
1. differences between renaissance and neoclassical period
renaissance artists employed more natural and expressive nude sculptures of art while neoclassical artists incorporated ornamental elements in their work, also, the renaissance period opened gateways to new ideas and developments, while the neoclassicism period was focused on retaining the Age of Enlightenment
2. characteristics of neoclassicism period
1. it was focused around the Grand tour which was meant to educate about European influences
2. it was reflected in many prioritizations of heroic male nudity
3. it was influenced by Greek and roman mythology in the way the expressed a dramatic lightinhg and express primary colors, smooth and bright in sculpture
3. important facts about neoclassicism
neoclassicism had a lot of remarkable facts. Their manner was elitist, erudite, and sophisticated. It helped to revive the ashes of the Renaissance period, in the way that it emphasized the Enlightenment, which improved writing big things, such as the lyrical ballads
4. important dates of this period
1. Dec 4. 1660: Charles II restored the English throne 2. Nov 7, 1665: the London Gazette was published 3. Dec 4, 1700: death of John Dryden
4. Dec 4, 1707: Act of Union unites Scotland and England, creating the nation of Great Britain 5. Dec 4, 1789: French Revolution begins
5. what happened to the art during this period?
The artistic style known as “Neoclassicism” (also called “classicism”)was the
predominant movement in European art and architecture during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It reflected a desire to rekindle the spirit and forms of classical art from ancient Greece and Rome, whose principles of order and reason were entirely in keeping with the European Age of Enlightenment.
6. most important artists of Neoclassicism and what the did
Benjamin West (painter) Death of General Wolfe (1770) Antonio Canova (sculptor) Psyche Revived by Cupid`s Kiss (1777)  Jean-Antoine Houdon (sculptor) Voltaire (1778)  Jacques Louis David (painter) Oath of Horatii (1784)  Jacques-Germain Soufflot and Jean-Baptiste Rondelet (architecs) Le Panthéon (1755-1790)
7. write about Alexander Pope and John Dryden
Alexander Pope; was a poet of the 18th century who wrote the Rape of the Lock, and a Essay on Criticism
John Dryden; was an English poet, translator and playwright who was made
England`s first poet Caureate
8. characteristics of Neoclassical poetry
1. No passionate lyricism: it did not have passion, feelings and emotions at first sight
2. objectivity: miseries, hardships and problems
3. Heroic Couplet; Dryden and Pope, which were the most important authors of this period
9. authors
1. Alexander Pope 4. John Dryden
2. Jacques-Louis David 5. T. S. Eliot
3. Daniel Defoe
10. English Civil War
it was a series of civil wars and political machinations between politicians during
1642-1651 against the Long Parliament
11. restoration age in literature 1660
during 1660 to the 17th century, Charles II returned to the throne and the literature was opressed due to many authors that wrote about the situation, but on the other hand literature was influenced by humanistic, heroic and renaissance aspects
12. Augustan literature
it was an age increasingly dominated by empiricism while in the writings of political economy also the development was affected by capitalism and the trade movement
13. Sensibility age (1750-1798)
this period is also sometimes described as the Age of Johson. Samuel Johson was an English author who made lasting contributions to the English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. Johson has been described as arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history
14. neoclassical style
during the 18th and early 19th centuries, the movement concerned itself with the ogic of the entire classical volumes, unlike classical revivalism, which tended to reuse classical parts. Neoclassical architecture is characterized by its grand scale, simplicity of geometric forms, Greek speciall Doric or Roman details, dramatic use of colums, and preference for blank walls
15. what are the neoclassical ideals
there are two biggest rules, which the others sort of fall under, they were called Decorum and Verisimilitude. Decorum was the idea that the characters had to fit in their own role. They had to behave in a way that was appropiate for their age, rank,gender and so on. Versamilitude was the idea taht everything that happened in the show needed to be realistic
16. differences between Pope and Dryden
the style of Dryden was capricous and varied and Pope`s was cautions and
uniformed, Dryden obeyed the motions of his own mind while Pope constrained his mind to his own rules of composition
17. why was satire popular
● the growth of political partisanship ● the growth of religious divisions ● the rise of rationalism ● the rise of professional writers  ● the rise of the power of parliament and of the middle class
18. purpose of satire in the XVIII century
satire during this period aimed to point out the shortcomings of society through ridiculing the accepted standards of thought, exposing Britain`s flaws and sharing the time`s hipoocrisy
19. restoration satire
the Restoration writers developed satire as a genre and style of writing. These authors loved picking on people (literary rivals, religious figures, even entire social classes.) and showing just how ridiculous they all were