Mass Communication Theories and Media Effects

1. A communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, & transformed is:


2. Lasswell´s model of communication is expressed as: Who says what in which channel with what effect. TO WHOM

3. The mass society theory idea that media R dangerous drug, or a killing force that directly & immediately penetrates a persona s system s summed up in the: HYPODERMIC NEEDLE THEORY

4. Communication is best defined as THE PROCESS OF CREATING SHARED MEANING

5. The ability 2 comprehend & use a given from if communication effectively & efficiently is LITERACY

6. The theory of CULTIVATION says that people who R heavier viewers of television R mor likely that lighter viewers 2 believe that the world they see portrayed on television is similar 2 the world we live in

7. Because the environments in which they R created change constantly, mass communication theories R said 2 be DYNAMIC

8. The integration 4 a fee of specific branded products into media content is PRODUCT PLACEMENT

9. The ownership of several major U.S. media corporations by foreign companies is an example of: GLOBALIZATION OF MEDIA

10. The power of the government 2 prevent the publication or broadcast of expression is called: PRIOR RESTRAINT

11. _____ theory is the idea that cultural symbols R learned through interaction & then mediate that interaction; in other words, people & that meaning controls their behavior. SYMBOLIC INTERACTION

12. The process of creating, shared meaning between the mass media & their audiences is: MASS COMMUNICATION

13. Theorists of the Frankfurt school argued that: PEOPLE SHOULD GO 2 THE MOVIES INSTEAD OF THE THEATER

14. The philosophy of _____________ states that, in individual 1st Amendment cases, several factors should be weighed in determining how much freedom the press is granted. 4 instance, freedom of the press versus the right 2 a fair & speedy trail. BALANCING OF INTERESTS

15. Potentially libelous or slanderous expression is protected by the 1st Amendment if it meets the test of all but which of the following: DUE CAUSE

16. Large, hierarchically structured organizations R typical of: MASS COMMUNICATION

17. The belief foremost in cultivation analysis is that because we all share a common public msg system (television), the _____________ of reality occurs, moving individual & different people toward a shared, television-created understanding of how things R. MAINSTREAMING

18. ___ material is expression calculated solely 2 supply sexual excitement, it IS legal PORNOGRAPHY

19. When a media company hs content that it can use across a number of its different holdings, this is: SYNERGY

20. Media effects on individuals R said 2 be: MICRO LEVEL EFFECTS

21. In a typical beer ad, “buy this beer” is the _____________ msg, while “U need this beer 2 have fun, 2 be attractive, & 2 have friends” may be its _____________ msg. TRANSMISSIONAL; RITUAL

22. We can think of mass communication as a giant courtroom where, as a people, we discuss & debate our culture—what it is & what we want it 2 be. This view sees mass communication as a CULTURAL FORUM

23. The process in which heavier TV viewers R more likely than lighter TV viewers 2 believe that the world they live in THE MEAN WORLD SYNDROME


25. The daily time & cost demands of U.S. journalism result in newspapers & broadcasts composed of a large number of brief, capsulated stories with little room 4 perspective & context, resulting in _____________ news. FRAGMENTED

26. the false & malicious publication of material that damages a person’s reputation (typically applied 2 print media) LIBEL

27. Rules of behavior or moral principles that guide our actions in given situations R: ETHICS

28. In mass communication theory, the_______ argues that active audience members use media content 2 create meaning, & meaningful experiences, 4 themselves. MEANING-MAKING PERSPECTIVE

29. Gutenberg developed his press 2 produce: BIBLES

30. Oral or spoken defamation of a persons characters (typically applied 2 bradcasting) is: SLANDER

31. Because freedom of the press can be limited if the likely result is damaging, there is no absolute freedom of expression in the case of: CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER

32. When U simultaneously consume many different kinds of media UR engaging in: MEDIA MULTI TASKING

33. The fact that people increasingly have no preference 4 where they access their media content suggests that they R becoming _________. PLATFORM AGNOSTIC

34. The 1st Amendment is based on the _____________ philosophy that people cannot govern themselves in a democracy unless they have access 2 the information they need 4 that governance. LIBERTARIAN

35. Mass communication____ R explanations & predictions of social phenomena that … personal & cultural lives or social system. THEORIES

37. 1 of the protections against slander/libel is____ the press cannot be .. comments of a speaker or witness witness will open it 2 claims of libel or slander PRIVILEGE

38. ____ theory is the idea that people learn through observation 2 model the behavior they use SOCIAL COGNITIVE

39. Smaller cultures such as ¨gamers¨ & ¨southerners¨ that exist within larger cultures R known as N1 OF THE ABOVE

40. The era of the limited effects perspective on mass communication theory began with what famous media event? THE ORSON WELLS RADIO PRODUCTION OF “THE WAR OF THE WORLDS”

41. The Gutenberg printing press was an advance over earlier printing presses, because it: USED METAL TYPE & WAS DESIGNED 4 THE PRODUCTION OF LARGE NUMBERS OF VOLUMES

42. The strategy of tailoring media content 2 specific audiences possessing characteristics of interest 2 specific advertise is: NARROWCASTING OR NICHE MARKETING

43. ___ theory argues that media don’t do things 2 people rather, people so things with media in other words, media is influence … allow it 2 be THE USES & GRATIFICATIONS APPROACH

44. Identifying & granting ownership of a given piece of expression,___ is designed 2 protect the che in that COPYRIGHT

45. ____ theory argues that media do not tell us what 2 think but what 2 think about AGENDA SETTING

46. When a media outlet distributes content with knowledge of its falsity or a reckless disregard 4 the truth, it hs acted with: ACTUAL MALICE

47. Anything that interferes with successful communication is said 2 be NOISE

48. When discussing the 1st Amendment, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black said, “No law means no law.” He was expressing the _____________ position on the freedom of press & speech. ABSOLUTIST

49. Culture is the world made meaningful; it is socially constructed & maintained through communication … unites us. It defines our realities & there by SHAPES THE WAYS WE THINK, FEEL, & ACT

50. The common assumption that media messages affect others but not ourselves is THE 3rd PERSON EFFECT