
Do you like the idea of flying through the air in front of hundreds of people? Diego Zeman does. He works for a circus, and his act requires him to be shot through the air from a four-metre-long cannon. In a recent interview, Diego said that he (1) had been working (work) for circuses since he was a child. He added that his parents (2) had been (be) circus performers when they were younger and that he (3) had started (start) training when he was eight years old. He said that he still (4) felt (feel) nervous during a performance and he (5) had to (have to) concentrate very hard on what he was doing. He explained that if he (6) made (make) a mistake, he risked much more than his job – he risked his life. He warned young people (7) not to take (not take) a job like his just for the money. However, he said that if you (8) liked (like) bungee-jumping, you (9) would love (love) the feeling of freedom you get when being fired from a cannon. He said that he (10) would continues (continue) doing his job until it (11) stopped (stop) being fun.

Are you looking for a holiday with a difference? Then come to New York on 17th March. This is the date (1) when we honour Ireland’s patron saint, St Patrick. According to tradition, St Patrick, (2) whose father was a wealthy man, was actually born in England. St Patrick was separated from his family one day (3) when he was kidnapped by pirates. He was only 16 years old at the time. St Patrick was sold as a slave, and the Irish landowner (4) who purchased him kept him in Ireland for six years. St Patrick finally escaped to France, (5) where he became a priest. Many years later, St Patrick returned to the Irish town of Saul, (6) where he built his first church. Now, every year on 17th March, Irish people all over the world celebrate St Patrick’s Day by wearing green clothes (7) which are decorated with the national symbol of Ireland, the shamrock. St Patrick’s Day parades are held everywhere. New York, (8) which has got many Irish residents, has got a parade with over 150,000 people in it. Millions of people watch the parade, (9) which has become one of New York’s most well-known cultural events. Make your reservations now – it’s an experience you won’t forget! 

Some people look at radishes and see a round, red vegetable. Some people see a radish and realise what it (1) could be (be) – a work of art! You (2) may laugh (laugh) at the idea until you visit Oaxaca,Mexico on 23rd December, for La Noche de Rabanos. This unique Christmas celebration (3) may certainly change(certainly / change) your opinion of the humble radish forever.

  Historians suggest that the Spanish (4) may have brought (bring) radishes to Mexico in the 16th century. Before then, the Mexicans didn’t know what radishes were. The radish festival began when two Spanish priests encouraged Mexicans to farm the land by the Atoyac River. One of the priests told the farmers that they (5) should to carve (carve) the radishes into statues. Then people (6) would come (come) to the market to see them – and to spend their money on the farmers’ vegetables. The farmers (7) must have liked (like) the idea, because they have been carving radish statues for the annual Christmas Vigil market ever since. At the market, you (8) can see(see) incredible radish sculptures of people, animals and scenes such as the Nativity. If you plan on visiting the festival, however, you (9) mustn’t be (be) late. As beautiful as they are, the sculptures are still vegetables and don’t last very long.

Everyone is always telling you about foods that make you clever. How many times have you heard that you (1) would have done (do) better in your last exam if you had eaten a good breakfast before it? But has anyone ever told you that your marks would improve if you (2) spent (spend) more time talking to your friends? It might sound strange, but it’s true! Think of your brain as a muscle. Like any muscle, it (3) doesn’t stay (not stay) in shape unless you exercise it. It turns out that if you really want to give your brain a good workout, you (4) should socialise (should socialise) with your friends every day! Scientists tested thousands of people and they discovered that people who spent a lot of time talking to family and friends on the phone (5) usually received (usually receive) higher marks than people who didn’t socialise. The scientists concluded that if children developed good social skills, they (6) would perform (perform) well in academic subjects, and their brains (7) would be (be) sharp even when they were old. That doesn’t mean that if you spend a lot of time alone as a child, you (8) won’t become (not become) a doctor or lawyer when you grow up. But it does prove what most teenagers already know: socialising isn’t just for fun – it’s a survival skill!

