
L `Evolution Theory
Landslides Fixism the `evolution
The Fixism
was proposed by George couver (1769-1832). This thorium believed that all species are independent and remain unchanged over time since its creation.
For evolutionism theory that the universe `s all manifestations of life are the product of` development. The diversity of species is the result of `il change adaptation.
Among the evolutionary theories properly, we highlight the following:
The Lamarckisme
is the first comprehensive theory of biological evolution l `. S `exposes the Philosophy zoo, the work of French naturalist Jean-Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier deLamarck (1744-1829), published in 1809.
Defense basically the following statements:
– There is a gradual progression in December of `simplest organisms to some other more complex.
– The mechanism by which changes occur graduates are
adapting to `l` l `atmosphere for you and the disuse of certain organs.
– L `exercise of the organs developed and perfected.
S `asi acquired characters are inherited, allowing you to adapt better to the conditions of l` environment.
According to
Darwinism Darwin `s strike up a fight for survival because there is more than living resources, which involves a process of natural selection.
The Mutacionisme By 1901, Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) distinguished two types of variations: the modifications caused by environmental changes and that `s not inherited, and mutations, which are alterations that occur in the genes of organisms live and transmitted by inheritance.
Theory sintectica mutations or neo-Darwinism explain the variations that `s casual organisms inherit, and natural selection directs the course of l` Evolution eliminating variations less equipped and better-adapted individuals perpetuating.
Differences with the animal avantapassats
Differences in biochemical, genetic and anatomical
Since biochemical and genetic point of view there are major differences between the `man and the anthropoids: the first has 23 pairs of chromosomes, while the large anthropoid apes have in 24.
– Reducing the size of the teeth and jaws.
– The shape of the hand and its ability (a complex and precise).
– Bipedal and upright position, made possible by the changes in the hips and feet, which increased the capacity of `observation and released his hands.
– The development of brain size that was tripled, with an increasing complexity that led to the culture (technical, symbols, etc.)..
Regarding differences in behavior to behavior, l `human being has the features characteristic of animal life, such as the independence of the environment and specific control over this, but also enjoy the following distinctive features:
– The capacity of symbolization. It `s own human being communication through symbols, while the` animal communicates only with natural signs.
– Life in reality.Our intelligence allows us to capture things as realities.
– The feeling of the body. To achieve a fair knowledge of reality is necessary to know the human body.

– L `openness to the world. L` human beings for their intelligence, are capable of understanding things that are `beyond the situation that is` s space and time, and their willingness to capable of wanting them.
– The free will. L `human being` s only animal able to say no to satisfy their appetites instinctive `d choose their future by building it with his actions and his inaction.
– The inconclusio. L `human being is never finished, concluded.
– The capficament. L `human beings have a self, from which the curtain can be orietar, govern their actions and develop ideas and projects.
– `The ability to reason and imagine. The fantasy or imagination is the capacity that allows us to create innovative projects and ideas.
Human nature, culture and individual
Cultural Animal Posters
Culture introduces a `kind of adaptation that provides effective mechanisms such as the symbolic language and technique, allowing to focus the world, reducing the complexity of l` Work Experience and achieve certainty and confidence to the dangers.
L `individualism and its limits
This new concept of individual freedom was developed over time to become what is known as `s theory of possessive individualism.
Every human being `s sole proprietor of his person and his abilities and not because of them nothing to society. `L` s claims that individual free will as far as he `d owner, its capabilities and the product of` them, without being dependent on the will of others, their environment, their society.
T. Hobbes
Describe it as a stage of life Primario in which the individuals themselves to satisfy their OWN needs encaminan materials. homo homini lupus, fuerza a nature that the person to fight for its objetivos y fuerza where the imposing. It is a situation of absolute equality with respect to the defense of the propios intereses pero tambien war and struggle.
CONTRACT PLANTEA that Hobbes is a COVENANT of all individuals in which each both by renouncing their natural freedoms to do what you want at any time, for a delegarlas sovereignty or in the Assembly after they waived all rights to all asume .