Historia temas 1 y 2

1. Industry was the most important activity of the old regime. False, crop agriculture and livestock farming are the… when a noble died, his land turned to be proprty of the king. False, turned to be propierty of the eldest son. Guilds control most of the agrarian activity. True. 2. Differneces: Absololutisim – absolute power of kings, executive legislative and judicial powers control the kings. Divine right of kings. God was the source of a monarch power, and was above the law. Parlamentary – limits to absolute power of kings. executive power power to the king, legislative power paliament (house of lords + house of communers), judicial power judges and tribunals. 4. A)Enligment was based on Reason B) Who defended the separation of powers Montesquieu C) It was very important during enligment  Education D) Roussean belived that the power should reside in The people E) Carlos III and catherine the great of Russian were part a movement called Enlightened depotism.

5. Define teh following- Mercantilism: the economic policiees of absolute monarchs was based on mercantilism. There was only a fixed amount of trade in the world and a country’s wealthy was based on the amount of gold and silver accumulated. Divine rights of the king: according to this, god was the source of a monarchs power, and he was above the law. Royal factories: (belong to the monarchy), they where large workshops where weapons and luxury goods were made. Triangular trade: (trade between Africa, Europe and America). European ships sailed with cheap products to an exchange for slaves, they sold them in America and brought products to europe like cotton and sugar. 6. Explain briefly “no taxes without representation”: In the american revolution, there was political tensions. Thirdteen colonies were subject to the cuthority of england. This motto was a sign of protest, as the settlers were not represented in the births parliament, and they had to pay taxes but they didn’t.

3. Succession war: The Habsburg king Carlos II died without children in 1700, when there were two rival candidates to the Spanish throne. The candidate of the bourbon dynasty, Philippe, Duke of Anjou, was Louis XIV’s grandson, and he was supported by france. Archduke Charles was the Habsburg candidate, and he was supported by the holy roman empire. Carlos II named Philippe of Anjou as his successor, but Archduke Charles did not accept this this, and the war of the spanish succesion began in 1701. This war was an international conflict. France and Spain opposed an alliance of european powers (the Holy Roman Empire, the Dutch Republic and Britian), who were concerned about possible bourbon supremacy. However, it was also a civil war: much of Castile supported Philippe of Anjou, while the crown of Aragon supported Archduke Charles. The war ended with a series of treaties in 1713 and 1714. The treaty of Utrecht (1713) recognised the bourbon candidate Philippe, who became Felipe V, king of spain. In exchange, Austria received Spanish territory in Flanders and Italy. Britain received Gibraltar and Menorca, and was also grated some privileges in its trade with America. Within Spain, opposition to Felipe V ended when Barcelona was taken in 1714.

7. True or false: A) the first constitution establish the first republic in 1791. true B) The third estate was represented by the estates general in 1789. true C) Other european powers sepported the ideas of the french revolution. true D) The national constitution assembly was formed by priviledge estates. false, by the representatives of the third state. E) The french revolution streghtened the old regime. false, destroyed.8. Define the followin- Jacobins: are supporters of a centralized republican state and strong central goverment powers and supporters of extensive goverment intervention to transform society. National sovernity: the ability of a country to take disitions. Comitte of public safety: (led by georges daton and robespiere) this tribunal tried people who were suspected of opposing the republic, even if there was no proof against them, and sentence them to death by guillotine, which become a famous symbol of french revolution. Congress of Vienna: (1814 – 1815) was a meeting in which european powers met to avoid new revolutions. In this congress they agree to: territorial gains for Austria, Prussia and Russia; France us a protective barrier; and France returned to the frontiers it had before the revolution.

9. French Revolution: The three reasons of the french revolution are – the social unrest, the economical crisis and the enlightenment. 10. Two ways of nationalism: The main bases are the disintegration of states and the unification of states. In the disintegration of states some nations look for their independence, like grecce. In the unification of states nations were divided into many states, but gradually discovered their shared identity, like Italy and Germany.