

Which of the following modern movements led to new ways of studying and thinking about the natural world?

The scientific revolution

Which of the following modern movements challenged traditional philosophies and encouraged new political movements?

The Enlightenment

Which of the following modern movements created new types of jobs for workers and made it easier for factories to produce large quantities of new products?

The Industrial Revolution

How were the causes of the Enlightenment similar to the causes of the Industrial Revolution?

Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution

How were the effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the Industrial Revolution?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Industrial Revolution led to worker exploitation.

How were the effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the Enlightenment?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy.

In which area of the map did the Industrial Revolution begin?

The red area

In which area of the map did colonists inspired by the Enlightenment form a new country that grew quickly during the Industrial Revolution?

The blue area

Which of the following developments occurred first in the red region of the map?

The Industrial Revolution

What is a major relationship between the scientific revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

The scientific revolution led to new ways of thinking about the world, which led to the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible.

What role did new technologies play in setting the stage for the Industrial Revolution?

They made it possible to produce goods more quickly and efficiently.

How did technological advancements change manufacturing methods during the Industrial Revolution?

People went from manufacturing one object at a time by hand to manufacturing many objects in factories.

Why did the Industrial Revolution cause people to move from farms to cities?

There were an increased number of factory jobs in the cities.

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the idea of communism?

Workers were earning very little money compared to business owners

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the success of businesses?

Goods became cheaper and easier for businesses to produce.


What did Nicolaus Copernicus contribute to the scientific revolution?

He proposed a heliocentric system  that Earth orbits the sun.

Which of these thinkers from the scientific revolution first proposed a heliocentric theory  that Earth revolves around the sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus

What was most notable about Nicolaus Copernicus’s work?

Before he proposed his heliocentric theory, most Europeans believed that the sun revolved around Earth.

How did the scientific method influence European societies beginning in the 16th century?

It provided scientists with evidence that many traditional beliefs were incorrect.

How did the scientific method impact the work of scientists beginning in the 16th century?

It gave scientists a way to repeat others’ work to make sure it was correct.

How did the scientific method change the way scientists worked beginning in the 16th century?

It forced them to rely on observation and experimentation to support their conclusions

How were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

How were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei to the scientific revolution similar?

Both scientists challenged ideas supported by the Roman Catholic Church.

Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei?

Galileo provided observational evidence to support a theory originally created by Copernicus.

How did Francis Bacon challenge the way of thinking in the classical and medieval periods?

He argued that observation and experimentation are the most important tools for understanding the natural world.

How was Francis Bacon’s process of basing discovery on observation and experimentation different from medieval ways of thinking?

Medieval ways of thinking were based on traditional beliefs.

How did Francis Bacon’s ideas influence the way Europeans thought about science?

By emphasizing the importance of observation and experimentation in understanding the natural world

Read the description of René Descartes below. How was Descartes’s way of thinking connected to the scientific method?

The scientific method’s first step is to form a question.

Read the description of René Descartes below. Which step of the scientific method does the description most closely match?

Step 1: State the question or observation.

Read the description of René Descartes below. How are Descartes’s ideas similar to modern science?

Like Descartes, modern science also uses a clear method to discover answers to questions.

Read the description of a science experiment below. Which part of the experiment is the second step of the scientific method (forming a hypothesis)?

“She hopes to prove that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.”

Read the description of a science experiment below. Which part of the experiment is the third step in the scientific method (testing a hypothesis)?

“She has her mother drop both weights at the same time from a window.”

Read the description of a science experiment below. Which part of the experiment is the fifth step in the scientific method (analyzing data and reaching conclusions)?

“To her surprise, the weights land at exactly the same time.”

Why was it significant that during the scientific revolution, universities were able to make their own decisions without religious or government interference?

It gave scientists the freedom to explore new ideas, even if they contradicted traditional or religious beliefs.

Why were many important scientists drawn to universities during the scientific revolution?

Universities would allow scientists to investigate their theories even if they contradicted Catholic teachings.

What characteristic of universities made them very attractive to scientists during the scientific revolution?

Their independence from religious institutions

Which of the following describes a long-term impact of the scientific revolution?

