Medical Terminology: Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes & More
Medical Terminology
Word Roots
Word Root | Meaning |
Abdomin/o | Abdomen |
Acr/o | extremities |
Aden/o | gland |
Adren/o | adrenal gland |
Adip/o | fat |
Aden/o | gland |
Adenoid/o | adenoids |
Albin/o, Leuk/o | white |
Albumin/o | albumin |
Aliment/o | nutrition |
Alveol/o | alveolus |
Amni/o | amniotic sac |
Ankyl/o | bent, crooked, curved, stiff |
Angi/o, Vas/o, Vascul/o | blood vessel |
Anis/o | unequal |
Aort/o | aorta |
Append/o, Appendic/o | appendix |
Aspir/o | to breath in or suck in |
Arthr/o, Articul/o | joint |
Arteri/o, Arter/o | Artery |
Ather/o | Yellowish plaque or fatty material |
Atri/o | atrium |
Audit/o, Audi/o | Hearing |
Aur/o, Aur/i, Auricul/o, Ot/o | Ear |
Bacteri/o | bacteria |
Balan/o | glans penis |
Bil/o, Chol/o | bile |
Blast/o | immature cell |
Bronchi/o, Bronch/o | bronchus |
Bucc/o | cheek |
Calc/o | calcium |
Capn/o, Capn/I | carbon dioxide |
Carcin/o | cancer |
Cardi/o | heart |
Carp/o | Carpals |
Caud/o, Infer/o | Downward & toward the tail |
Cerebr/o | brain, cerebrum |
Cerebell/o | cerebellum |
Cervic/o | cervical neck, cervix |
Cephal/o | Head or upward |
Cleid/o, Clavic/o, Clavicul/o | Clavicle |
Chol/o, bil/o | bile |
Chol/e | bile, gall |
Cheil/o | lip |
Cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
Col/o, colon/o | colon |
Colp/o, Vagin/o | vagina |
Cost/o | rib |
colo, colon | colon (section of large intestine) |
Conjunctiv/o | Conjunctiva |
Corne/o, Kerat/o | Cornea |
Coron/o | crown, encircle |
crani/o | cranium, skull |
crin/o | secrete |
cry/o | cold |
Crypt/o | hidden |
cyan/o | blue |
Cyt/o | cell |
Cyst/o, Vesic/o | urinary bladder |
Dacryaden/o | Tear gland |
Dent/o, ordont/o | tooth |
derm/o, dermat/o, cutane/o | skin |
Diaphragmat/o, Phren/o | Diaphragm |
Dipl/o | double |
Dips/o | thirst |
Dist/o | Away from or away from the point of attachment |
Dors/o | The back |
Duoden/o | duodenum |
Duct/o | lead, carry |
Dur/o | dura mater |
electr/o | electric, electricity |
Enter/o | small intestine |
erythr/o | red |
enchephal/o | Brain |
Epididym/o | epididymis |
Episi/o, Vulv/o | External female genitalia |
Esophag/o | esophagus |
Extend | straighten out |
Evert | turn outward |
Femor/o | femur |
fibr/o | fiber |
Fibul/o | fibula |
Flex | bending |
Gastr/o | stomach |
gli/o | glue, glia cells |
Glyc(os)/o, Gluc(os)/o | sugar, sweet |
Gloss/o, Lingu/o | tongue |
Glomerul/o | glomerulus |
Gravid/o | pregnancy |
Gynec/o, Gyn/o | woman |
hem/o, hemat/o | blood |
Hepat/o | liver |
Herni/o | hernia |
hist/o | tissue |
hydr/o | water, watery fluid |
hidr/o | sweat |
Humer/o | humerus |
Hypophys/o | pituitary gland |
Hyster/o, Metri/o, Uter/o | Uterus |
Invert | turn inward |
Ile/o | ileum |
Ili/o | Ilium |
Immun/o | protection, immunity |
Ischi/o | ischium, hold back |
Irid/o, Ir/o | Iris |
Jejun/o | jejunum |
kerat/o | hard, cornea |
Ket/o | ketone |
Labyrinth/o | Inner ear |
Lacrim/o, Dacry/o | Tears |
Lact/o | milk |
Laryng/o | larynx |
Later/o | toward the side |
Laryng/o | larynx |
Lei/o, leiomy/o | smooth (muscle) |
Leuk/o | white |
Lip/o | fat |
Ligament/o | Ligament |
Lingu/o, Gloss/o | tongue |
Lob/o | lobe |
