Project Approach: Analyze, Build, Evaluate

Technology: is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

The project approach is a very simple method used to address issues and find solutions to our problems. The project approach is grouped in three areas: Analyse: Detect the problem or need: we have to think in what is the problem, what do we need to solve it and what are the conditions to solve it. It is important to do this step very good to make easier the rest of the process. Information and research: we search, study and select information that will help us to solve the problem in different ways. We can study similar products to get ideas. Search for possible solutions: we think of the different options we have to solve the problem. Choose the solution: we choose the best solution based on the criteria that we set as priorities and after analysing the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

Build:  Design: we do sketches and diagrams of our chosen solution. First we do them freehand and then with more details. It is important to the product to be aesthetically pleasing. Prepare and plan the work: we choose the materials, techniques and tools we are going to need. We split the work into small tasks and decide how long we need to spend in each. Build the product: we build and finish the product. We use our theoretical knowledge, the tools, materials and techniques we chose earlier. We have to economise in materials.

Evaluate: Check the results: we check the product works and does what we want and that it has a good appearance. If it is necessary we change some parts of the product. Presentation and assessment: we present our project to the others. Report: We write a report about the product.

Design: it is a stage of the project approach that defines the form and appearance, the cost of the production and the distribution tasks to build a product. Drawings: show how the product is going to look List of materials and tools: it is important to have a list of the things we are going to need and were to get them. We have to be specific. Budget: The budget is the document that we use to evaluate the financial cost of our solution. Especially in companies, the budget is crucial.

BUILDING: Process sheet: It is a document to record the progress of stages of our work each day. In it, we describe the completed tasks and the name of the people in charge of them, the difficulties we had and any changes or modifications.

EVALUATION: Project report: a place where we put if the product works how we expected and satisfies the initial conditions, we evaluate the production process and the planning and we write how we could improve the design of the product.


Description of the prototype.

List of modifications made.

Final drawing of the solution.

Total cost of the project, with modifications, and the number of hours spent on it.

Environmental impact of the solution created.

Your own conclusion about the results.


Roles: Coordinator, Secretary, Tools manager, Materials manager, Cleaning manager

Rules of safety: Keep the workshop clean, Use a brush to clean shavings off your table, Keep your workstation tidy, Use tools properly, Do not eat or drink, Tie long hair back, Do not interrupt classmates while they are cutting something, Try to economise material.


  • Morphological analysis: Shapes, Size, Color, Drawing
  • Functional analysis: It is used for…, It functions…, Potential risks
  • Technical analysis: Materials, Parts, How the parts are made, How the parts are attached, Environmental risks
  • Economic analysis: How is sold (units, grams, litres…), What material is cheaper, Price
  • Social analysis: Social impact, Environmental impact

  • Aesthetic analysis: Colours (shiny, mate…), It looks nice, How it feels to the fingers, Soft
  • Historical analysis?

PRICE: Crucial element in the sale of a product/It is related to production costs but it is also part of the business strategy of the company

When we set a price we consider: the profit margin that we want to obtain, the prices of similar products and the sensitivity of the consumer.

Marginal benefits are the maximum amount a consumer will pay for an additional good or service.

Sometimes low prices can encourage de consumers to buy. But other times, if prices are too low, the costumers can think the quality is poor.

Common distribution channels: Wholesale: the product is supplied to retailers and large customers. Retail sale: the product is offered directly to the end user.Online sale: the product is distributed through websites.

Promotion channels: Advertising campaigns (TV, newspaper, digital media)/Sometimes cause non-existent needs/Staple products don´t need promotion

OBSOLESCENCE:Products have fallen into disuse because they don´t have the functionality of new technologies appearing on the market.

  • Technological obsolescence: When a new product has been created and replaces another one, technological obsolescence occurs.
  • Functional obsolescence: the reduction of the parts of an object because they are no longer needed and have become old and obsolete.
  • Legal obsolescence:The law does not allow the use of certain assets unless specific changes are made or a renewal is carried out. This happens because there are dangers when using certain products
  • Aesthetic obsolescence:When a product or asset goes out of style, owners want to revamp it so it doesn’t become obsolete and stick with popular fashions.
  • Economic obsolescence: refers to the loss of value of a real estate property due to factors that are external to the property.
  • Planned obsolescence:is a strategy to ensure that the current version of a given product is out of date within a known period of time. This ensures that consumers look for replacements in the future, thus driving demand.