It transformed the ways Europeans thought and led to more revolutions in the future

How did the scientific revolution affect scientific thinking around the world?

It caused people to take a new, logical approach to scientific discovery based on experimentation and observation

Why was the scientific revolution a pivotal time in history?

It changed humankind’s approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.


Which statement accurately describes Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of a social contract?

An agreement between people in a society to give up some of their rights to form a stable government

According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, individuals participating in a social contract give up their _____ in order for all members of a society to benefit.

natural liberties

According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, what motivates individuals to enter into a social contract?

They believe that individuals can only survive by forming groups and societies

Which of the following describes a philosophy that supports representative government, human rights, and political equality?


Which of the following describes the idea that a king’s power is granted to him by God rather than the consent of his subjects?

Divine right of kings

Which of the following describes the idea that the political power in a country comes from the will of the citizens rather than a king’s wishes or God?

Popular sovereignty

Ideas expressed during the Enlightenment led to which of these outcomes?

Citizens in several countries launched revolutions that replaced monarchies with governments based on Enlightenment ideals.

Which of the following events was a major cause of the Enlightenment?

European scientists challenged traditional teachings using new scientific observations and methods

Which of the following events was a consequence of the Enlightenment?

French citizens rebelled against the French monarchy and established a representative form of government.

How did the Protestant Reformation impact the European Enlightenment?

It led many people to question the idea that a king’s power came from God.

How did the Enlightenment affect people’s attitudes toward political authority?

It caused Europeans to question the divine right of kings to rule their subjects.

How did Enlightenment thinkers’ ideas reduce the power of European monarchs?

By suggesting that kings were not given their political power by God

Which of the following best describes Thomas Hobbes’s view of human nature?

Humans are naturally cruel and must be controlled by an absolute and powerful leader.

Which of the following best describes John Locke’s view of human nature?

Humans are neither good nor evil, but share a set of natural rights and needs.

Which statement explains how Thomas Hobbes’s view of human nature influenced the way monarchs ruled?

Because human nature was selfish, rulers used their absolute power to prevent social chaos from developing.

Which of the following political actions is supported by Thomas Hobbes’s theories on proper government?

A king has criminals in his country publicly executed to scare others into obeying the law.

Which of the following political actions is not supported by Thomas Hobbes’s theories on proper government?

A group of oppressed citizens violently overthrows a corrupt king and establishes a democracy

Which of the following political actions would be unacceptable to John Locke?

A king forces farmers to send him most of their crops to be distributed among wealthy nobles.

The United States government is divided into three parts known as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Each branch of government has powers and responsibilities that the others do not, which divides political power in the United States. This arrangement is most similar to a model created by which of these Enlightenment thinkers?

Charles de Montesquieu

The United States Constitution prevents any individual from holding absolute power over the US government. It also requires leaders to be elected by citizens rather than allowing leaders to pass power down to their children. Which of these Enlightenment philosophers would have most disagreed with this system of government?

Thomas Hobbes

In the United States, political leaders are elected to represent the American people. While presidents, governors, and legislators have political authority, their power comes directly from the citizens who vote for them. This political philosophy is most similar to which of these philosophers’ beliefs?

John Locke

A country’s government allows each of its citizens to vote in elections for political leaders. If many of the country’s citizens feel that their leaders are doing a poor job, they have the legal right to demand another election at any time to replace those leaders. This political system is based on which of these ideas?

Popular sovereignty

A country’s government has a king who creates and executes all of its laws. However, it also has a constitution that places some limits on what kinds of laws the king is allowed to create. A Supreme Court determines whether or not a king’s law violates the constitution. If it does, the Supreme Court has the power to eliminate the law regardless of the king’s opinion. This political system is based on which of these ideas?

Separation of powers

A group of citizens in a country are angry at their king. They feel that he unfairly oppresses them because of their religious beliefs. They also believe that his laws and taxes benefit a few wealthy nobles instead of helping the majority of the country’s citizens. They would like to replace the king with an elected president who would represent the interests of all citizens. This group follows which of these political philosophies?



Which of these inventions provided manufacturers with a new source of power for machines?