Lumba/o | Lower back or side between ribs & pelvis |
Lymph/o | lymph, lymphatic system |
Lymphaden/o | lymph gland, lymph node |
Medi/o | toward the middle |
Metacarp/o | metacarpals |
Metatars/o | metatarsals |
Metri/o, Uter/o, Hyster/o | Uterus |
Melan/o | black, dark |
Morph/o | form, shape |
Myx/o | mucus |
My/o, Myos/o | muscle |
Myocardi/o | Cardiac muscle |
Myc/o | fungus |
Myel/o | bone marrow and spinal cord |
Narc/o | sleep |
Nat/o | birth |
nephr/o, ren/o | kidney |
necr/o | death of tissue |
nucle/o | nucleus |
neur/o | nerve |
Nyctal/o | night |
onych/o | nail |
Olig/o | few, scanty |
Ophthalm/o, Opt/o, Ocul/o | Eye |
Orch/o, Orchi/o, Test/o, Testicul/o | Testicles, testes |
Orchid/o | Testicles, testes |
Ordont/o | tooth |
Orth/o | straight |
Or/o, stomat/o | mouth |
oste/o | bone |
Ot/o | ear |
Ovari/o, Oophor/o | Ovaries |
Ov/o, Ov/I, Ovul/o, O/o | Ovum or Egg |
Ox/o, Ox/a | oxygen |
Path/o | disease |
Pachy/o | thick |
Palpebr/o | Eye lid |
Patell/o | patella |
Pancreat/o | pancreas |
Pelv/o | Pelvis |
Pen/I, Phall/o | penis |
Phalang/o | phalanges |
Phak/o | lens |
Pharyng/o | pharynx |
Phren/o | Diaphragm |
Pleur/o | pleura |
Poster/o, Dors/o | Back or behind |
Pneumon/o, Pneum/o, Pulmon/o | Lung |
Pneum/o, Pneumon/o | Air |
pulmon/o | lung |
Pupill/o, Core/o, Cor/o | pupil |
Pub/o | pubis |
Proct/o | rectum, anus |
Prostat/o | prostate |
Proxim/o | Near or nearer to the point of attachment |
Py/o | pus |
Pylor/o | pylorus |
Pyel/o | renal pelvis |
Sacr/o | Sacrum |
Salping/o | fallopian (uterine) tube |
sarc/o | flesh |
Scapul/o | scapula |
Scler/o | sclera |
Seb/o | sebum |
Sialoaden/o | salivary glands |
Sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon |
Soma | Body |
Somn/o(i) | sleep |
Spermat/o, Sperm/o | sperm |
Spin/o | Spine |
Splen/o | spleen |
Spir/o | breathing |
Stern/o | sternum |
Stomat/o, Or/o | mouth |
Synovi/o | synovial |
Radi/o | radius |
Rhabdomy/o | Skeletal muscle |
Ren/o, nephr/o | kidney |
Retin/o | Retina |
Rhin/o, Nas/o | nose |
Rhytid/o | wrinkle |
Tars/o | tarsal |
Tendon/o, Tendin/o, Ten/o | tendon |
Test/o, Testicul/o, Orch/o, Orchi/o, Orchid/o | Testicles, testes |
Thorac/o | Chest |
Thromb/o | clot |
Thym/o | thymus |
Thyr/o, Thyroid/o | thyroid gland |
Tibi/o | tibia |
Tonsill/o | tonsil |
Toxic/o | poison, poisoning |
Trache/o | trachea |
Troph/o | nourishment |
Trich/o | hair |
Tympan/o, Myring/o | Ear drum |
Uln/o | ulna |
Umbilic/o | naval |
Ureter/o | ureter |
Urethr/o | urethra |
Ur/o, Urin/o | urine or urinary system/tract |
Uter/o, Metri/o, Hyster/o | uterus |
Vagin/o, Colp/o | vagina |
Varix/co | Enlarged vein |
vas | vessel |
Valvul/o | valve |
Ven/o, Phleb/o | vein |
Ventricul/o | ventricle |
Ventr/o, Anteri/o | The front/belly side |
Vertebr/o, spondyl/o | vertebra |
Vesic/o, cyst/o | urinary bladder |
Viscer/o | internal organs |
Vulv/o, Episi/o | External female genitalia |
Xanth/o | yellow |
Xer/o | dry |
Prefix | Meaning |
A-, an- | without, not, lack of |
Ab- | away from |
Add- | toward |
Andro- | masculine, male |
Auto- | self, same |
Basi-, Baso- | base |
Bio- | life |
Brady- | abnormally slow |
Circum- | around |
Choroido- | choroid |
Crypt- | hidden |
