(WB)PG.42. 1)1.The police warned the people to keep away from the crime…2.We wanted to know why the police officer was arresting him.3.The laywer advised her client not to wear jeans when he appeared in court the next day.4.My mum remainded me to lock the door when I left that afternoon.5.John denied that he had painted graffiti…6. The bank robber refused to tell detective where he had hidden…7.The victim complained that the police hadn’t turned up. 2)1.The policeman ordered the suspect to be quiet and get into the car. 2. Alex remainded his brother that he had to call his lawyer that day… 3. Marcy claimed she had never been in that shop.
4. The head teacher informed us that 3 authors would… 5. Jeff suggested finishing those eports the next day. 6. The lawyer wondered if the judge would send those teens… PG 43. 5) 1. told 2. they hadn’t 3. not to 4. to take 5. buy 7)1.The police just have arrested a… 2. David wondered if the police had found any… 3. Inerpol,……, has been operating for…. 4. Jenny admited that she probably wounldmn’t pass the exam… 5. You must have been terrified when the…. 6. I could have turned on the burglar alarm if i hadn’t forgotten the code. PG.47 5. 1. Is the new law being debated. 2. The detective asked Mrs Jones it she had time to meet him the next day. 3.He can’t be the thief because he’s in prison… 4.You get reward for returning the women’s purse to her. 5. I wish my littl sister  hadn’t witessed… 6. My driving instructor reminded me not to smile when I had my picturetaken for my driving licence. 7. You must get your hair cut before you start… 8. From the age of 12, he has been shoplifting. STUDENTS PG 63 7)1. My neighbour informed me that police were searching for the murderer in that area. 2.  The boy admitted breaking a window to get into the house. / The boy admitted that he had broken a window to get into the house. 3.  The suspect wondered how the police had found those drugs. 4. My friend warned me not to leave my keys there. 5.  The reporter wanted to know if the trial would begin the following day / the next day / the day after. 6.  The judge declared that she had to learn a lesson by going to prison. 7. She advised me to get a better lock for that door. 8.  The detective asked him what he had been doing at 9 pm the previous night / the night before. 9. My parents told me to call them when I arrived home.
MODALS: WB PG 34 2)  1.  I must set my alarm so that I can watch the football game at 3 o’clock local time tomorrow morning.  2.  I can’t surf.  3.  I might not play for the team this year. 4. You shouldn’t eat so much junk food. 5. Can I borrow your skateboard? PG 35. 5) 1. should have eaten earlier, must eat something now 2. must have been disappointed, must practise more often 3. should have arrived earlier, can’t swim for too long 4. could have left later, don’t have to rush to find our seats. 9) 1. must have been, had set 2. had to get / got … replaced 3. hadn’t missed, didn’t watch, was taking / had to take 4. were scored, had been losing 5. hadn’t fallen, would have had. PG39. 4) 1. has been practised 6. would become 2. has been growing / has grown 7. will come 3. are attracted 8. should be 4. (can) help  9. would … include 5. is seen 5) 1. I am going to have my ice-skates sharpened. 2. I should have practised more before the competition. 3.  Before the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, they hadn’t included snowboarding. 4.  Unless you have tried yoga, you can’t understand how difficult it can be.  5. You had better not go windsurfing today. 6. She has been playing tennis for 10 years. 6) 1. him, I would continue practising 2. have completed the marathon  3. better make sure we take plenty of water 4. need to bring anything else 5. for his bad attitude. STUDENTS. PG 50 3) 1. They must have won the match. 2. You shouldn’t have stayed up late last night. 3. She must have forgotten about the match. 4. You needn’t have picked me up. 5. He couldn’t have lost. 6. I would have come. PG. 51. 6) 1.  It’s freezing cold. I should put on a jacket. / shouldn’t have forgotten to bring a jacket. 2.  My best friend is furious with me. I must talk to him. / must have hurt his feelings. 3.  That was a very risky thing to do. You should be more careful. / could have broken your leg. 4.  Tania is an amazing tennis player. She may become an elite player. / must have started playing at an early age. 5.  Janis came home very late from basketball practice. Her parents may not let her practise any more. / must have been furious when she arrived. 6.  There’s more than enough food. You needn’t buy anything else. / should have bought some drinks. 9)  1. They should have chosen Rick for this match. 2. You must have been surprised when I scored three goals. 3. You didn’t have to bring another ball. 4. We’d better not rappel here. 5. Jeanne may / might not have gone sailing. 6. You’d better attend practice tomorrow. 7. We could have won. 8. I won’t be able to compete this year.