Steam engine

The spinning jenny reduced the number of workers necessary to ________.

turn yarn into cloth   

Which of the following inventions helped farmers plant crops more quickly and efficiently?

Seed drill

How did James Watt contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

He developed a steam engine that could be used for manufacturing

How did James Watt help to fuel industrialization in Great Britain?

His invention allowed people to build factories far from rivers

Which of the following challenges did James Watt’s steam engine help with?

Fueling factories using something other than wood

Which of these people probably benefitted most from the construction of the Suez Canal?

A British merchant who ships manufactured goods to India on boats

Which of these people probably benefitted most from the construction of the Panama Canal?

A North American factory owner who hopes to ship his products to China

Which of these people would have been hurt the most by the construction of the Suez Canal?

A western African merchant who trades with European merchants sailing to Asia

Why was textile manufacturing important to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain?

It was one of the earliest industries to find success industrializing and inspired others to follow its lead.

What role did railroads play in the Industrial Revolution?

They spread industrial technologies and products across wide areas.

What role did steam technology play in the Industrial Revolution?

It allowed the British to build new factories far from rivers or forests.

Examine the map below. In which of these regions did the Industrial Revolution first begin?

Region B

Examine the map below. Which of the following best describes the order in which these regions industrialized?

B followed by A followed by C

Examine the map below. Which of these regions was the second to industrialize following the Industrial Revolution?

Region A

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and mass production in Great Britain?

Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of goods such as textiles?

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in Great Britain?

The Industrial Revolution sped up the process of urbanization.

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and the scientific revolution in Europe?

The Industrial Revolution began when people applied the principles of the scientific revolution to farming and manufacturing.

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain partly because the country _______.

contained many rivers and harbors for transporting goods

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain partly because its many colonies _______.

provided it with resources and captive markets

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain partly because its government ________.

supported international trade and free markets

How did Thomas Edison contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

He made electricity less expensive and more easily available.

Which statement about Thomas Edison is true?

He created the first company for distributing electricity.

Several innovations of Thomas Edison’s eventually resulted in the ________.

creation of the motion picture industry


Which concept does Adam Smith use to describe the amount of money commonly paid for any commodity?

Market price

Which concept does Adam Smith use to describe an item sold for exactly the amount of money it cost to produce it?

Natural price

Which explanation accurately describes Adam Smith’s concept of the “natural price”?

The price of any item that is equal to the costs of producing it

Which development contributed to the rise of the free enterprise system in Europe?

The shift from an agricultural economy to consumer markets

Which development laid the foundation for the rise of the free enterprise system in Europe during the late Middle Ages?

The decline of agricultural economies

Which development laid the foundation for the rise of the free enterprise system in Europe during the Commercial Revolution?

The rapid growth of consumer markets

According to Adam Smith, how did government regulation of trade limit economic growth under the system of mercantilism?

It prevented the expansion of trade with other countries.

How did Adam Smith believe the economic system known as mercantilism limited potential economic growth?

It limited the choices that producers and consumers could make when choosing trade partners.

How did Adam Smith believe individuals would help their home countries’ economies without government regulation?

He believed they would prefer domestic industry to foreign industry

How did the Industrial Revolution change economies throughout Europe?

It introduced systems of mass production.

How did the Industrial Revolution change labor in Europe?

It increased the division of labor.

Why did labor change during the Industrial Revolution?

There was a shift from individualized to mass methods of producing goods

Which of the following describes a similarity between the commercial revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

Which of the following describes a major difference between the commercial revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

The commercial revolution led to the adoption of mercantilism in Europe, while the Industrial Revolution contributed to the end of mercantilism.

Which of the following describes a common outcome of both the Industrial Revolution and the commercial revolution?

Consumer goods became more important to European economies than agricultural products

Which of the following groups of people is an example of a corporation?

 A group of people who own a business selling pepper

Which of the following transactions is most similar to the actions of joint-stock companies during the Age of Exploration?

An oil company owner convinces investors to help pay for a new oil refinery in exchange for a portion of the refinery’s profits.