Dia- | through, complete |
Dys- | painful, difficult, abnormal |
Dis- | separate |
Hemi- | half |
Hyper- | Over, above normal, excessive |
Hypo- | Under, below normal, deficient |
In- | not |
Em- | in |
Endo- | inside, within |
Epi- | Above |
Eso- | inward |
Eu- | Good, normal, true |
Ex- | out |
Exo- | outward |
Inter- | between, among |
Intra- | inside, within |
Macro- | large, long |
Micro- | small |
Mono- | one |
Nulli- | none |
Pan- | all |
Para- | beside, other than |
Per- | through |
Peri- | around, surrounding |
Poly- | many, much, excessive |
Post- | after, behind |
Pre- | before |
Primi- | first |
Pro- | before, promoting |
Pseudo- | false |
Quadri- | four |
Retro- | backward, behind |
Sub-, infra- | below, beneath |
Supra-, super- | above |
Syn-, Sym- | joined together |
Tachy- | abnormally fast |
Tetra- | four |
Trans- | across, through |
Ure- | urine, urea |
Suffix | Meaning |
-ac, -al, -ary, -ic, -ous, -tic, -ar | pertaining to |
-algia, -dynia | pain or ache |
-ase | enzyme |
-asthenia | weakness |
-carcinoma | malignant tumor of epithelial tissue |
-cele | herniation, protrusion |
-cide | substance that kills |
-centesis | puncture to aspirate |
-crine | secretion |
-cusis | hearing |
-cyte | cell |
-cytosis | temporary increase in an abnormal condition |
-derma | skin |
-desis | surgical binding or fusion |
-dipsio | thirst |
-ectomy | excision, surgical removal |
-ectasis, ectasia | stretching, dilation |
-edema | accumulation of fluid in body tissues |
-emia | blood condition |
-emesis | vomiting |
-gen | origin, production |
-genic | originating, producing |
-genesis | formation & development |
-gram | record, recording |
-graph | instrument used to record |
-graphy | process of recording |
-gravida | pregnant |
-iasis | presence or formation of |
-ism, -ia | condition of |
-icle, -ole, -ule | small |
-itis | inflammation |
-ium | pertaining to body region, structure |
-ion | process of |
-ism | the state of |
-ist | One who specializes |
-kinesia | movement |
-lith | stone, calculus |
-logy | study of |
-lysis | breakdown, destruction |
-malacia | softening |
-megaly | enlargement |
-meter | instrument used for measuring |
-metry | measurement of |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-oma | tumor |
-opia, -opsia | vision, sight |
-optosis | drooping |
-orrhaphy | surgical suturing of |
-orrhagia | excessive flowing (blood), hemorrhage |
-oxia | oxygen |
-partum, -tocia | labor, childbirth |
-paresis | weakness, slight paralysis |
-pathy | any disease |
-penia | deficiency, decrease |
-pepsia | digestion |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
-phasia | speech, speak |
-phagia | eating |
-phonia | condition of the voice |
-plasia | proper formation, growth |
-plasty | surgical repair, reconstruction |
-plegia | paralysis |
-pnea | breathing |
-poiesis | production, formation of |
-ptysis | coughing or spitting |
-ologist | specialist in |
-rrhea | flowing, discharge |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-sarcoma | malignant tumor of connective tissue |
-sis | action, process, condition, or state |
-scope | lighted instrument used to view or examine |
-scopy | process of viewing or examining with lighted instrument |