Completar con verbos

1.   I had already moved (already move) out of the city when you arrived in 2001.

2.   John won’t have read (not read) the book by next week.

3.   The dogs haven’t eaten (not eat) yet. Can you feed them?

4.   The film starts in an hour Will they have finished (finish) their homework by then?

      5.   How much money have the children already spent(spend) on sweets?

1.   Dan hates the music that is played (play) on that radio station.

2.   Have you heard the news? Sharon has just been given (just / give) an award for her painting.

3.   Your dog should be checked (should / check) at least once a month.

4.   By the time we arrived, dinner had already been served (already / serve).

5.   She prepared all the food. We weren’t expected (not expect) to do anything.

6.   We won’t be allowed (not allow) into the classroom tomorrow because we behaved badly.

1.   The film is being shown (show) in ten different countries this week.

2.   Tomorrow, the weather will be (be) cold and snowy.

3.   The sales are advertised (advertise) in the newspaper every week.

4.   We didn’t do (not do) our homework yesterday.

1.   If she worked a bit harder, she could / would do (do) better at school.

2.   I will call you if you give (give) me your number.

3.   Jamie would have gone to the game if he hadn’t been (not be) ill.

4.   Will you go to Paris if you save (save) enough money?

5.   If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go (you / go)?

1.   I had four slices of pizza at the party last night. I wish I hadn’t eaten (not eat) so much.

2.   Mike’s dream is to become a professional singer. He wishes his parents would send (send) him to singing lessons.

3.   I like these jeans but they’re really expensive. I wish I had (have) more money.

4.   Alex moved away and we haven’t got his number. If only we had asked (ask) him for it before he left.

5.   You’re disturbing me. I wish you would talk (talk) more quietly.


1.   Why did you go to the doctor?

Because my leg has been hurting all week. (my leg / hurt / all week)

2.   Do you like Martin?

            I don’t know. I have just met him. (just meet / him)

3.   Did you go out with Janis yesterday?

            No, I haven’t seen her for a week(not see / her / for a week)

4.   Why is his electricity bill so high?

            Because he has been using the air conditioner 24 hours a day.(use / the air conditioner / 24 hours a day)

1.   No one is using that room at the moment. At the moment, that room is not being used.

2.   John ought to sell his paintings to the museum. John’s paintings ought to be sold to the museum.

      3.   They are going to build a bridge here. A bridge is going to be built here

      4.   My favourite musician wrote that song. That song was written by my favourite musician.

5.   Dan won’t return the book to the library. The book won’t be returned to the library (by Dan).

6.   Sharon hasn’t given the news to Paul. The news hasn’t been given to Paul (by Sharon).           

7.   By 10 o’clock, the mechanic had repaired the car. The car had been repaired by 10 o’clock (by the mechanic).      

1.   Tim is going to be punished by his mum. Tim’s mum is going to punish him.

2.   Some of the stories were written by a famous author. A famous author wrote some of the stories.           

      3.   The dog must be walked after dinner. After dinner, you / someone must walk the dog.

4.   Paul hasn’t been examined by the doctor yet. The doctor hasn’t examined Paul yet.

1.   You need to fix this lamp.  You should this lamp fixed

2.   She asked the maid to clean her room. She had the room cleaned by the maid

3.   We’ll tell the technician to check the computer. We’ll have the computer checked by the technician.

4.   They are adding a room on to Janet’s house. Janet is having a room added on to her house.  

1.   “Janet has just returned from India,” Matthew said. Matthew said that Janet had just returned from India

2.   “Let’s go out tonight,” Harry suggested. Harry suggested that they / we go out that night .

3.   “Can you give me some more information about the job?” Sandra asked the manager. Sandra asked the manager whether he / she could give her some more information about the job.

4.   “It will definitely snow tomorrow,” the weatherman predicted. The weatherman predicted that that it would definitely snow the next day / the day after / the following day.

5.   “Where did you find this book?” Donna asked. Donna asked where I / we had found that book

1.   Anne: “My parents won’t allow me to work after school.” (complain / suggest) complain; Anne complained that her parents wouldn’t allow her to work after school.

 2.  Shop manager: “We are closing the shop early today.” (order / explain) explain; The shop manager explained that they were closing the shop early that day. 

