
The segmentation can be defined as the process by which you divide a heterogeneous market into homogeneous groups according to several common characteristics, so each group is to apply a differentiated strategy.
Dimensions :1-is a process: It develops through a series of tasks and actions sequenced so ordenada.2-Division in homogeneous groups.: You want to bring together individuals in each group are those with common behavior. 3-Common Characteristics: Individuals are few more character each group shared more easily identified. 4-differentiated commercial strategy: The segementacion is made to apply to each group’s business strategy more effectively, according comportamiento.5 character-is an instrument of research comercial.La finl segmentation aims to identify homogeneous groups within a large heterogeneous group.
Utility and requirements: utility possibility that gives the company to differentiate its commercial interests and adapting to consumer tastes. The market knowledge allows the company “negocio.Segmentos Discover new market opportunities that exist for products and services adaptados.-optimize resources, once identified new opportunities to allocate resources more eficacia.-ID competition. The division of a large market in several segments make it more transparent, that its elements are better known than the utility for real and the company can differentiate its commercial activities must fulfill the following requirements:
1-Differences: the segments must differ in at least two behavioral characteristics. 2-Identifiable: cristerios segmentation used must be easily understood and to be measured without any problema.3-Accessible: The segments that are determined to be the company accesiblespara . For the company with its resources can acceder.4-adequate in size: the size is not measured by the number of individuals is measured by the ability consumo.5-Profitable: the increase in sales exceed the effort marqueting made to differentiate the offer. 6-Stable: must have a minimum duration in time that allows a profitable inversión.7-Compatible: the segments that targets the company must be compatbiles each other. That a segment does not drag other completely. 8-defend: the diversification of supply must have a defensible advantage over competitors more direct.
3.3Criterios segmentation: process steps: 1.To establish segmentation criteria adecuados.2Identificar more relevant variables for the Infomacion estudio.3.Recoger relevant 4.Identifica segments, using appropriate techniques. 5.Describir the characteristics that identify and distinguish the components of the segment.
Means targeting criteria clasificicacion bases that are used to group to final consumers in a heterogeneous market into homogeneous groups.
This approach can be divided into general and specific in terms of objective and subjective data.

3.3.1Cristerios general segmentation: Those bases of classification that can be used for the division of any market regardless of product or service that is under investigation ..
Cristerios specific targeting: those bases of classification that can be used for divisionb of a market, product or service. Objectives: consumption level, fidelity of use, buying habits. Subjective: Expectations, Perceptions.
Level of consumption: based on the use of combination or independent of 2 variables are: quantity consumed and frequency of consumo.Así we can talk about big, medium and light users or heavy users, occasional or nonusers.Loyalty: This is the market divided into 2 types of customers: faithful (who frequently change their product) Neutral (canmbian with ease but have proven more) Infidels (changing product with great ease)
Ways to use: consumers do not use the products in the same shape and same condiciones.Ej consumers who use only and crude oil, for cooking and other skin. Habits of purchase: buyers classified by the place and manner they buy the product. General: “Objectives: demographic, geographic, socio-economic. -Subjective: personality, lifestyle. OBJETIVOScuantitativos are easy to measure and subjective quality: difficult to measure.
Demographic variables used are easily understood and based on that area of residence influences the needs are the most important nation, region, climate, population nuecleo type (urban, rural or perirurbano.
Socioeconomic: the variables used are able to classify the population, since it is assumed that socioeconomic difrenecias are the origin of the differences in purchase and consumption, the most important are income, level of structure and profession.
Personality: The way individuals behave determined by its brand personality relationship with consumption and the ragos of shyness, extroversion, apathy, activity may be useful to the researcher to classify individuals.
Lifestyle: the way people interact with their environment based on a scale of values define your lifestyle. Expectations: the benefits sought by consumers of a product, and therefore how they meet their expectations in buying behavior and consumption. Perceptions: that consumers have of a product can be measured using enquestes and from different analysis are agurpar to consumers’ perception of prudcto.
3.4Metodos segmentation: Analyze data to identify segments can be classified in :1-priori segmentation methods or techniques sgemtnacion.El researcher selects the criterion d esegmentacion to use and the number of segments you want to obtain, use various variables.2 Meotodos segmentation techniques to rear or tipología.El researcher analyzes the data and from this group is similar outcome.
3.4.1Tecnicas Segmentation :1-Meotdo Belson ,2-Analysis of variance ,3-cross tabulations ,4-discriminant analysis. A company wants to know which of the categories has PLS USE variables that the market has greater discriminating power, which is ideal for this.

TECHNIQUES TYPE: you are looking to identify those groups of consumers with distance, intra-group (difference between members of the same group) and intergroup distance (difference between members of different groups)
3.5Aplicacion segmentation and market positioning. Once the segments analyzed and identified the next step is to define the most appropriate strategy mark. The company has the following alternatives: “Acting in a single segment with one product, used by highly specialized small business (focus strategy) – Acting in several segments with a product, look for growth through finding new markets for the product . (strategic market expansion)-Perform in a single segment with various products, the company specializes in segmetno that handles well and offers different products usually of the same line (strategic product expansion)-Acting on multiple segmetnos with different products, adapted by each saracteristicas to segmento.Esa strategy requires great effort and can be dangerous to dispense much resources (strategic of difenrecniacion)
Marketing strategies that can be applied on the basis of segmentation are in a continuum where losextremos would be non-segmentation (porducto offer the same all over the market potential) to the consumer to consumer segmentation (offering products tailored to the needs of each consumer. In the 1st situation is called mass mark is used for products widely distributed, low-skilled and low-involvement purchase. In the 2nd situation is known as relational mark is used for products or highly specialized services (service financial company)
The last and final function of the segmentation strategy is to decide the mark to determine the strategy before defining what the company’s position in the market.
The position of the chosen has segmeto of the company, its brands, products or services and companies who have developed the following process competidoras.Se.
1-Election of the market segment where the company wants to position ,2-Identification and analysis of direct competitors (the who and what are the closest), 3Establecimiento of the underlying criteria for determining the position (dimension product, brand) 4-Analysis of the valuation consumers place on the company and competition (via No market study and compare the valuation with the product that the consumer considers more appropriate ,5-Graphical representation of the valuation of company and competitors on a map of posicionamiento.6-Determination of the company’s strategic positioning (position the company wants to achieve in the market)