-spasm | involuntary movement |
-stasis | stopping, standing still |
-stenosis | narrowing |
-stomy | artificial or surgical opening |
-taxia | coordination |
-tomy | incision, cutting |
-tocia, partum | labor, childbirth |
-thorax | in the chest cavity |
-toxin | poison |
-tripsy | crushing |
-trophy | development, nutrition |
-tropic, -tropin | stimulating the function of |
-tome | cutting instrument |
-um | structure |
-uria | urination, urine |
Singular and Plural Endings
Singular Ending | Rule | Plural Ending | Example |
a | keep -a, add -ea | ae | vertebra (a spinal bone) -> vertebrae |
en | drop -en, add -ina | ina | foramen (hole) -> foramina |
ex | drop -ex, add -ices | ices | pollex (thumb) -> polices |
ion | drop -ion, add -ia | ia | ganglion (nerve cell bodies) -> ganglia |
is | drop -is, add -es | es | ankylosis (stiff joint) -> ankyloses |
is | drop -is, add -es | es | testis (male reproductive gland) -> testes |
on | drop -on, add -a | a | spermatozoon (male sex cell) -> spermatozoa |
ix | drop -ix, add -ices | ices | appendix -> appendices |
ium | drop -ium, add -ia | ia | epithelium (tissue type) -> epithelia |
um | drop -um, add -a | a | atrium (upper heart chamber) -> atria |
us | drop -us, add -i | i | nucleus (structure within a cell) -> nuclei |
x | drop -x, add -ges | ges | phalanx (finger bone) -> phalanges |
y | drop -y, add -ies | ies | biopsy (tissue sample) -> biopsies |
Terms for the Integument or Disease of the Integument
Arrector pili muscles: Tiny muscles that attach to the hair follicle
Keratin: Protein found in the hair and nails that promotes hardness
Melanin: Dark pigment produced in cells of the skin called melanocytes
Acne: Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles marked by pimples and pustules
Eczema: Inflammatory condition of the skin caused by irritants, food or chemicals
Impetigo: Acute, contagious skin disease caused by Streptococcus or Staphylococcus bacteria
Psoriasis: Chronic skin disease resulting in red patches with white/silver scales
Carcinoma: Malignant tumor of new growth derived from epithelial tissue
Terms for the Skeletal system or Diseases of the Skeletal System
Diaphysis: Shaft of long bones
Epiphysis: Ends of long bones
Epiphyseal plate: The growth area of a long bone
Periosteum: Fibrous membrane surrounding a bone
Endosteum: Membrane lining the central medullary cavity
Medullary: Cavity within a long bone’s shaft filled with bone marrow
Kyphosis: abnormal forward curvature; humpback
Lordosis: abnormal backward curvature
Scoliosis: abnormal lateral curvature
Terms for Joints or Diseases of Joints
Articulation: the site where bones come together; joint
Synovial joint: a joint that moves freely and contains synovial fluid in its cavity
Synovial fluid: Lubricating fluid in a freely movable joint
Ligament: band of strong connective tissue that connects bones or cartilage at a joint
Osteoarthritis: Inflammation of the bones and joints due to were and tear of the articular cartilage and bone
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Inflammation of joints Synovial membranes due to autoimmune degeneration of the connective tissue and joint.
