
1.Intro: multinational companies with challenges. 
2.Making decisión in imultinacional world of pr, 2 scopes
Multinacional companies have to pay special attention to be effective and stable in time to tow of their great assets:+The deep knloedge of their human resources with their skills.

+The experience in city to be able to heave in every moment in any culture and subject that affects the organization

3.Intelligences: Natural: is used to discriminate among living things, such as plants or animals, as well as an understanding of other features of the natural world, such as weather or geology.

4.What is lateral intelligence: -Myths   -What is?: is a set of skills based on mental operation: the ability of the mink to make connection between thinks.

-Types:+Vertical thinking: looks for the correct answer. When we do vertical thinking, we have to correct at every stage in order to be correct at the end. We have to stay on the ladder in order to get to the top: the correct answer.+Lateral thinking looks for a different answer. We don’t have to be correct at any stage in lateral thinking, because we´re not looking for correct answer. Looking at a problem from another person´s point of view would be a classic example of lateral thinking.

5.Major sets of contextual variables to be analyzed for good running of multinacional business:

-The value of public opinion an pluralistic views: which are closely related to the level of sophistication of a practice.-Political ideology present in the government and the classification of the political system: as well as its respective policies of economic development.-Types and number of competing groups: seeking legitimacy and power through public opinion and elections.-The acceptable and lack of alternative views: which in emergent democracies may be only encouraged in theory.-Covert or overt forms of self- (including professional) asocial government censorship.-Level of economic freedom and level of centralization of economic decision making.  -Legislation that regulated pr.

-How people in given country behave toward and perceive organizations.

6.The 8 variables conditioning de rank:-Long-time tradition of self determination by citizens.-Comprehensive corruption laws with effective enforcement-Accountability of government to citizens at all levels   -High adult literacy.-High liberal and professional education of practicing journalists.-Well-established, publicized and enforceable journalism codes of professional ethics.-Free press, free speech, and free flow of information.-High media competition (multiple and competition. 


1.What is?: is a complex and contested concept, heavily laden with values and judgments. For centuries, however, it was linked to the study of war, military strategy and alternatives to the use of force ad an instrument of policy. While few would be likely to dispute these examples as issues of security, many would now extend its meaning to other values and interests.

2.As Emm Rotschild describes in her critical and historical review of the concept, the expansion comes in four forms:

-(1)In the first sense: the concept of security is extended to lower levels, from the systemic and state level, dow to cover the individual and group levels, from nations to individuals.

-(2)In its second meaning: the term is expanded to higher level, going from the international system to cover the biosphere and even the environment.

-(3)In its third distinction: human is expanded horizontally. If the concept is to guarantee the subsistence of several entities and actors, then it must extend from the military to the political, economical, social and cultural.

-(4)Finally, the political responsibility to provide security extends equally in all directions to cover local and federal governments, public and private organizations, state, international and non-governmental actors.


2.As Emm Rotschild describes in her critical and historical review of the concept, the expansion comes in four forms:

-(1)In the first sense: the concept of security is extended to lower levels, from the systemic and state level, dow to cover the individual and group levels, from nations to individuals.-(2)In its second meaning: the term is expanded to higher level, going from the international system to cover the biosphere and even the environment.

-(3)In its third distinction: human is expanded horizontally. If the concept is to guarantee the subsistence of several entities and actors, then it must extend from the military to the political, economical, social and cultural.-(4)Finally, the political responsibility to provide security extends equally in all directions to cover local and federal governments, public and private organizations, state, international and non-governmental actors.

3.New applications of the term:-a) the first attempt to implement this concept consisted is the development of the United Nations doctrine called “Responsibility to protect”. This is structured from the postulate that sovereignty implies both right and responsibilities. This, states are obligated to protect populations in situations of extreme vulnerability, such civil wars, repressions, natural catastrophes…

-b)When a state is unable to assume its responsibilities, it must be appropriate for the international community, allowing for humanitarian intervention.

Consequently, human security may comprise the following elements:-Ecnomic security.

-Food security.-Social security and access to health.-Enviromental security and protection against degradation.-Physical and anti-crime security.-Communal security to ensure substance.-Ethic and culturl minorities, and political security to ensure individual freedoms.