
1.Hebert A. Simon: communication is essential to organizations , W. Charles father or organization communication. 
2.Economics definitiona short han expressions for the integrated aggregation of those persons who are primarily involved in:

+ (1): the undertaking or managing of risk and the handling if economic uncertainty,

+ (2): planning and innovation,  + (3): coordination administration and control.

+ (4): and routine supervision.

3.Organization communication which focuses on organization as communication:

-Communication is a complex process of continually creating and negotiation the meanings and interpretations that shape our lives.

-Constitutive view of communication: communication literally “constitutes” or “makes up” our social world.

-This approach enables us to question and investigate key organization realities , not just accept the as given.

-It also provides a much stronger explanatory framework to understand the complexities of organizing and communicating.

UNIT 1(2)


1.To examine new organizational structures and technologies:

-Networked organizations , and computer – and Internet mediated communication.

-New technologies leading to new forms of organization such as global virtual teams , which changes in fundamental ways the relations between individual employees and organizations.

2.To understand the communication of organizational change:

-Communication is a central process in planning and implementing change.

3.To explore diversity and the intergroup aspects of communication: The increased diversity organizations mens that communication now occurs across many more boundaries , including cultural and professional ones.

4.Business ethics issues: The Volkswagen-case:

-Company´s socia responsibility (broken trust of costumer and public , manipulation of regulators , social impact on employees)-Environmental responsibility: (pollution , non-respect of emission standards , impact on public health)

-Economic responsibility and economic sustainability (economic sustainability sale figures down , fall of stock price value)-Ethics in organizational policies and culture: deviant behavior – no compliance with external regulations and internal guidelines.




-Frederick Taylor: created the idea of “scientific management” focused on producing outcomes. Time and motion studies.-Max Weber: bureaucrazy , authority.

-Henry Fayol: principles of management. -Communication: is primarily top-down , formal task relatedand written. Communication has two functions: control and command.

-An organization is like a machine: + Specialization. + Standardization.

+ Predictability.

2.Maslow: (physilogical needs) ,( foos , shelter , safety) , (love), (self.esteem), (self-actualisation) 



1.KM: stresses on the knowledge that resides in the brains of employees , how to manage it and of something with it so as to enable them in performing their job better.

2.Organizational learning: focuses on individuals , teams and organizations becoming smarter , that isthe goal is to make individuals in the organization smarter.

3.Design thinking: principles to design the way people work.

4.2 of the most important developments are the consideration of organizations learning systems and the development ofsystems of knowledge management.

5.Learning organizations: emphasize mental flexibility , team learning , a shared vision complex thinking , and personal mastery. It is proposed that learning organizations can be promoted through participation and dialogue in the workplace.


1.Why knoledge is important? 

-Knowledge can be embedded in processes , products systems , and controls.

-Knowledge can be accessed as it is needed from sources inside or outside the firm.

-It is versatile and can be transferred formally , through training , or informally , by way of workplace socialization.

-It is the essence of the competitive edge.

2.Dimensions of knowledge?

-Knowledge is an asset:+ Intangible. + Creation of knowledge from data and information requieres organizational resources.

-Knowledge has a location:+ Cognitive event. + Both social and individual.

+ ”Sticky” (hard to move) , situated (embeded in firm´s culture) , contextual (works only in certain situations)

-Knowledge is situational:+ Conditional: knowing when apply procedure.

+ Contextual: knowing circumstances to use certain tool.

3.Classification of intellectual capital:

-Human capital:+Known-how.+Work-related competencies.+Education. +Entrepreneurial , proactive and reactive abilities.+Vocational qualification. +Work-related knowledge.

-Relational (customer) capital:+Brands.+Business collaborations.

+Customer loyalty.+Licensing agreegemests+Distribution channels. +Favourable contracts.

-Intellectual property:+Patents +Copyrights +Design rights+Trade secrets +Trademarks+Service marks

-Infrastructure assets:

+Management philosophy +Corporate culture+Management processes+Information systems+Networking systems+financial relation


1.Sharing Mechanisms:-Common access to explicit , recorded , knowledge.

-Directory of experts.-Mentor / coach / apprentice.-Joint projects -resource lending.


1.Key components utilized in HPOs:

-Employee involvement.-Self-directing work teams.-Integrated production technologies.-Organizational learning.