Law 19983 on

1. Define marriage according to the Argentine, American and British legislations


legal union of a couple as spouses, defined as a civil contract.  


the classic definition is “a voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all other”. However, in 2013, Parliament passed the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act which introduced civil marriage for same-sex couples in England and Wales. Therefore, a correct definition could be: “The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship”.


: acto jurídico familiar en virtud del cual queda determinada la unión entre dos personas reconocida por la ley.  

2. Who can marry?


those with legal ability to marry each other (the legal age to marry is generally 18; or +16 with parental consent). As marriage legislation is regulated by state law, requirements may vary.


those aging 16 or over (permission required from parents or guardians if under 18 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland), free to marry or form a civil partnership (single, divorced or widowed) and not closely related to the other.  


aquellos que tengan capacidad mental, matrimonial (mayores de 18 años o mayores de 16 años con autorización de representantes legales) y que no tengan impedimentos (parentesco, culpables de homicidio doloso de algún cónyuge, ligamen, etc.).

3. What are the characteristics of the validity of a marriage?


According to the Family Code, for a marriage to be valid, there must be consent, issuance of a marriage license and solemnization.  Consent: Adults must have the capability to consent to and consummate marriage. Minors must have the capability of consenting to and consummating marriage upon obtaining both a court order and a written parental consent. Marriage license: The parties shall first obtain a marriage license from a county clerk. The marriage license shall include: certificate of registry, marriage license statement, and addresses of applicants. It shall include an affidavit which applicants must sign stating they received the brochure on marriage from the State Department of Public Health (that includes info concerning possibilities of genetic defects and diseases, AIDS, domestic violence, etc.) Solemnization: No particular form of ceremony is necessary but the parties shall declare in the physical presence of the person solemnizing the marriage and necessary witnesses that they take each other as spouses.


be at least 18, or 16-17 but have your parent’s consent to marriage. Before the marriage ceremony, you must give the priest/minister/registrar official documentary evidence showing your identity and nationality, the decree absolute if you are divorced or the death certificate of your late spouse. To be valid, all marriages which take place in the United Kingdom must be: • Monogamous; and • carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Marriage Acts 1949-1994. The domicile of the parties is not relevant. Marriage must be conducted by, or in presence of, a person authorized to register marriages in the district. The marriage must be entered in the marriage register and signed by each spouse and two witnesses (as well as the Registrar).You must also give notice of your intended marriage.


Para que un matrimonio sea válido hay que cumplir con las generales de la ley → cumplir con la capacidad matrimonial, la capacidad mental y no tener impedimentos.


A divorce is the legal termination of a marriage by a court in a legal proceeding, requiring a petition or complaint for divorce (or dissolution in some states) by one party.


The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Either or both parties to a marriage may apply to the court for an order (a “divorce order”) which dissolves the marriage on the ground that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.


Según la Ley de la Nación Nº 23.515, podrá decretarse la separación personal, a petición de cualquiera de los cónyuges, cuando éstos hubieren interrumpido su cohabitación sin voluntad de unirse por un término mayor de dos años. Si alguno de ellos alega y prueba no haber dado causa a la separación, la sentencia dejará a salvo los derechos acordados al cónyuges inocente.
Transcurridos dos años del matrimonio, los cónyuges en presentación conjunta, podrán manifestar al juez competente que existen causas graves que hacen moralmente imposible la vida en común y pedir su separación personal conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 236.
-Acción y efecto de divorciar o divorciarse; de separar un juez competente, por sentencia legal, a personas unidas en matrimonio, separación que puede ser con disolución del vínculo (verdadero divorcio), o bien manteniéndolo, pero haciendo que se interrumpan la cohabitación y el lecho común. Los cónyuges, de manera conjunta o unilateral, pueden solicitar el divorcio ante el juez competente, sin tener que alegar causa ni preveer plazo alguno.

Types: ARG:

Divorcio unilateral o bilateral: ARTICULO 437.- Divorcio. Legitimación. El divorcio se decreta judicialmente a petición de ambos o de uno solo de los cónyuges. Toda petición de divorcio debe ser acompañada de una propuesta que regule los efectos derivados de éste; la omisión de la propuesta impide dar trámite a la petición. Si el divorcio es peticionado por uno solo de los cónyuges, el otro puede ofrecer una propuesta reguladora distinta. 


Defended Divorce:

A defended divorce is usually heard in the High Court, although the case can be transferred to a divorce county court. 

Undefended Divorce:

The dissolution of the marriage either by agreement or where there is not defence to the Petition. Where the dissolution of the marriage and how it is to be achieved are not disputed (even if there is a dispute about related matters such as finances or children).


A “no-fault” divorce:

spouses seek to end their marriage without assessing any blame or fault. The spouse that requests the divorce doesn’t need to accuse the other spouse of bad behavior, which led to the separation. Instead, the filing spouse can list a “no-fault” reason for the divorce, such as “irreconcilable differences,”  In a “fault” divorce, the filing spouse’s request to end the marriage is based on a claim that the other spouse engaged in a specific type of misconduct, which led to the breakup. .

Contested divorce:

A defended divorce is usually heard in the High Court, although the case can be transferred to a divorce Uncontested divorce:
The dissolution of the marriage either by agreement or where there is not defence to the Petition.

Collaborative divorce:

Is to agree that you will not go to court, but instead will resolve matters by agreement;;-guarantees that parents and children have the highest priority;-is arranged with an expert team of lawyers, a coach and a financial expert.


