Fitness Marketing History: A Century of Evolution and Impact

  • Knowledge of Fitness Marketing History

    Most fitness marketers today have limited knowledge of the history of fitness marketing styles and campaigns.


    a. The majority of today’s fitness marketers have little knowledge of this topic.

  • Factors Influencing Fitness Industry Growth

    The Industrial Revolution and the rivalry between Russia (USSR) and the USA in athlete development significantly accelerated the growth of the fitness industry.


    c. The rivalry of Russia (USSR) and USA related to the development of athletes

  • Recommended Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)

    Healthy adults should aim for approximately 60 minutes of MVPA on most days.


    c. 60 minutes

  • Definition of MVPA

    MVPA stands for moderate to vigorous physical activity, which refers to the intensity level of a person’s effort during a task.


    d. moderate to vigorous physical activity

  • “Expert” Influence Marketing Approach

    The “expert” influence marketing approach, utilizing research statistics to promote oxygen-based fitness activities, led to the rise in jogging and the emergence of aerobic dance.


    c. “expert” influence

  • Definition of Health Literacy

    The Centers for Disease Control defines health literacy as the ability to obtain, understand, and utilize basic health information to make informed health decisions.


    b. Health Literacy

  • Print Advertising in Early Fitness Marketing

    Print advertising, used as early as the 1920s, promoted fitness through emotional, social, and logical appeals, such as soap that “washes away fat” and exercise programs for muscle gain.


    e. print advertising

  • Effective Marketing in an Information-Overloaded Climate

    In today’s information-saturated environment, SMS/texting has the highest success rate for being read by consumers.


    d. SMS/texting has the highest success rate of being read.

  • Benefits of Understanding Fitness Marketing History

    Understanding the evolution of fitness marketing enables marketers to create and evaluate campaigns that positively impact lifestyles.


    b. can help marketers create and evaluate marketing campaigns that positively impact lifestyles.

  • Benefits of National Fitness Organizations for Marketers

    National fitness organizations like SHAPE America and Let’s Move offer various benefits to fitness marketers, except for developing lesson plans for physical educators to teach MVPA.


    c. the organizations only benefits physical educators in developing lesson plans to teach MVPA.