A restaurant owner has been very successful opening new restaurants in the United States. However, he would now like to open a restaurant in China. Since he does not have enough money to open the restaurant on his own, he convinces several friends to help him pay the costs. If the restaurant succeeds, the owner and his friends will share the profits. If it fails, however, all of them will split the losses. This situation is most similar to which of the following?

A joint-stock company

Which of the following actions would be favored by a government that supports a mercantilist economy?

A merchant uses resources found in his own country to make goods to sell in other countries.

Which of the following actions would be taken by a government that supports laissez-faire capitalism?

A governor approves a law removing taxes that had previously been applied to all goods shipped into her state from neighboring states.

Which of the following situations would not be supported by a government practicing a mercantilist economic system?

The country’s navy uses only imported wood and steel to build its ships.

Which of the following situations is an example of mass production?

A factory employs many workers doing different jobs to produce cars.

Which of the following situations is an example of specialization of labor?

Three factory workers assemble different parts of a computer.

Which of the following people would be a member of the European middle class following the Industrial Revolution?

A doctor who works in a small clinic


Which development was a result of increased urbanization during the Industrial Revolution?

Increased pollution

Which development resulted in the spread of disease and increased mortality rates during the Industrial Revolution?

Overcrowding in cities

Which of these changes caused an increase in pollution during the Industrial Revolution?

Increase in urbanization

Which of the following statements best describes Queen Victoria’s impact on Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution?

She supported reforms that improved education and sanitation for poor families.

Which of the following statements best describes the contributions of Louis Pasteur during the Industrial Revolution?

He developed a method to kill disease-causing bacteria in food and water.

Louis Pasteur’s research contributed to which of the following changes to life during the Industrial Revolution?

Improved sanitation in urban centers

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the development of social classes in Great Britain?

It divided society into a greater number of social classes.

Which of the following processes resulted from the growth of manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution?

Increase in social stratification

Which of the following developments led to the creation of new social classes during the Industrial Revolution?

An increase in both low-skilled manufacturing jobs and high-skilled middle-class jobs

How did industrialization affect business owners differently from the way it affected working-class laborers?

Business owners made profits and benefited from new industrial technologies, while laborers were paid little and rarely had access to new products resulting from industrial advances.

Which of the following describes a similarity between the upper and lower classes during the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain?

People from both classes suffered because of polluted air and water supplies.

Which of the following statements best describes a difference between the wealthy and the poor in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution?

The wealthy were able to enjoy a great deal of leisure time, while the poor worked extremely long hours each week.

Which of the following groups’ goals is most similar to the goals of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution?

A community with a leaking sewage system pressures its state government to fund repairs.

Which of these situations is most similar to the kinds of situations social reform movements hoped to prevent during the Industrial Revolution?

A factory dumps its industrial waste into a river that serves as a source of drinking water for a nearby town.

Which of the following situations is most similar to the actions taken by supporters of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution?

A labor group pressures the U.S. government to pass laws requiring all factories to install advanced sprinkler systems to put out fires.

Why was the British government slow to pass laws addressing the problem of pollution during the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

British leaders feared that such laws would interfere with businesses and harm the economy.

Which of the following concepts influenced British political leaders to avoid passing laws to address issues such as pollution and workplace safety early in the Industrial Revolution?

Laissez-faire economics

How did laissez-faire economic ideas influence British leaders during the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

It convinced leaders not to make laws addressing issues such as child labor and pollution.

Which of the following best describes a difference between upper- and lower-class women during the Industrial Revolution?

Upper-class women rarely had jobs outside the home, while lower-class women frequently held factory jobs. Which of the following best describes a similarity between upper- and lower-class women during the Industrial Revolution?

Both groups were treated unfairly and unequally compared with men of their class.

Which of the following describes an experience wealthy and poor women shared during the Industrial Revolution?

Economic and social customs limited opportunities for all women to live independently.

Which of the following best describes the role of poor and working-class children in the workforce during Great Britain’s Industrial Revolution

They worked long hours in dangerous mines and factories for low wages

How did the British perception of children change over the course of the 19th century?

Adults came to view children as vulnerable people in need of protection.

Why were children valued as laborers in coal mines during the Industrial Revolution?

Their small bodies allowed them to pull loads of coal through small tunnels