Key Geographical Terms and Concepts

Earth’s Position & Time

Equinox: Time when the sun’s rays cross the equator, causing equal day and night. Occurs around September 23rd and March 21st.

Solstice: Time when the sun’s rays fall directly on the tropics. Around June 22nd (Cancer) and December 23rd (Capricorn).

Mapping & Location

Scale: Relationship between map distance and real-world distance, expressed numerically or linearly.

Latitude: Angular distance north or south of the Equator, measured in degrees.

Longitude: Angular distance east or west of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich), measured in degrees.

Meridian: Imaginary line from pole to pole, used to measure longitude.

Meridional: Relating to the south (or north, as in “North“).

Parallel: Imaginary line circling the globe parallel to the Equator, used to measure latitude.

Topography & Landforms

Topographical Map: Map showing surface features (relief, water, roads) with symbols explained in a legend.

Geographical Region: Area with similar physical and human characteristics.

Sedimentary Basin: Area with sediment deposition, like deep lakes or inland seas.

Carsica: Landscape formed by limestone erosion, named after the Karst region in Croatia.

Plateau: Large, elevated, relatively flat area (over 300m).

Peneplain: Flat erosional surface on an old base level.

River Terrace: Flat surface along a river valley due to sediment and erosion.

Zocalo: Ancient, rigid platform covered by younger sediments.

Countryside: Flat or rolling area formed by erosion.

Bahia (Bay): Inlet of a sea, ocean, or lake, wider than it is deep.

Cordillera: Chain of connected mountains.

River Delta: Triangular area at a river’s mouth formed by sediment deposition.

Faultline: Fracture in the Earth’s crust due to tectonic forces.

Ria: Submerged coastal river valley or estuary.

Paramo: High-altitude, flat landform.

Climate & Weather

Anticyclone: High-pressure area with descending air, usually associated with good weather.

Aridity: Lack of water due to insufficient rainfall.

Barlovento: Windward side of a relief feature.

Coastal Breezes: Local winds blowing from sea to land during the day.

Continental Tendency: Large temperature variations in mid-latitude continental areas.

Foehn Effect: Rainfall pattern where windward slopes receive more precipitation than leeward slopes.

Polar Front: Boundary between cold polar air and warm tropical air.

Gota Fria: Isolated cold air mass causing heavy rainfall and erosion.

Exposure: Amount of sunlight received in a given period.

Isobar: Line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure.

Isotherm: Line connecting points of equal air temperature.

Thermal Regime: Annual cycle of average monthly temperatures.

Sotavento: Leeward side of a relief feature.


Erosion: Wearing away of the Earth’s surface by natural agents (atmospheric, biological).

Sedimentation: Deposition of transported materials by erosion agents.

Marine Transgression: Rise in sea level due to tectonic or glacial changes.

Folding: Bending of rock layers due to compressional forces.