Materials: Properties, Types, and Applications


Paricular elementary (protons, neutrons, electrons) Source

Of materials.

**Natural materials** are obtained directly from nature (from living or inert). Ex: wood, granite, leather, cotton , wool …** Artificial materials** obtained from raw materials (materials extracted from the natural) after a process of recycled materials. are obtained from objects of same material.

Material Properties


  • Density: d = m / V.
  • Hardness: hard material is + another when q is able to scratch the second.
  • -Fragility: A material is brittle when it breaks easily.
  • – Tenacity: material is tenacious when it breaks with difficulty.
  • – Malleability: Ability to stretch the sheet material.
  • -Ductility: the possibility of converting the material into threads.
  • – Elasticity: a body is elastic when force after making a recovery if the original state.
  • – Plasticity: a plastic material when a force is applied after defrma and recovers its initial state.
  • – Resistance to the forces of compression, tension, torsion and flexion.

B) TECHNICAL-temperature fusion:

  • q Temperature at the body pass from solid to liquid.
  • -Boiling point: Temperature at q pass a body of liquid to gas.
  • -Specific heat: mayr or MNR measures the tendency of bodies to keep warm.
  • – Terminca conductivity: the ability of an x cuepro conduct heat.
  • -Expansion coefficient: measures the tendency of bodies to change volume with the heat.

C) ELECTROMAGNETIC-Electrical conductivity

  • measures the ease with q can circulate electric current.
  • -Comportamento-magnetic.

D) Chemical-resistant to corrosion.

E) Acoustics: sound-Conductivity:

  • measures the tendency of a material to transmit sound.

F) OPTICAL-Color,-Brightness, Transparency, – fluorescence, refractive index,

  • measuring the ability of a material xa q deflect light penetrates inside.
  • -Capacity of polarization of light: liquid crystals when subjected to an electric current Psar stop light and it allows the formation legible characters on the screens of calculators.


A mineral is a solid compound Q in the crust is terrestre.En its composition should always appear a metal and a nonmetal. Ores are minerals whose content in the metal q is desired enough cmo q xa their exploitation is profitable (ie the cost of obtaining the metal dbe be less than the cost of the metal in the market).

gold and platinum are pure (without forming compounds) in the naturaleza.El other metals are obtained from its ores menas.Las most common are metal oxides and sulfides (q originated in the land of reaction x metal with atmospheric oxygen and sulfur from volcanic activity). To obtenr the metal from its ore using a chemical process called reduction (q TPOS can be 2 x heat x electrolysis).

  1. In the reduction x CALR ores first sulfur oxides are converted into oxides and then are heated with coal. Carbon reacts with oxygen in the oxide releasing CO2 and a lot of heat.
  2. Reduction x electrolysis: Electrolysis is the decomposition of a chemical substance x action of electric current.


A mixture consisting of x 2 minerals columbite and tantalum q are found together as part of certain types of granite. From these minerals are obtained two metals: niobium and tantalum.-Niobium: used in the manufacture of magnets potents in electronic wire industry (manufacture of loudspeakers, headphones and micro x Durs move disks of computers), in aerospace or manufacturing xa Medics implants.-tantalum. used n the manufacture of capacitors and is present in bacteria from the aparts batteries (phones, computers portaltiles)


An alloy is a solid homogeneous mixture of various substances . Some aleacions of interest are:-Bronze: frmado x copper, tin and used cinc.Se xa xa coinage and manufacture cutting Supplied tools, turbines … Brass, copper and cinc.Se frmado x x used screws and wires manufacturing. Steel: frmado x iron and carbon (in a proportion peqña). If you add other metals can improve their properties. Alnico: frmada x aluminum, nickel and cobalt magnets are manufactured xa PLS. Alpaca: frmada x copper, nickel and xa cinc.Se make use dishes, musical instrumnts keys, etc.. Constantan: frmada x x copper and metal coins used niquel.Se. Magal: frmada x magnesium, aluminum, zinc and manganeso.Se used in the manufacture of car bodies in aeronautics and in the manufacture of instrmnts quirurgics. Nicrom: frmada x nickel hierro.Puede CrMo and dispel a lot of heat and is used in toasters. Pewter: zinc alloy, lead, tin and used antimonio.Se xa adornos.un the manufacture of precious metal carat represents 1 / 24 of the total mass of the alloy q composes.

The compounds of carbon.

Graphite is pure carbon and has a structure in the atmospheric carbon q frmando hexagonal networks are linked. diamond is pure carbon and has a structure in the atmo cda carbon q is surrounded by other 4 x ls situads in corners of a tetrahedron.


A monomer is a molecule peqña. A polymer formed sta x uniion many monomeros.La polymerization is a chemical reaction in the monomers bind q frmando polymers. A plastic is a substance frmada x polymers.

The parkesina descubierto.Lo was the first polymer fibers obtained by dissolving Parkes cotton in nitric acid and using cmo alcanfr platificante.Su goal was to find a substitute for ivory xa.

The Polimers may be natural (cmo x aminoaci2 frmadas proteins or DNA frmado x nucleics acids, with the aminoacids and the monomers nucleics acids) orartificial (cmo bucket, polyvinyl chloride …)

Role: Obtained

  1. crushed wood is introduced into water at 200 º C with caustic soda, sodium sulfate and calcium carbonate.
  2. The obtained pulp is bleached with Quimics products (how to Cl2 dissolved in water) 3) S and consolidating agents added (cola, kaolin) x + q is flexible and keep mejr (resisting the attack of molds and bacteria).
  3. X procedures mecanics paper rolls are obtained.