Individualized Intervention Program (PII) for Child Development

Individualized Intervention Program (PII)

Importance of Monitoring

Monitoring is crucial in any intervention as it allows for continuous evaluation. It provides insights into the program’s effectiveness by tracking progress toward objectives. Monitoring helps gather information on:

  • Objective attainment
  • Maintenance of achieved objectives
  • Reasons for success or failure
  • Relationships between program elements (e.g., child-teacher, family-educator)
  • Significant changes in the child’s personal development and adaptation

Monitoring goes beyond reviewing goals; it uncovers relationships between program elements and identifies factors influencing outcomes. These factors may include coordination among professionals, resource availability, and the realism of the objectives set.

Types of Monitoring

There are two main types of monitoring:

  1. Monitoring of Objectives: This involves setting a timeframe for reviewing objectives outlined in the PII. It tracks the achievement of objectives, reasons for any lack of progress, and informs necessary adjustments.
  2. Monitoring of Child’s Development: This involves monthly re-evaluations to track significant changes in the child’s personal development and adaptation to different contexts. This regular assessment facilitates monthly reports, culminating in a comprehensive final report.

The Individual Final Report: Results Communication

The final stage of the individualized intervention process involves documenting and communicating observations and interventions related to the child. The individual final report should offer a clear, useful, and rigorous account of the child’s journey in the center. It serves as a tool to inform decisions regarding the child’s immediate future.

The final report should comprehensively describe:

  • The child’s initial state
  • Intervention goals set to address the child’s needs
  • Progress observed
  • The child’s current state of development and adaptation

Adapting to the Present Moment

The current landscape necessitates the use of increasingly systematic methods, requiring a shift in traditional work habits. Embracing new models and adapting practices is essential to align our work with contemporary needs and advancements in scientific approaches.

“The thickness of dust on the books of a public library can be measured in the culture of a people.” – John Ernst Steinbeck

“The better way to make children good is to make them happy.” – Oscar Wilde

Individual Initial Program and Individual Final Program

The individualized intervention program is a personalized tool for organizing and planning interventions throughout a child’s time at the center. It is subject to continuous review to ensure a positive influence on the child’s development across different contexts.

Developing the PII

The PII is developed by educators responsible for each child’s education, under the supervision of educational teams. In reception centers, the PII focuses on:

  • Diagnosing and prognosticating the child’s situation through admission and assessment
  • Guiding the case through a referral report

General Conditions of the PII

  • Each user must have a unique PII.
  • Goals are established in accordance with the center’s objectives.
  • Program design follows the initial assessment.
  • Individuals responsible for designing and implementing the program must be designated.
  • Participation of all stakeholders should be considered.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths are capabilities, resources, and skills that positively contribute to personal, social, and adaptive development.

Weaknesses are deficits, difficulties, and limitations that negatively impact personal, social, and adaptive development.

Identifying strengths and weaknesses involves reviewing professional reports and records from the initial evaluation phase.

Detecting Needs

Detecting needs is crucial for designing the PII. While weaknesses highlight areas requiring attention, needs can also stem from strengths. A comprehensive list of needs should be compiled and categorized by intervention areas.

Areas of Intervention

  • Personal Development
  • Cognitive-Intellectual Development
  • Emotional-Motivational Development
  • Instrumental Skills
  • Physical and Health
  • Adaptation and Integration in Meaningful Contexts:
    • Family Context
    • School/Work Context
    • Residential Context
    • Community Context

Specific Objectives

The PII should outline specific objectives for each area based on the child’s needs. Prioritize the most relevant objectives based on the urgency of needs and available resources.

Action Protocol

The action protocol outlines the steps to achieve prioritized objectives. It specifies:

  • Activities to be conducted with the child
  • Required resources
  • Time allocated for achievement

Protocols should be organized by area within the PII document, providing a record of interventions and their outcomes.


Activities are concrete actions designed to address identified needs and achieve objectives. They should specify:

  • Who will carry out the activity
  • Conditions for implementation
  • Minimum level required

Activities should be formulated using observable behaviors and language understandable to the child, progressing from least to most difficult.


Resources encompass human, material, and technical provisions that facilitate interventions, address identified needs, and support the achievement of objectives.