Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Municipal Social Services
-2 Inventory of present assumptions about the situation at the end of the intervention should be able to sketch a picture visually explanatory theories, taking into account that these assumptions closed, very compatible and should not be contradictory to each other .- 3 the negotiating objectives: the definition of the objectives set in the dual perspective of a project development team tuned, description of the media and subsequent evaluation of the work.
– A goal is a specific forecast situation we intend to achieve in a given time, this situation should be descriptiva.-the reliability is reported by the definition of the period in which you want to achieve the objective and systematic description of the situation to be achieved. The goals are set from the baseline you want to do evolucionar.-establishing media action project must be raised that the lack of diversification of media and forms of response tends to perpetuate models of intervention that discourage innovation and creativity in the media .- organization raised the standards of organization and work group functioning frame .- the most active phase of team work is the implementation phase, action and control, this phase the individual work within a team, means that no delegation. For the implementation of effective delegation is important that this follow defined as concrete as possible. It is important to check that personal style is not far removed from the objectives and not skew the project. One of the problems of this delegation is the multidisciplinary .- final stage is the evaluation method, distinguishing between the evaluation point: that place regularly throughout the completion of the work, in order to measure the offset from the beginning project to evaluation. Allows the renegotiation of labor. And the final evaluation: marks the end of teamwork, with the objective to take stock of teamwork. The evaluations are always based on each of the items on the project team .- This method is implemented by esbase, community centers, with 5 programs that are outlined in Article 22 Decree 40/90 34.
program information, advice and guidance, social cooperation program, intervention program for prevention and social integration .- within these professional programs have these functions: identify the needs of the area, inform, advise and guide, manage and lead to specialized ss, promote prevention, to collect basic data for social action, the process of coordination among professionals and organizations, collaboration with other public services and how many functions are necessary for programs. One hand washes the other with the same hose when working on equipo. “What is acquired through hard work, the more it loves. Aristotle social educators in their code of ethics states: “The social educator insert always work in teams and networks in a coordinated way, to enrich their work. Must be aware of their role within the team, as well as its position within the network and to what extent their actions can influence the work of other members of their own equipment and professional services, within a network, will present later. Should be considered in disciplinary action, taking into account the criteria, knowledge and skills of colleagues. Any action of a professional social education should be defined by a constant attitude and systematic coordination so that the result of different socio-educational actions to be consistent and constructive person.
The interdisciplinary work in a team municipal ss
Certain professional categories, as traditionally ss workers used to working individually, have to learn to modify their schemes of analysis, to break with routines and to change their habits cotidianas.-must learn to work together. Understanding as a team in this case group of people working in the same location with common resources, speaking in the same area, with essentially the same specialty and the use of a certain type of work or working .- ss in these computer equipment called social base defined in the decree 40/90 in article 12 as “interdisciplinary teams responsible for implementing the programs are located in community centers, which are physical structures multipurpose” .- interdisciplinary teams are formed by professionals from to different areas of knowledge that are related to social action and to exercise their functions in the SS, formed by tra.Sociales, social workers, social workers .- when there is teamwork should be the following characteristics:-definition objectives, the action is compatible with the specific objectives, development of labor standards constitute a methodological framework capable of achieving the objectives, modify the individual job and train them in teamwork ..- objectives should be: – saving time and energy, complementary perceptions, diversification of knowledge, diversity of responses, ensuring systematic monitoring and analysis and investigación.-teamwork is not easy there are many myths about it, “teamwork and necessity and as a measure of quality, teamwork as a synonym for collective intervention, technical difficulties and methodological difficulties institucionales.-organization and teamwork within the social services is important to consider the interdisciplinary, this is characterized essentially intended to reach a collective decision on how to intervene in the situation in question. It is part of an integrated vision of the different knowledge and methodologies, with the intention of reaching a common goal, that does not belong to any of the disciplines or methodologies into action, but the comprehensiveness of analysis and agreement among professionals .- is no way to analyze patterns of disconnection from their own analysis, but to raise an objective and methodology of interdisciplinary work. In this regard, 3 methods of intervention are those that have been developed: casework, group work and collective action and comunitario.-work for the development of interdisciplinary methodologies should be a change of attitudes: changing attitudes individualistic , a collaboration between institutions, adequate training, for understanding between different professionals, staff stability, organizational structure consistent with the intervention .- The method of teamwork is divided into 3 main phases: – the design development phase Team: – this is the internal negotiation of team goals and passes through 3 stages: – 1 the description of the situation: ensure that all start from the same situation and gather as much information and descriptive.