
R2 2.1

-COBA (Consumer-Oriented Brand Advertising): Brand focused directly toward individuals, delivered via a wide range of possible media. B2C. COBA is usually in mass media like tv, radio, news papers and specially true for national and international advertisers. TV is the best medium for driving and multi sense nature. For delivering couple messages must use other media. -Retail advertising: Involves both store-image and P/S offered, usually using local media. B2C. focus on the image of the store and or the P/S it offers. most retail “advertising” tool is basically strategic promotion. Some retail advertising is paid by manufacturers of the products advertised. This is called “co-op advertising” and it is promotion. Most retail advertising is local: use of local media, the primary media is newspapers.  -Business to business (B2B) advertising: B2B addresses both customers (businesses) and the trade, generally uses specific media directed to target segments. B2B advertising targets individuals who are decision-makers for purchasing P/2 for companies. Target audience much smaller than for most COBA campaigns.-Corporate-image advertising: promotes company rather than brand of P/S. Advertising that promotes the company rather that brands for gaining identity nd reputation, is relevant for the Target Audience.The voice of the media will vary depending on both the size of the target market and the size of the company.


1.What is?: are short term deals offered to supply chain members to stimulate stocking items or to promote a brand.

The Brand´s goals and the Trade´s goals are different:

-The Trade makes its money from category sales, they are indifferent to any brands as long as their margins are enough.

-The brand is only interested in its own sales.

about the investment, spending in trade promotion is about 50% of all mkt communication expenditure. The key reason is marketers trying to use promotion to “buy market share” in order to satisfy immediate sales goals.

2.Allowancess promotions, display material promotions, trade premium and incentives  


1.Personal selling: is often the primary form of mkt communication for industrial marketers. Gives a chance to demonstrate product benefits that might be difficult wit other forms of IMC.

For IMC is relevant the role of the salesperson in delivering and reinforcing the brands positioning and MC objectives.The message delivered must be consistent with that of all overall IMC program, be open to modify the basic message to address specific Target Audience concerns.

2.Trade shows: advertising and personal selling. You can find advertising activities and driest contact with the customers and potential customers.

They provide a chance to identify and meet new customers, as well as entertain old ones.

There is some debate about the effectiveness.

-There is no set criteria for success.

-They generate awareness and interest, leading to sales. But now…how much?

3.PR:It is process of planning, executing, and evaluating programs that encourage purchase and consumer satisfaction through credible communicators of information and impressions that identify companies and their products with the needs, wants, concerns, and interests of consumers.

MPR helps defining and communicating the Brands positioning.

-Ad:+Low cost, there are no direct media cost involved.+Reach highly specific targets.+Message credibility.

-Dis:+Lack of control over message.+Target audience may not link message to brand.


1.Basic characteristics:

-Looking for a response: the goal is an immediate purchase intention, promotion-like strategy.-Efficient targeting: database helps target specific individuals or small groups-

-Accountability: Tracking response to control content and cost. Determine the actual costs associated with particular responses. Opportunity of predicting and measuring responses.-Interactive process: feedback helps modify future messages (a/b testing)

-Data base: used to identify target audience and track response.

2.Direct print mail : provides greatest flexibility in targeting audiences. Many advantages over direct mkt media:- Precise targeting.- Message personalisation (name, talk to the individually).

– Unlimited choice of format (great range of creativity options).- Great control over timings and content .- If someone gets to read the mail, there is no direct competition for their attention.- W/ technology: Direct print mail and QR codes, NFC, Pen-drive, Virtual reality, video, personalised landing pages.


The database in direct mkt: is the heart of direct mkt. Is a collection of interrelated data for storing and managing and its not a list (excel file) for storing and analysing.

The most effective use in when it is a closed-loop system to know who has been contacted, at what time, and at what cost, and them by looking at the costs, evaluate the result.