Terms for Muscles or Diseases of Muscles
Striation: a minute groove, scratch, or channel especially when one of a parallel series
3 Muscle types: Skeletal (voluntary & striated), Smooth (involuntary & non-striated), Cardiac (involuntary & striated)
Fascicle: Bundle of muscle fibers
Agonist: Skeletal muscle which creates movement by contraction
Antagonist: Skeletal muscle which opposes an agonist muscle and relaxes when agonist contracts
Myasthenia gravis (MG): Neuromuscular disorder causing weakness and fatigue of voluntary muscles.
Muscular Dystrophy (MD): Hereditary condition causing progressive degeneration of the skeletal muscles.
Terms for Nervous system and Disease of the Nervous system
Cerebellum: posterior portion of the brain that coordinates the voluntary muscles and maintains balance and muscle tone
Cerebrum: largest and uppermost portion of the brain; divided into right and left halves
Brainstem: connects the brain to the spinal cord; consists of the pons and medulla oblongata
Diencephalon: area deep within the brain that contains the thalamus and hypothalamus
Ganglion: group of nerve cell bodies located along the pathway of a nerve
Cauda equine: “Horse tail”, collection of spinal nerves which branch off from the end of the spinal cord and exit at various levels.
Conus medullaris: Tapered, lower end of the spinal cord.
Filum terminale: Delicate strand of meninges which extends from the conus medullaris down to the sacrum and coccyx.
Sulcus: Groove or furrow, usually located on the outer cortex of the cerebrum.
Gyrus: Ridge located between two fissures or sulci on the cortex of the cerebrum.
Cerebrospinal fluid: Fluid located in ventricles of the brain and produced by choroid plexus located in each ventricle.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Immunological based disease where the immune system destroys the myelin sheath of nerves.
Paraplegia: Injury of the spinal cord below cervical vertebrae, which results in paralysis of the lower Half of the body.
Quadraplegia: Injury of the spinal cord within the cervical vertebrae, which results in paralysis of the limbs and lower body functions.
Terms for Special senses and Disease of the Eye and Ear
Choroid: Posterior middle vascular layer
Cerumen: Ear wax of external acoustic meatus.
Auditory Ossicles:
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes
Cochlea: Inner ear structure responsible for hearing.
Vestibule: Chamber of the inner ear.
Accommodation: ability of the eye to adjust focus on near objects
Myringotomy: lancing of the tympanic membrane
Otitis Media: Inflammation of the middle ear caused by allergies, infections or fluid build-up.
Myopia: Nearsightedness
Hyperopia: Farsightedness
Diplopia: Double vision
Terms for Endocrine system and Diseases of the Endocrine system
Acromegaly: Excessive production of growth hormone in adulthood causes thick bones in extremities.
Diabetes Mellitus: Type I – Autoimmune disease resulting in the destruction of insulin producing cells (β-cells) of the pancreas, Type II – Resistance to insulin
Anterior Pituitary Gland
Growth Hormone (GH): Targets bone and tissues to stimulate growth and protein synthesis
Posterior Pituitary Gland
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): Targets kidneys to stimulate water reabsorption
Oxytocin (OXT): Stimulates uterine contractions (uterus) and milk ejection (breasts)
Thyroid Gland
Calcitonin: Maintains normal Ca2+ and PO43- levels in blood by reducing both
Thyroxine (T4): Regulates metabolism by increasing metabolic rate
Parathyroid Gland
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH): Maintains normal Ca2+ and PO43- levels in blood by increasing both
Adrenal Gland
Epinephrine: Responds to stress by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and expanding bronchial airways
Norepinephrine: Responds to stress by increasing blood pressure
Pancreas Gland
Glucagon: Stimulates storage of blood glucose to glycogen
Insulin: Stimulates blood glucose absorption by cells
Terms for Blood/lymphatic system and Diseases of the Blood/lymphatic system
Serum: Blood plasma without clotting elements
Granulocytes: White blood cells with visible granules within the cytoplasm, includes Basophil, Neutrophil & Eosinophil
Agranulocytes: White blood cells without visible granules within the cytoplasm, includes Lymphocyte & Monocyte
Organs of the Lymphatic System: Spleen, Thymus, Tonsils
Important lymph node locations in the body: Axillary (arm pits), Cervical (neck), Mediastinal (center of chest), Inguinal (groin).
