characterize a person with positive mental attitude.
Basic premises:
· Attitude positive mental is to face the situations and problems favorably.
· Enterprises are neither better nor worse than people who work in them.
· The results of the company are a reflection of the performance of its people.
Classes attitude
There are three areas of development of attitudes:
ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE OTHER: his attitude as an officer of a company, especially in the
enterprise level, on the client, must always be positive. Should be treated with
courtesy and understanding. Remember: you, professionally, is required to meet customer
either internal or external (see table classification of customers), it has no obligation
understand you.
This means that if you have problems of any kind can not unload your stress on the
people for whom you are destined to meet. Remember: Do not tell your problems to whom
have to attend as a customer.
ATTITUDE TOWARD THE MESSAGE: The message between client and representative of the organization so
is the product or service that is demanded or offered.
ATTITUDE TOWARD HIMSELF: there are people who love themselves and some people do not want
much, there are people who look like winners and those who underestimated.
The attitude that is held about himself, has big implications for relations with
others, therefore, what is required for a good service, people with a winning mentality
and a high estimate of themselves.
In short what is the hub of business and customer relationships, which are undoubtedly needed.
The needs of people are basically derived from a classification or ranking
ranging from the most basic to most complex. One of the best known classifications is the
made by the psychologist Abraham Maslow, who determined the following scale:
Type of need | Examples | Application |
Basic physiological needs | Food, clothing, shelter, sex, | Surviving |
Physical security needs | Work, retirement, health. | I am free of hazards |
Needs for affection and love. | Friendship, acceptance, social life. | I am concerned |
Needs assessment and | Recognition, status, progress. | I appreciate it. |
Self-actualization needs | Achievements, developing skills. | Am |
Customer Rating sensory
The proper identification of customers is essential to deliver good information and
give them the product or service you truly need.
Everyone sees the world through their senses, that is, get information about what surrounds you
According to sensory representations, for example, sees and feels the world, but each
Some people emphasize more sensory cues over the other, their attention is more focused on
to see that in the hearing or in hearing more than seeing, etc. Hence people are visual,
auditory and kinesthetic.
The visual client
The client of this type, is to show images. He sits with a somewhat rigid position and gives
impression that the neck tends to see better. Accustomed to grasp things with their eyes
on the rest of his senses, for long moments staring at the speaker. If you
passing a leaflet or a document, carefully consider his words betray his emphasis
perceptual, he says things like: I do not see the difference between this … and this one. At first glance
I am interested in this plan, Mmm, I see what you mean, show me what are the benefits
with this, and so on.
Faced with a client of this nature, you must disclose your information to accompany
verbal graphics, photographs, pamphlets, documents, etc. You must also select their words
to fit the sensory representation system of the caller, thereby subjecting him
better informed and / or more easily convinced: Imagine how it will look if you opt for this …..
See the difference: this plan is entirely different from …., Look at yourself with
loan taken out, let me describe this convenient payment system.
Customer ear
This type of guy basically captures the world with their ears. When a person hearing will
listen, his eyes fixed at a point down, giving the ear or head to the tip
hand to receive the message home. The client expressed ear and usually easily
nice voice (like to listen to himself), choosing his words because his approach is
important are these the right ones. Betrays its sensory representation system with phrases
as I’ve heard good of this institution, tell me, the benefits gained from the service … ”
Using the phone has the advantage of communicating in a few minutes with the person you want and
avoid unnecessary trips to the loss of time involved. Also stimulates
Talk accurate and eliminates the accessory or irrelevant.
The disadvantage in using the phone is marked by the visual absence of the interlocutor, which is not
can observe their reactions.
Hence, who answers the phone, you must have the following qualities:
ATTENTION Being able to listen attentively.
Expressly give emphasis to words, to avoid monotony and to demonstrate
Naturally have to use a normal tone, relaxed and natural.
SYMPATHY The voice should be pleasant to hear, friendly and jovial.
