
Satisfy the requirements of the customers now and always.  PRODUCT INSPECTION. Attention placed on manufactured product. Separated good and bad parts. (sampling). PROCESS CONTROL. Attention placed on manufacturing process.Product quality dependant on process quality.Statistical Process Control.When separated search information to make correction. (SPC, self inspection,poka yoke ) INTEGRAL QUALITY. Attention paid to the entire business process.Quality assurance. Prevention. (AQP, FMEA) TOTAL QUALITY. Attention paid to all agents with role in achieving quality.Total quality management. Prevention+Continuous improvement. (EFQM). Respond- Quality- customer satisfaction – meeting their requirements- internal perspective (0 defects, time, cot)- customer perspective (quality of product, service, price). TOLLS personnel, common sense, assurance, prevention, improvement, process rationalisation. CUSTOMER SATISFACTORY CYCLE understand the customer – orientated the company towards the costumer, measure satisfaction. 1. commun area 2. useful effort area 3. non useful effort area 4. non useful satisfaction area 5. quality threatened area 6. customer dissatisfaction area 7. superfluous quality area.

ZERO DEFETS. Inspection must focus on the sources or causes of the defects. Detect errors (causes) and avoid the becoming defect. FINAL PRODUCT INSPECTION:Filter at the end of the process, attempting to avoid defective parts reaching the customer. Discover defects once they occurred. SUCCESSIVE VERIFICATION SYSTEM:Inspecting the quality of each process operation during the next operation. Reduced defects as long as there was immediate feedback and action taken as a result. informative inspection. SELF INSPECTION:Based on PDCA cycle. Operator inspection, self-inspection system with a faster action cycle and reduced defects. STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL:using control charts enables us to detect abnormal situations and analyse their specific causes and immediately intervene in the process. New point new control charts. SOURCE INSPECTION: inspection no based in detection of defects. Control prior aspects errors, causes that created defects. inspection on source, detect errors – eliminate defects – zero defects

OBJECTIVE: 1. inspection system at source 2. 100% inspection with poka yoke mechanism 3. Favorable structural aspects: – continuous flow adequate layout – unitary batches quick change – correct conditions: labour participation, machinery reliability, method stable, environment 5s, raw material standards.

Objectives: make personnel aware of the importance of doing job well and achieving the level of quality required by the customer./ cost reduce, preventive action, customer-supplier relationship, improves quality, maturation period reduce, improve image of company. // Inspection technique based on parts being inspected by the operator that produces them. Stage0: Definition of area of implementation and analysis of initial situation. Aim: Get to know personnel and the production process/Reflect initial situation, estimate project duration and train the team Stage1:Define characteristics to be controlled. Aim: Identify PRODUCT characteristics./Know sequence of operations./Identify PROCESS parameters to be controlled.Stage2:Define control, measurement and registration elements.Aim: Determine measurement instruments./ System for recording results and measurements. Stage3: Define how to tackle control activities.Aim: Decide which system to use to record the results of measurements and, at the same time, ensure the self-inspection is performed correctly. Stage4: Definition, training and implementation of the procedure. Aim: Specify operator activity standard./Raise awareness amongst personnel regarding the importance and need to implement selfinspection./Train personnel in the use of tools… Stage5: Final evaluation, monitoring and control of pilot program.Aim:Decide which system to use to record the results of measurements and, at the same time, ensure the self-inspection is performed correctly /Evaluate and maintain the level achieved. /Promote personnel participation. Conclusions: Critical stages 0(Compile information) and 6 (education and training). / Results are not immediately apparent. A monitoring period is required to create a log and observe how indicators evolve./One area feeds another and vice versa. /One area is Customer and the other is Supplier. 

POKA-YOKE. Device is any mechanism which helps prevent errors before they happen, or makes them very obvious to the operator so they can be corrected in time. Evaluation inspections:Separate the defective parts from good after the process. This avoids them reaching the customer, but does not improve the defect rate, reworking, costs of non-quality, etc. Information inspections:Separate the defective parts from good after the process. Avoids them reaching customer. Investigate the cause of defects, providing feedback to the process causing the fault, improving defect rates, reworking, costs of non-quality, etc. Source inspection:A defect is a result or effect, generally caused by a simple error. By employing 100% inspections at the source of the error, this can be avoided and thereby the defect. In this instance zero defects are possible. CLASSIFICATION:  CONTROL: Restrictive methodsprocess stopped or blocked in the event of an error. Informational methods: Luminous/sound systems that warn of anomalies.Do not ensure the absence of faults on their own.Applied when restrictive controls are too complex.DETECTION: Contact systems: Detect anomalies in product form, dimensions or physical characteristics. Continual value systemsdetect anomalies in the repetition of a work cycle and ensure that a certain number of cycles have been run. Incremental step systems: detect anomalies in a specific production operation sequence. CONCLUSION: improve the quality when focus on improvig the process used to create them. effective, efficient and robust – high quality, identify source its cuses and search solution (PY). simple and cheap, parto of proceses, located near to or located where the error is produced.