Global Population, Economy, Culture & Politics: A Continental Overview


North Africa

Population & Settlement

Population is young with a high natural increase. Coastal areas and the Nile are the most populated, and settlement is mostly rural.


Subsistence agriculture with low productivity is prevalent. Despite a wealth of natural resources, there is little industry. Tourism is important in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt.

Culture & Society

Islamic culture predominates. Main languages are Arabic, French, and Berber. A significant portion of the population lives in poverty.

Political Systems

The main regime type is the Islamic Republic, and internal conflicts are present.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Population & Settlement

Around 806 million inhabitants reside in rural nuclei, experiencing continuous natural increase and facing few job opportunities.


Mainly subsistence agriculture and livestock farming with low productivity. Industry is limited, and industrial production is primarily for export.

Culture & Society

Many different cultures exist, some of tribal origin and others from different continents. Languages include indigenous languages, English, and French.

Political Systems

The majority of political regimes are republics, but political instability is common, with civil wars and government corruption.


North America

Population & Settlement

The USA has the largest population, with many Mexican people emigrating there. The rate of urbanization is very high.


The USA is the first economic power in the world, with highly mechanized agriculture and an extremely diversified industry. The tertiary sector is very important. Canada is an industrialized country but its economy is less powerful. Economic development in Mexico is lower.

Culture & Society

The population of the USA and Canada is diverse, including European, Latin American, African, and Asian origins. Inhabitants of Mexico are mostly of mixed race. Principal languages are English and Spanish in the USA, French and English in Canada, and Spanish in Mexico.

Political Systems

Democratic political systems are prevalent.

Central and South America

Population & Settlement

More than 468 million inhabitants with a high natural increase and a very high rate of urbanization.


Agriculture is an important economic activity. Industry is developed in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. The region depends on the export of natural resources.

Culture & Society

Great ethnic diversity and people of mixed race are common. Social and economic inequalities persist. The main language is Spanish.

Political Systems

Political instability affects many countries, with authoritarian regimes coexisting with democratic ones.


Northern and Central Asia

Population & Settlement

Natural increase in Russia is negative, and settlement is mostly urban. In other countries, rural settlement predominates.


Russia is one of the main oil and mineral producers in the world, but its industry is not technologically developed. Other problems include high unemployment and corruption.

Culture & Society

Different ethnic groups and large differences in living standards exist.

Political Systems

Russia is a republic with a democratic system, while the rest suffer from serious political instability.

Western Asia

Population & Settlement

Natural increase is high due to high birth rates, and rural settlement is important.


Despite natural wealth, productivity is low, and industrial development is limited. Enormous contrasts exist between countries.

Culture & Society

Diversity of ethnic groups is present, and Islamic culture predominates. Social and economic inequalities are prevalent.

Political Systems

Types of government vary, including Islamic republics, parliamentary republics, and absolute monarchies.

Southern Asia

Population & Settlement

A densely populated region with a very high natural increase. Settlement is mostly rural.


Mostly subsistence agriculture with very little industry. Big contrasts exist between countries.

Culture & Society

A wide variety of ethnic groups and languages are present. Principal religions are Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Social inequalities are a concern.

Political Systems

Predominantly republican regimes, but political instability is an important problem.

Eastern Asia

Population & Settlement

China is the most populated country on Earth. Natural increase has been limited, but population density is extremely high in some areas. Life expectancy is high, but natural increase is low.


Agriculture plays an important role in China, while there is very little agriculture in Japan.

Culture & Society

The three main religions in China are Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. A high level of social equality exists.

Political Systems

China and North Korea have communist regimes. Japan is a parliamentary monarchy.


Australia and New Zealand


Small populations with declining natural increase and high life expectancy. Populations are mostly urban and concentrated in coastal areas.


Australia has a wealth of minerals. The principal economic activity in New Zealand is sheep farming, with forestry also being important.

Culture & Society

The majority of the population is of British origin, and the main language is English.

Political Systems

Parliamentary democracies are in place.

Island States of the Pacific


Melanesia is the most populated zone, with a very high rural population.


Development is low, and the principal activities are in the primary sector. Industry is not very developed and mainly linked to processing agricultural products.

Culture & Society

English is spoken in many places, and ancestral traditions are preserved in many countries.

Political Systems

Democratic regimes are prevalent.