Modular CLARITY carefully, correct pronunciation and diction
The following simple rules are the key to courtesy and efficiency in the use of the phone.
1. Answer the call quickly.
2. When you have to leave his desk, order a person who took his
calls. Leave instructions about where you can be reached by telephone and when
3. Take a pencil and paper.
4. If for some reason have to leave the horn, do it delicately.
5. Do not interrupt or are impatient. Listen carefully. Do not make the other person
have to be repeating what he says because he was not given due attention.
6. Do not talk with the stylus or other object in the mouth.
7. Do not yell over the phone
8. By asking the caller to wait, wait your reply. When you return the phone,
give thanks for waiting. If obtaining the information will take some time, give back
the call.
9. If the person runs too long to speak, interrupt with a monosyllable
so you know that you are paying attention.
10. Plan your conversation before you make a call.
11. Say goodbye and hang nicely on the horn with care.
No doubt that the use of the phone is most often what one is confronted
secretary, hence the benefit of the company’s image and in pursuit of a quality is
• Never do wait for a caller while you get information, nor do
wait so he hung before you return. Remember, you must know
company where she works and its objectives.
· When you make a business call, identify yourself without waiting to be asked who
· When you receive a call to someone in the office that is not present, then
a note and do not forget to pass it as return.
· When you make a series of calls on a line using several people, try to space
calls so that others can use your phone.
· When you make or receive a call to your boss, do not start a discussion with the other
Chief Secretary on what should be placed first on the phone.
· When you make a call to his boss, make sure he can talk as soon as
the other person is online.
• Do not converse with a friend who called during office hours as if he were at home, nor
do with someone who calls his boss.
· Before starting an explanation or a long conversation with a busy person, ask
if the time is convenient for him.
· When you make a call, wait for the phone to ring six or seven times before
• It is a concerted call:
– We need to pass it immediately.
• It is an unplanned call:
– See if the secretary can attend.
– If it is urgent or an acquaintance, check if the boss can answer.
– If not, leave a message or call back.
• The Boss is but do not want to be interrupted:
– It is suggested that the caller leave a message.
– If you insist, they will return your call as soon as he vacates the boss.
• The boss is in another department:
– Check urgency and importance of the call.
– See if the boss can be interrupted.
• The boss is out of the office:
– Never say where.
– Inform about when to return and take the message.
– Make new call or return.
· Who calls refuses to identify.
– Do not pass the call.
– If the person insists, or claiming to be family or friend of the boss, to consult with it before
transfer the call.
During working hours, personal calls should NOT be done. Avoid them, give a bad
impression about their performance.
Use the following recommendations:
– Never give the job number to friends and acquaintances.
– The number of work must be in your home and should only be used for matters
importance or urgency.
– If you receive a personal call, answer with formality, especially if there are customers
– If you make a personal call, or receives, be brief.
– Make your personal calls at times that do not alter their work.
– Do not make personal long distance calls from the office.
– Do not lend your phone to persons outside the company or colleagues.
– If you pay your phone, you dial the number or pay attention to the number typing.
Work calls
When picking up the phone, it is suggested that you do the following:
– Greet and give the name of the company.
– Check the identity of the caller.
– Call it by name.
– Check reason for the call.
– The caller who should be close communication.
– Filtering calls you may receive the boss.
– Do not give confidential information.
– Resolving issues within its competence.
– Losing control.
– Change the tone of voice.
– Leaving a long time customer on hold.
– Comment out loud without covering the speaker.
– Hang up without saying goodbye.
– Make personal calls during office hours.
– Provide information confidential.
How to operate the phone to the public
Being in the contact zone, means being in the spotlight of the public who access the company
demand for a good or service, hence it is suggested to keep in mind:
1. When answers the phone, there is an audience that is evaluating.
2. Be brief and to act with kindness
3. Demonstrate safety and mastery in what they do and say.
4. Do not answer internal calls too familiar.
5. Do not grimace or gesture of disgust when talking on the phone.
6. Do not make any comment about the person or company which has just spoken by phone
or has treated and left.
