
imperialismo: The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the economic, political and social life of the people of that nation

consecuencias imperialismo: Obligation to convert, indoctrination, loss of life, loss of language and natural resources, loss of identity …

WORLD WAR I:The First World War began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918. It was an armed confrontation on a world scale in which the most developed countries, the great industrial and military powers of Europe participated, and later the colonized countries of Africa and, later, the United States, among others, would be added.

fases WWI:

1. 1914; war of movements: A German plan was made ( Schlieffen plan) which was based on: Rapid attack on France through neutral Belgium. After defeating France, German troops could turn about and attack Russia, backward country that would need a long time to mobilize their troops

2.1915-16; the war of attrition: The stalemate in the western front led to a new sort of warfare: the war of attrition. A military strategy in which a belligerent side attempts to win a war by wearing down its enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and materiel.

3. 1917; The Turning Point of the War: Zimmerman telegram was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States. The proposal was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. Revelation of the contents outraged American public opinion and helped generate support for the United States declaration of war on Germany in April 1917 

4. 1918; The End of the War

Causas WWI:

Militarism: policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war

Alliances: agreements between nations to provide aid and protect on another

Nationalism: extreme pride in one’s country

Imperialism: when one country takes over another country economically and politically.

Assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Consecuencias WWl:

Terrible loss of life: eight million dead and millions of wounded people.

USA became the first world power. Europe started a long decadence.

The mass mobilization of men led to the incorporation of women into work.

Soviet revolution and the spread of a prerevolutionary climate in Europe.

The exacerbated nationalism + fear of a communist revolution.

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that was signed at Versailles at the end of the First World War by more than fifty countries. This treaty officially ended the state of war between the Germany of the Second Reich and the Allies of the First World War

The Treaty of Berlin was the main and initial act of the Congress of Berlin, by which the United Kingdom, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, France, the German Empire, the Kingdom of Italy, Russia and the Ottoman Empire of Sultan Hamid revised the Treaty of San Stefano signed on March 3 of that same year.

The Treaty of Trianon was a peace treaty signed after the First World War between the Allies and the Kingdom of Hungary on June 4, 1920. It was signed in the Great Palace of Trianon, France

The Brest-Litovsk Treaty was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918 in the Belarusian city of Brest-Litovsk between the German Empire, Bulgaria, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Soviet Russia

Revolucion rusa: The Russian revolution encompasses all the political, social and economic events that culminated in the overthrow of the tsarist regime and established the Leninist regime in 1917, between February and October. This revolution was made possible, among other things, by the weakening of the army during the First World War.

The historical importance of the Russian revolution lies in the fact that it was commanded, in the first place, by workers and soldiers, it was the people who overthrew the dynasty of the Tsars, a fact that resulted in the fall of absolutism and the implementation of a communist government . In this way, the working class guided Russia’s policy.

causas revolucion rusa:

policies of the czars: last absolute king, no democratic government, Nicholas ll become Tsar in 1884. divine right

industrialization and economic growth: were the most backword in Europe. Agriculture was the main economic activity. Little industrialization

the russo-japanese war: russia lost

bloody sunday: peaceful protest open fire

world war l: broke russia economy shows weakness of tsar kills thousands of people, accept the peace of brets-litovsk, ending the WWI with germany

march revolution: lead by Lenin. the bolsheviks accept the peace of brest-litovsk. economic reforms included the new economic plan. politic reforms

consecuencias revolucion rusa:

Overthrow of the absolute monarchy of the Tsars
The power of Russia in front of the world, whether in the scientific, economic, political or military fields.
The establishment of communism, with the creation of the Communist Federative Republic which was renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.).
The division of the world in two: on one side was Capitalism and on the other, Communism. This opposition resulted in the Cold War.