Medieval Spanish Literature: An Overview

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glosses, moaxaha, jarcha, matchmaker.



Romance languages Substrate folk, lyrical Galician language, caste xiv; polygenesis: thematic, and linguistic unit Greco-Roman literature, Latin prestige Originality: new relationship with previous work, not is plagiarism, exempla; zejel.
Texts medieval two periods, until the fifteenth and despues.Viven princip own language and Latin, modify and permeate; Castilian unstable phone, sintac, graf to q encodes AlfonX and imitate him.

Orality and Writing

Relationship between 1Setting, transmission, and preservation of texts; by: Tradició n oral. Many texts were created and transmitted orally without any written documentation (narrative, lyric, epic, …). Lived were created and transmitted orally. It is characterized by: – Live in the collective memory passed down from generation to generation has a creator, “They are anonymous variants, with the same consideration and value-literature, as stated by Menéndez Pidal, lives in a dormant state. Some medieval chroniclers you use materials epics as historical sources. Have social group in charge of transmitting traditional literature:


s on the main broadcasters, using their memory and improvisational skills. They were able to modify the text. Dramatized texts with movements, but not dramatizing. Orality concerns the dissemination of texts and is therefore overlaps modificadosAbundantes the public and “verbun dicendi” Tradició No handwritten. The manufacturing of books are the monasteries and secular books also through as workshop, that of Alfonso X. The process is very expensive. (Materials, pen, ink, miniature …) For this reason there are few copies of the originals, making only the strictly necessary and the risk of becoming very alto.Algunos forgiveness texts are modified by the existence of a legitimacy from the political, moral, religious, but many copyists sign the work, bringing us biographical data.Print. It is an invention of the mid-fifteenth and s is a system that retained the texts cornering other systems. Until 1500 and the forms of the origins of printing are called incunabula.
The printing involves a number of advantages: less risk of loss, minor alteration of texts, several samples from the original published 2presentacion t ext, song, recitation, public reading, personal reading, original theatrical rep: new work contains old wing, not is plagio.Gonzalo berceo.Consecuencias: 1autor acknowledges his inferiority scriptu2recurren citations of authority, manuales3topoi (humilitas, captatio benevolentiae locus amoenus (deamor reason, mialgros of berceo, book good love).
Religiousness and didacticism.
Epoca theocentric, theology, bible , clergymen, literature mirarse.Secularzacion mirror where the Teaching / learning, writing sermons and ejmplo, literary aesthetics to delight.



hero epics starring q represents a significant history sociedad.Acontecimiento people simbolo.Problema with the social value of honor sist basis of ethical and political relations vasallatics of EM.Sentido historicity narar a fact that occurred and what engarndece.
Epica-story has the function pidal deinformar (1140 events are cmc 1099) Smith wants to write and use historical detail to be credible, Montana is a text on past into the present interprestacion ric propagandista.Federic born to be a minstrel sings, nara symbolic acts, but they are written orale, romance epics now.


Esc individualistic / esc combination tradiciionalist.Dos phases.


adaprta molds are jugglers:
singing or reciting requisites (1116) .2 q recites epic types narrative poetry and lyrical poetry that grow sentimental (couplet, serranilla). Poetry Tabman epic poem called, romacero viejo.Divierte to others, depends jerarkia spectacle, repertoire, yambiente.Vitalizan the lengua.Inspiracion intuitive skills, know trivium, irregularity anisosyllabism sinalefa assonance.

Mester didacticism clergy

med.Estudiaba IVRT and curriculum universid cuadrv in monasticism and uni liberal arts, law, medicine, and authors spasa x univers cultos.Mester are engendered Mbits sxiii eclesiàstics, wore huge, cultism and Rhetoric, verse and no runs, isosilabico Diaeresis consonant, type d moral.QuadernaVia religious theme verse stanza rhyme metric of 4, 14 syllables divided into 2 hemistikios with caesura. (Libro de Alexandre, libr Apollonius, p fernan gnlz, life san millan)


sxiii the encontrams the glosas.Testimoniso historcs, geographer (chronic Alfonsine)
Coleccion stories and sentencing judgments exempla and sermons and preachers are born to maintain attention, collect stories of Funet (trad crist, arabe, oriental, folklo, old) xq didactico.Hay higher order narrative story structure framework in dialogue and then narrates the exemplum (cuento.Hay 1impedir death sentences (Sendebar xiii) 2maestro advised (CNDE Lucanor xiv) 3For entertain (corbacho).
Sentimental fiction prose.
Public ad + q didactico than for linguistic excellence and literary adventures, mor, fighting, love viajes.Rasgos cuts: experience of love, man serving woman, caste and courage, discretionary, ritual, support amnte, just love corrspondido in tragedy (libr good love arciprestre of hita, 1330, autobiographical) (d prison love, Diego de San Pedro, 1485.Leriano and fireweed, or unhappy, leriano suicide, crying mother) habaln cast in popular language.


Origins 1 minstrels, Christian 2litugia (tropes). Tropo EVOLUT litug and then the drama theater romancede the Latin to the religious to the pagan ship-church-street. (auto Kings, xii, theatrical text) There actividd theatrical 1formas semiteatrales (debate poems, dances of death, poems, dialogue) 2espectaculos paratheatrical (malabaresy courtier profane, religious procesio corpus) (xv momos represent cutting costly) No buildings theater Acarreta, no companies, fans, the audience captive, decorated Simultaneous; actividd didactic, not entretenmto