Sickle Cell Anemia: Genetic blood disease due to a single amino acid change in the beta-hemoglobin protein, causing pain, fatigue and anemia
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome): Caused by HIV which target CD4+ T-helper cells where the virus replicates, ultimately destroying the cell.
Terms for Cardiovascular system and Diseases of the Cardiovascular system
Arteries: Vessels carrying blood away from the heart
Veins: Vessels carrying blood to the heart
Capillaries: Small blood vessels where gas and nutrient exchange with tissues occur
Atria: Upper receiving chambers of the heart
Ventricles: Lower pumping chambers of the heart
Valves: Structures located throughout the heart, arteries and veins which prevent the backflow of blood
Endocardium: Inner lining of the heart
Myocardium: Middle muscular layer of the heart tissue
Epicardium: Outer lining of the heart
Pericardium: Sac surrounding the heart which facilitates movement of the heart during contractions
Systole: Contraction phase, heart muscle pumps blood from chambers
Diastole: Relaxation phase, heart muscle relaxes & chambers fill w/blood
Sphygmomanometer: Device which measures blood pressure
Heart murmurs: Failure of heart valves to close firmly causing leaking of blood usually caused by stenosis of the heart valves
Heart attack: Death of cardiac muscle tissue usually due to coronary artery blockage
Cardiac arrest: Sudden loss of cardiac activity, usually due to irregular heart rhythms and electrical signals
Hypertension: Persistently high blood pressure
Terms for Respiratory system and Diseases of the Respiratory system
Pneumonia: bacterial infection of the lung causing inflammation and loss of lung function. Mainly due to the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Narrowing of the small bronchi, which hinders or slows expiratory flow. Can be permanent or temporary.
Conditions leading to COPD are:
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Emphysema
Terms for Digestive system and Diseases of the Digestive system
Deglutition: Swallowing
Mastication: Chewing
Peristalsis: Wave-like movement of muscles that push substances along their length
Sphincters: Valves located along the length of the digestive tract which regulate food movement & prevents food moving backwards.
Jaundice: Yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes due to excess bilirubin in the blood.
Crohn’s Disease: Chronic inflammation of the intestines causing ulcers and thickening of the intestinal walls.
Terms for Urinary system and Diseases of the Urinary system
Micturition: Process of expelling or voiding urine
Hydronephrosis: “water inside the kidney” – Obstruction of urine flow out of the kidney usually due to kidney stones.
Hydroureter: “water inside the ureter” – Obstruction of urine flow out of the ureter usually due to kidney stones.
Kidney stones: Small hard mineral deposits with acid salts which form inside kidneys
- Caused by dehydration, gout, excessive vitamin D, animal protein, sugar, & salt
Terms for Reproductive systems and Diseases of the Reproductive system
Genitalia: Male and Female reproductive organs
Hernia: Organ or tissue protrudes through muscle or connective tissue
Inguinal hernia: Intestine or bladder protrudes through the abdominal wall or inguinal canal (common in men)
Femoral hernia: Intestine or bladder protrudes through the canal carrying the femoral artery (common in women)
Ovulation: Release of the ovum from the ovary