Medical Terminology: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Abbreviations
Medical Terminology
Prefixes – Meaning (Example)
a- not/without (arrhythmia)
adipo- fat (adipose tissue)
aero- air/gas (aerodontalgia)
alge- pain (algesthesia)
an- lacking in/without (anemia)
andr- male (androgen)
angi- blood vessel (angiography)
anthropo- man/human being (anthropology)
anti- against (antisepsis)
bi- two/twice (bilateral)
bio- life (biology)
cardio- heart (cardiomyopathy)
cephalo- head (cephalhematoma)
costo- ribs (costalgia)
cyto- cell (cytology)
dent- tooth/teeth (dentistry)
dermato- skin (dermatologist)
dys- painful/poor (dyspepsia)
ecto- outer/external (ectodermis)
endo- inner/internal (endocardium)
gero- old/aged (gerontology)
gyn- female (gynecologist)
hem- blood (hemoglobin)
hepat- the liver (hepatitis)
histo- tissue (histogenesis)
homeo- alike/same (homeometric)
hyper- excessive/beyond (hyperactivity)
hypo- beneath/low (infraorbital)
inter- between (intransverse)
hystero- uterus (hysterectomy)
infra- below (infraorbital)
intra- within (intramuscular)
kinesi- motion (kinesimeter)
kineto- motion (kinetogenic)
leuko- white (leukocyte)
levo- left (levoduction)
lipo- fat (liposuction)
mammo- breasts/mammary glands (mammography)
mast- breasts (mastectomy)
meningo- membranes covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
myco- fungus (mycodermatitis)
necro- death (necroscopy)
nephro- kidney (nephrogram)
neur- nerve/nervous system (neurologist)
noso- disease (nosographic)
onco- tumor (oncosis)
onycho- nail (onychoclasis)
oo- egg/ovary (oocyesis)
oophor- ovary (oophorocystosis)
opthalmo- eye (ophthalmolgia)
opto- vision/eye (optometry)
orchi- testis (orchialgia)
osteo- bone (osteoporosis)
pedo- child/foot (pedodontist, pedograph)
peri- over/surrounding (periosteum)
pharmaco- drugs (pharmacology)
physio- physical/natural (physiopsychic)
pod- foot/foot shaped (podiatrist)
polio- gray/gray matter (poliomyelitis)
pyreton- fever (pyretotherapy)
re- back/again (reflex)
sinistro- left (sinistromanual)
sphygmo- pulse (sphygmomanometer)
spondylo- vertebrae (spondylopathy)
stetho- chest (stethoscope)
stomato- mouth (stomatologist)
thermo- heat (thermometer)
thrombo- blood clot (thrombin)
traumato- wound/injury (traumatology)
ulo- scar (ulodermatitis)
vivi- life/live (vivisection)
xeno- strange/foreign (xenophthalmia)
zoo- animal (zoology, zoonosis)
zygo- joined/junction (zygote)
Suffixes – Meaning (Example)
-algia pain/discomfort (neuralgia)
-ary pertaining to (pulmonary)
-cyte cell (leukocyte)
-esthesia feeling/sensation (anesthesia)
-gen produces/causes (antigen)
-genesis beginning/creation (osteogenesis)
-gram chart/record (mammogram)
-ician one who (physician)
-itis inflammation (gastritis)
-lysis loosening/dissolution/separating (nephrolysis)
-megaly great size (encephalomegaly)
-odynia pain (urodynia)
-ologist one who studies and practices (oncologist)
-ology science/study of (histology)
-oma tumor (lymphoma)
-orexia appetite (anorexia)
-otomy an incision into (lobotomy)
-pathy morbid condition/disease (myopathy)
-plasia formation/development/growth (hyperplasia)
-plasty surgical reconstruction or reshaping (rhinoplasty)
-pnea breathing (apnea)
-rrhage uncontrolled or excessive flow (hemorrhage)
-rrhea fluid discharge (diarrhea)
-sarcoma malignant tumor (rhabdomyosarcoma)
-scope examination (bronchoscopy)
-tome instrument used to cut (dermatome)
-tomy the operation of cutting or making an incision (episiotomy)
-trophy nourishment/development (nephrohypertrophy)
Abbreviations Review
AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
OTC: Over The Counter
DOA: Dead On Arrival
NHS: National Health Service
STDs: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
IV: Intravenous
ICU: Intensive Care Unit
GP: General Practitioner
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
ENT: Ear, Nose, and Throat
WHO: World Health Organization
TB: Tuberculosis or Tubercle Bacillus
A&E: Accident and Emergency
UV: Ultraviolet
PM: Post Mortem
CCU: Coronary Care Unit
CNS: Central Nervous System
O/E: On Examination
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MI: Myocardial Infarction
Abbreviation Dossier
CAT: Computerized Axial Tomography
CHD: Coronary Heart Disease
D&V: Diarrhea and Vomiting
PMA: Progressive Muscular Atrophy
PMT: Premenstrual Tension
RQ: Respiratory Quotient