Methodological Guidelines and Evaluation in Primary Education

Definition of Terms


Joint media implemented rationally to obtain a certain result. The method concept is broader than technical.


It is the kind of knowledge which usually applies to instruments or tools for the teaching-learning process. For example, in the teaching of history, the study of a particular era or historical event through a film or videotape.


Is a set of actions ordered and completed, that is, aimed at achieving a goal. Remember that in the LOGSE are part of the content, facilitating the knowledge of facts or concepts and the assimilation of attitudes or values. For example, develop a chronological which compare the historical evolution of our century at various levels (personal, family, local, national and global).


Materials are available for educational action, which are an inseparable part called “human resources”, including teachers.

Teaching Strategies

Consist of the arrangements for teaching knowledge, by means such as team building work and the exhibition forms, or putting into play a variety of techniques and resources, conveniently divided into a few steps assembled together.

Most Innovative Aspects of the Education System Reform

With regard to learning factual, methodological requirements to classify the activities aimed at memorization. It is desirable that the rote learning of facts and data is interleaved with other learning. When it comes to conceptual learning, is aimed at understanding and learning is imposed significativo. Cuando the aim is learning procedures and attitudes should be route to learning through discovery.

New Methodological Guidelines in the LOE

  1. Development of educational theories from the consideration of attention to diversity and access for all pupils to mainstream education, taking into account the different rates of learning and fostering students’ ability to learn independently.
  2. Active and participatory methodology, fostering individual and collaborative work of students in the classroom.
  3. Teachers will work together to provide a multidisciplinary educational process.
  4. In the school based management and teaching schedules will be set out strategies to be developed by teachers to achieve the intended objectives and the acquisition by students of basic powers.
  5. The curricula of all areas will include a compulsory activities in which students must read, write and express themselves orally.

Methodological Principles for Knowledge of the Area

  1. Promote significant learning. There needs to be a logical significance in the learning object content, and psychological significance in the learner. Students must have prior knowledge to activate and interact with the new material. The work of teachers in guiding such learning will create conditions so that students faced with the new content.
  2. From the students’ prior knowledge. The assimilation of the new content is being made from earlier schemes. The first task is a diagnostic assessment, know the skills that come with the children. The purpose of this task is to help them build an understanding of reality.
  3. Encourage interaction in the classroom. We must foster environments where possible the dialogue and debate among all the people who make the educational community.
  4. Have to adapt to the different characteristics of students. The individualization of instruction is one of the reasons why you can not impose a single method applicable to all students. Therefore, the methodological treatment of the content area will, in the early stages, through exploration strategies.
  5. Encourage learner participation. This feature is required by the LOGSE, by proposing a methodology that ensures active student participation in the processes of teaching and learning. It is necessary to organize learning strategies, educational intervention and activities that directly and actively involve their own students.
  6. Encourage motivation by encouraging and maintaining student interest using diverse strategies.
  7. Must be globalizing. Globalization is one of the essential features of meaningful learning because it is based on the structure of the child’s thinking and girls, ranging from general to particular.
  8. Encourage the exploration and environmental research. Meaningful learning requires the development of research capacities, to explore and search for explanations and solutions to real problems.

Primary Education Evaluation

A) Procedural Guidelines

The Primary Education DCB establishing evaluation as a key process element and in educational practice, inseparable from it and forming a unit with it. It allows to obtain information, make value judgments and make decisions about the teaching – learning. It also defines the what, how, when and what to evaluate.

B) Mode

This method involves four basic functions:

  1. Collect information to evaluate situations.
  2. Making value judgments supported by the data and the previously selected goals.
  3. Action guide and redirect teaching and individual learning processes.
  4. Making decisions about the processes that are analyzed.

C) Functions

The essential functions of the evaluation will involve the crushing of a set of tasks:

  1. Collect information: Importante porque is the task requires mastery of techniques: Select techniques applicable to the collection of information. Select the situations in which the collection takes place. Select and prepare appropriate instruments.
  2. Make value judgments: Describe progress and difficulties individuales. Describir development capabilities.
  3. Counsel: Redirect the educational event of the previous phases when showing your necesidad. Proponer alternatives to the deficiencies found for: The scheduling docente. La intervention aprendizajes. La teaching processes.
  4. Making decisions: Deciding the aspects of promotion and retention of students and alumnas. Adoptar supplementary educational measures that they deem appropriate, should stay.

D) Techniques and Assessment Tools

Means the collection of information, the first task requires mastery of technical data that we generally call. Have been considered as tools and techniques of evaluation, the / the following:

  • Observation: The process of sustained attention and voluntary (Records of group behavior. Anecdotarios. Diarios class).
  • Interrogation: It’s basically asking what we want to know (Interviews (directive, non-directive, mixed). Questionnaires (self): open and cerrados. La sociometry.
  • Analysis of tasks: Is the source of more useful and valuable information on the number of references it provides. It also has a value added motivation, continuous encouragement, that students receive from the nearby presence of teachers.
  • Evidence of a different type, include: written, oral single, collective, objective, test or free response. In primary education should have a value complementary to other techniques.