7. Do not set the phone or personal conversations with the public
8. If you are not answering the phone, perform another activity, but do not let them look INACTIVE.
How to answer multiple calls at once
1. Do not lose control and be gentle
2. Answer all calls
3. Listen carefully and answer quickly and efficiently, saving time.
4. Do not let the phone ring too.
5. If you are on a call, apologize and ask them to wait in line.
6. Avoid getting in line to the same person twice.
7. Be brief and avoid multiple disruptions to the customer.
8. Have pen and paper handy.
9. Have all the necessary information to hand.
How to answer the phone simultaneously with attention to someone else
1. If you are on the phone and get a customer, ask the customer to wait a minute.
2. When answers the phone to a client, be as short as possible.
3. Never lose control and act with kindness.
4. If you are serving a customer and the phone rings, apologize and attend the call. Do not leave
the phone to ring unnecessarily. If the phone call requires a response shortly
Della. If the solution requires more time, ask the person to wait on line or call
5. Do not attempt to serve a customer and a phone call at the same time, may be confused and
Customer project uncertainty is present.
6. Do not complain about the work that the company has or where she works.
7. Just ask for clarification and give good service. Do not ask personal questions.
How to deal with anonymous calls.
Anonymous calls are unfortunately a shameful practice and that can not be
avoid, therefore, be aware that:
1. Whenever he made an anonymous phone call expects a certain type of reaction on his part. Break it
the scheme.
2. Anonymous calls should not cause you to lose control.
3. Not be lowered to the height of placing anonymous call.
4. Do not engage in a conversation with your partner.
5. Think fast.
6. Remember that these calls usually are made at random, therefore, do not take
7. You can react as follows:
– Normally acts like a current call.
– Do not say anything and do not hang the speaker until the speaker does or
you do it gently.
– Act as if you do not hear the caller and can not hear it repeated that while he or she
What to do with the complaints TO AVOID
Getting angry to be decided
Listen carefully Discuss (another activity)
We suggest: Knowing the answer. Being pedantic
Properly explained. Being sarcastic
Speak clearly. Pause.
Apparently agree. Leave impossible customer
Ancillary techniques to improve the objections
Objecting means to present objections to an idea. Often it is objecting to this or that idea or
suggestion, to do this, please note that:
1. An objection, ask questions that make the person see the problem from another point
view. Make the customer think about the topic, and be easier to find a solution.
2. Try to make the objection raised by the customer at a profit.
3. Faced with an objection, refútela with facts, statistics show, the product standards
security, etc.
4. Accept the objection if the customer is right and promise to improve the deficiency.
5. Suggest. When you suggest, it means I have to reach my own conclusions.
How to deal with complaints
1. Thank the customer for calling his attention to the problem and give you the opportunity
to correct the problem (But never assume an air shield).
2. Tell the client is very sorry that he caused a nuisance. (But do not apologize in
company name yet. Does not even know yet who is at fault).
3. Enter all information. (If the client once said all he had to say, both
4. Never interrupt or argue, or try to justify themselves. (But you can ask questions to clarify
any doubt).
5. Tell the client about what you intend to do and ask if you agree. Then
take the necessary measures. (Keep the customer informed).
How to prepare responses
1. Make a list of objections, complaints and claims more common.
2. Increase when a new list.
3. Write the solutions and answers for each of them.
4. Learn the final conclusions.
How to prevent complaints
Usually when a client wants to file a complaint, is sensed. You may have had
long time to wait to be attended by you as another person occupied much of his time
when they appropriate the opportunity to serve you, you presents the situation before the
customer concerned is the right present to you.
In our case, you will need to tell you kindly: I regret that it had
wait that long. I imagine how it feels. You can see that has been a special day
In the form which stated, you are going to disarm the customer. Will be right down the tension and
certainly does not raise your complaint, or at least do it in a less energetic as I thought
do so immediately