Adoption is a legal process by which “a person takes another person into the relation of child and thereby acquires the rights and incurs the responsibilities of parent in respect of such other person.” In the United States, apart from limited federal constitutional and statutory law, adoption is controlled by state law.


  The effect of adoption is to vest the rights and duties which a parent has in respect of his child in some other person. Adoption was not a recognised legal institution in England until the passing of the Adoption of Children Act 1926. But the law on this subject is now fully regulated by the Adoption Act 1976. (Libro) Adoption is the legal process by which a child or a group of siblings who cannot be brought up within their birth family become full, permanent and legal members of their new family. (adoptionuk.Org)


(CCC) Art 594.  Concepto. La adopción es una institución jurídica que tiene por objeto proteger el derecho de niños, niñas y adolescentes a vivir y desarrollarse en una familia que le procure los cuidados tendientes a satisfacer sus necesidades afectivas y materiales, cuando éstos no le pueden ser proporcionados por su familia de origen. La adopción se otorga sólo por sentencia judicial y emplaza al adoptado en el estado de hijo.

Who can adopt a child?  USA

Determining eligibility to adopt is based on a process of mutual assessment and preparation by the prospective adoptive parents and social worker or agency, called a home study. Most people are eligible to adopt, regardless of whether they are married or single, their age, income, or sexual orientation. Having a disability does not automatically disqualify a prospective adoptive parent. Some countries have specific requirements and restrictions for families who want to adopt from those countries. Faith-based agencies may also have specific requirements for families adopting through their agencies.  The basic requirements for adopting a child under the federal law (and also a child from another country are):-You must be a U.S. Citizen.-If you are unmarried, you must be at least 25 years old.-If you are married, you must jointly adopt the child (even if you are separated but not divorced), and your spouse must also be either a U.S. Citizen or in legal status in the United States.-You must meet certain requirements that will determine your suitability as a prospective adoptive parent, including criminal background checks, fingerprinting, and a home study.


Adoption orders may be made in favour of the following: (i) married couples both of whom must have attained the age of 21, one of whom, at least must be domiciled in the UK; (ii) one person alone who has attained the age of 21; and who is unmarried; though a married person may be sole adopter in certain circumstances: e.G. That he or she is permanently separated. A sole adopter, also, must be resident in the UK. Where natural parents adopt (as, for instance, in the case of an illegitimate child) an order can only be made in favour of one of them if there is some reason (e.G. The death of the person in question) for excluding the other.


(CCC) ARTÍCULO 599.- Personas que pueden ser adoptantes. El niño, niña o adolescente puede ser adoptado por un matrimonio, por ambos integrantes de una unión convivencial o por una única persona. Todo adoptante debe ser por lo menos dieciséis años mayor que el adoptado, excepto cuando el cónyuge o conviviente adopta al hijo del otro cónyuge o conviviente. En caso de muerte del o de los adoptantes u otra causa de extinción de la adopción, se puede otorgar una nueva adopción sobre la persona menor de edad.

Legislations.  [US – Black’s]:

the acquisition of rights or property by inheritance under the laws of descent and distribution. 

[UK – booklet]:

universal succession is when for one reason or another, the whole or substantially the whole of one person’s estate passes to another or to others. Succession may happen upon death or upon bankruptcy. 


[Código Civil anterior – Art. 2379] La sucesión es la transmisión de los derechos activos y pasivos que componen la herencia de una persona muerta, a la persona que sobrevive a la cual la ley o el testador llama para recibirla.  [CCyC – Art. 2277] Apertura de la sucesión. La muerte real o presunta de una persona causa la apertura de su sucesión y la transmisión de su herencia a las personas llamadas a sucederle por el testamento o por la ley. Si el testamento dispone sólo parcialmente de los bienes, el resto de la herencia se defiere por la ley.

La herencia comprende todos los derechos y obligaciones del causante que no se extinguen por su fallecimiento.

Types: Testate succession:

it arises where the deceased person has expressed his wishes concerning the devolution of this property during his lifetime, in the form of a will. –

SUCESIÓN TESTAMENTARIA   Intestate (or hereditary) succession:

arises where there has been no will or where, for one reason or another, a will has failed to take effect, and consequently the people who are entitled to the property have to be designated to the rules of law. –


What is a will? Definitions in the three systems of law.  [US]:

The legal expression of an individual’s wishes about the disposition of his or her property after death; especially a document by which a person directs his or her estate to be distributed upon death.


a declaration made by a person in his lifetime of wishes concerning the devolution of his property after his death. It takes effect from the time of death (unless there is clear intention to the contrary) not from the time it is made. The will “speaks from” the death. 


Declaración que de su última voluntad hace alguien, disponiendo de bienes y de asuntos que le atañen para después de su muerte [RAE].  Las personas pueden disponer libremente de sus bienes para después de su muerte, respetando las siguientes porciones legítimas: de los descendientes es de dos tercios, la de los ascendientes de un medio y la del cónyuge de un medio.

What is a testamentary capacity?

The mental ability that a person must have to prepare a valid will. The general rule is that anyone (except a minor or a person of unsound mind) may make a will. In case the testator was not capable of forming a proper intention to make his will, his incapacity must be proved. 

State the formalities of a will.  1

The will must be in writing and signed by the testator or by some other person in his presence and by his direction, and it must appear that the testator intended by his signature to give effect to the will. 2. The signature must be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time.  3-Each witness must either (i) attest (i.E. To witness the testator’s signature) and sign his own name in the will; (ii) acknowledge his signature in the presence of the testator – but not necessarily in the presence of any other witness.