Food, Health, and Media: Uncovering Critical Connections
Unit 4: Key Concepts
Concern: Worrying / Preocupación
To look on the bright side: To try to be cheerful about a bad situation / Mirar el lado positivo
Rare: Infrequent / Poco frecuente, poco común, raro
Due to: Because of / Debido a
To bully: Acosar (en el colegio)
To threaten: Amenazar
To harass: To trouble or annoy someone / Acosar, molestar, incordiar
To injure: To hurt, to harm / Herir, dañar, hacer daño
To blame: To believe or say that someone is responsible for something / Culpar
Contents: Contenidos
Along with: Junto con
To come down to: Ser cuestión de, reducirse a
Research: Investigation / Investigación
On a regular basis: Regularly / Regularmente
Offender: Criminal / Delincuente
To blame [the parents are to blame]: Los padres son los culpables
A court of law: Un juzgado convencional
Disease: Illness, sickness / Enfermedad
Additional Vocabulary
To hear: Saber, enterarse de algo
To come up with: Idear, presentar, plantear
Taste buds: Papilas gustativas
Bitter: Amargo
To tend: Tender, tener tendencia a
Ancestors: Relatives who lived a long time before you / Antepasados
Poisonous: Venenoso
Savoury: Tasty / Sabroso
To pick out: Reconocer, distinguir
Flavour: Characteristic taste / Sabor
To pinch: Apretar, pellizcar
To work out: Calculate; find the answer to / Calcular, averiguar
Slightly: Un poco, ligeramente
Cloth: Paño
Alike: Iguales, muy parecidos
Wildly: Extremely / Muchísimo
Fragrant: Having a pleasant smell / Fragante, aromático
Slimy: Wet and unpleasant / Viscoso
Revolting: Disgusting, nauseating / Repugnante, asqueroso
To evolve: Evolucionar
To put forward: Advance, propose / Presentar, proponer
Fondness: Preferencia (por algo), cariño (por alguien)
Crispy: Hard, dry and easy to break / Crujiente
Seafood: Marisco
Oyster: Ostra
There’s no accounting for taste: Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito
Unit 5: Media and Information
To award: To give as a prize / Conceder, otorgar
Media: Means of communication, mainly press, radio and TV / Medios (de comunicación social)
Feature: Characteristic / Rasgo, característica
Staff: Employees / Plantilla, empleados
A core of: A group of selected people / Un grupo escogido (selecto)
To edit: To revise, correct and prepare material for publishing / Corregir, revisar
To source: Citar la fuente
To undergo: To experience, to pass through / Sufrir, pasar por algo
Amount: Quantity / Cantidad
Accuracy: Exactness / Exactitud
Queue: Fila, cola [… will be held in a queue: se pondrán en espera o en cuarentena]
No matter how: Independientemente del modo en que
To evolve: To develop / Desarrollarse, evolucionar
Disgraceful: Vergonzoso
To reference: Citar
To update: Actualizar
Additional Vocabulary
Puzzle: Thing that is hard to understand / Enigma, misterio
Low-fat: Bajo en grasa
To go from strength to strength: To become more and more successful / Ir viento en popa
Heart diseases: Enfermedades cardiacas
To set about (+-ing): Start (doing something), especially in an energetic way / Abordar, emprender, iniciar, ponerse manos a la obra
To blame: Culpar, echar la culpa, achacar
Willing to: Dispuesto a
To be about to: To be imminent / Estar a punto de
Junkie: Adicto
Diet: The type of food that you regularly eat / Dieta (como en “dieta mediterránea”)
Culprit: Culpable, responsable
To strongly contest: Protestar de manera muy vehemente, refutar taxativamente
Which would allow food to be produced much more economically: Que iba a permitir la producción de comida de una manera mucho más barata
Fructose-glucose syrup: Jarabe de maíz alto en fructosa
To stand between them and their profits: Interponerse entre ellos y sus beneficios
To exercise: Hacer ejercicio
Other terms
Major: Important, serious, significant / Enorme, de gran importancia
Stroke: Ataque de apoplejía, derrame cerebral
On the increase: Becoming greater in number or intensity / En aumento
Went even further: Fue (llegó) incluso más lejos
To claim: Asegurar, afirmar, aseverar
Conclusively: De manera concluyente
Foremost: The most important or the best / Más importante (destacado)
Irrefutable: Something that nobody can prove to be incorrect [The evidence would be soon irrefutable: pronto habría pruebas irrefutables]
Court cases: Pleitos judiciales, litigios, causas, juicios
Eventually: Finally, in the end / Al final, con el tiempo, a la larga
Matching exercise
- Screenplay: Script
- Appliance: Device
- Story: Plot
- Commercial: Advertisement