3.   Teacher: “If you complete the assignment by next week, you’ll get extra marks.” (enquire / promise) promise; The teacher promised that if we / they completed the assignment by the following week / the week after, we / they would get extra marks.        

4.   Tim: “Don’t forget the party next week, Sam.” (remind / suggest) remind; Tim reminded Sam not to forget the party the following week / the week after.

1.   James complained that they had been working too hard since the week before. “We’ve been working too hard since last week,” James complained. 

2.   Sandra suggested flying to Italy the following week. “We should fly to Italy next week,” / “Let’s fly to Italy next week,” Sandra suggested.

3.   The workers warned Paul that they wouldn’t finish the repairs unless he paid them. “Unless you pay us, we won’t finish the repairs,” / “We won’t finish the repairs unless you pay us,” the workers warned Paul. 

4.   Peter asked Mike if he was starting his new job that day. “Are you starting your new job today?” Peter asked Mike.

5.   Linda wanted to know when I was coming home. “When are you coming home?” Linda asked.

6.   Dan’s mum told him not to eat with his mouth open. “Don’t eat with your mouth open,” said Dan’s mum.

7.   Her brother said that he usually studied maths on Tuesdays, but that his lesson had been cancelled the day before. “I usually study maths on Tuesdays, but my lesson was cancelled yesterday,” her brother said.        

1.   Dan just came back from Hawaii. There are great beaches there. Dan just came back from Hawaii, where there are great beaches.

2.   Janet is a student. Her travel diary won a prize. Janet, whose travel diary won a prize, is a student.

3.   Do you remember the evening? Janet played the guitar for us. Do you remember the evening when Janet played the guitar for us?

4.   He is the man. He sold us the package holiday. He is the man who / that sold us the package holiday

5.   This is the jeep. It will take us to the hotel. This is the jeep that / which will take us to the hotel

1.   Lisa, who I play tennis with, is my brother’s girlfriend. Lisa, with whom I play tennis, is my brother’s girlfriend.

2.   They finally bought the house which they had been dreaming about. They finally bought the house about which they had been dreaming

3.   The street which I live on has only got ten homes. The street on which I live has only got ten homes.     

4.   The girl who I had lunch with is my cousin. The girl with whom I had lunch is my cousin.         

1.   My father used to work at a famous museum. (that) The museum that my father used to work in is famous.

2.   Daniel gave me this necklace, so it means a lot to me. (which) This necklace, which Daniel gave me, means a lot to me.

3.   At 6.00 am, most people are still sleeping and I go out walking. (when) At 6.00 am when most people are still sleeping, I go out walking.

4.   No one can help him. (who) There is no one who can help him.

1.   I think I’ve met him before. (might) I might have met him before.

2.   They would like to get married in June. (may) They may get married in June.

3.   I suggest that you call Daniel at 4.00. (should) You should call Daniel at 4.00.

4.   It isn’t possible that you saw Jack at the party last night. (couldn’t) You couldn’t have seen Jack at the party last night.

5.   It wasn’t very nice of us to forget Clara’s birthday. (ought to) We ought to have remembered Clara’s birthday.

1.   Anne thought Peter was nice so she invited him to the party. If Anne hadn’t thought Peter was nice, she wouldn’t have invited him to the party

2.   I don’t know how to drive so I have to take the train. I wouldn’t take the train if I knew how to drive        

3.   My advice to you is to call Henry. If I were you, I would call Henry Sam a present if he had had enough time

4.   Paul didn’t have enough time so he didn’t buy Sam a present. Paul would have bought your party will be more fun

5.   A good DJ knows how to make a party more fun. If you get a good DJ,        

Poner en los huecos

1.   I hope you’re hungry. I have been cooking all day!

      2.   Robert hadn’t been doing well at school before his parents hired a tutor.

      3.   We had been shopping for hours when we decided to give up. We weren’t going to find the jacket we wanted.

4.   Your hair is wet. Have you been swimming?

1.   Just tell me if there’s anything I can do to help you.

2.   He was late because he had to work overtime.

3.   Pete wasn’t able to ride a bicycle until he was eight years old.

4.   It’s very cold outside. It may snow tonight.

5.   Please stop it! You mustn’t hout like that.