Federalism vs. Autonomy: A Comparative Analysis

Federalism vs. Autonomy

Decentralized Power

Both federalism and autonomy respond to the idea of decentralized power to empower individuals and social entities and safeguard citizens’ freedoms. They promote citizen participation and decision-making proximity.

Key Differences

a) Origin:

  • Federalism: Integration of pre-existing state entities into a complex state through an act of sovereignty. States retain some power, statehood, and constituent power, transferring some to a superior federal body.
  • Autonomy: Creation of new political entities within a unitary state. These entities have legislative and self-organizational powers but lack original command and constituent power.

b) Nature:

– In the original power federalism lies in the States.
– In the Autonomous such power resides in the State not autonomous entities (their power is derived). C) The immediate purpose:
Federalism policy seeks integration by creating a higher unity hitherto non-existent.
The range for limiting the power of existing unitary state in the interests of the personality of the autonomous entities by way of decentralization política.d) Their forms of organization:
– Federalism is a complex state.
– In the Autonomous autonomous entities do not meet the category of States, are powerless original command, constituent power and participation in the formation of the will of the state.
Consequences of the difference between federalism and autonomy:
“Federalism is always a manifestation of the principle of self determination. Autonomy does not.
“Federalism means the maintenance of the state entity of the federal entities. Autonomy does not.
“State intervention will be faster, easier and more expeditious in the autonomous systems in the feds.
No difference to the Land of the autonomous entity expansion of skills and powers to enforce.
If federalism is born from above results are not very positive. It’s very different writing a unitary structure that has existed for centuries that promote the integration of various state agencies that are willing to form a new political entity through such voluntary integration.
Moreover, in practical terms, not unlike what the Federal State of the Autonomous Region is the expansion of the related skills and to exercise those powers. An autonomous body may have broader powers and responsibilities, more freedom of movement and greater degree of self-government and a federal state can register a lesser degree of intervention by the central power. If we compare the distribution of powers in federal states in Latin American and Spain, it is evident that finding.
* National and regional
Problems posed by nationalism: 1The relationships between nationalism and claims of autogobierno.2l of nacionalismo.3a own internal contradictions of the language issue.
1. The thesis that nationalism is only appropriate political support for the claim and reality is untenable autonomic front (eg there have been demands for autonomy Republicans).
Nationalism, by definition, is forced to base the claim autonomic-or federal-in the exercise of the right of self determination inherent to national authorities. Thus, nationalism is incompatible with autonomy (involving a power granted by the state). Autonomy is also incompatible with the principle of nationality because some powers are exercised within a set, in which he enclosed the body is autonomous.
The contract is lower for federalism. But federalism from above is not acceptable for a nationalist (that federalism nature denies the principle of self-determination).
In these circumstances, the claim of the autonomy statute has its rationale in a plot to conquer enough power on which to make further development possible in a nationalist policy of broader flights. The statute would be a mere first step.
2. Contradictions:
“Their aspirations and their own internal dynamics drag the nationalist movement towards independence claim but this issue is opposed by most political nationalism own followers (not the wish or are not feasible).
“The political theory of our nationalist part of the idea of nationality as a legitimate claim on the doctrine of differential fact symbolized pro tongue.
3. On the right course of official recognition of these languages where they exist, could be a negative reaction, because the nationalism seen in the autonomous powers that allows the instrument to cover the cultural gap that a ruling class and a bourgeoisie almost Castilianized been opened. But the strict co-official should constitute a renunciation of nationalism by the use of autonomous powers as an instrument of affirmation and promotion of languages as a means of political pressure.
The language problem becomes even more thorny in those regions that have similarities with other language.
The term “nationalities”, said Professor Jesus Fueyo in 1978 that “A nationality is the postulation of the principle of nation will become. Power is a nation, a nation in the making. Therefore, all the constitutional restrictions imposed on the nationalities recognized as such are mere technical defenses unable to stop the unstoppable historical tide (…)”. Undoubtedly, these claims are typical of the era and the ideology of the author. The proof is that 25 years have passed and Spain is not fragmented.

Consequences of the difference between federalism and autonomy:
“Federalism is always a manifestation of the principle of self determination. Autonomy no.-Federalism means the maintenance of the state entity of the federal entities. The autonomno.-ía State intervention will be faster, easier and more expeditious in the autonomous systems in the feds.; no difference to the Land of the autonomous entity expansion of skills and abilities to federalism ejercerlas.Si born from above the results are not very positive. It’s very different writing a unitary structure that has existed for centuries that promote the integration of various state agencies that are willing to form a new political entity through such voluntary integration.; Moreover, in practical terms, what does not Unlike the Federal State of the Autonomous Region is the expansion of the related skills and to exercise those powers. An autonomous body may have broader powers and responsibilities, more freedom of movement and greater degree of self-government and a federal state can register a lesser degree of intervention by the central power. If we compare the distribution of powers in federal states in Latin American and Spain, it is evident that finding.
* National and regional
Problems posed by nationalism: 1The relationships between nationalism and claims of autogobierno.2l of nacionalismo.3a own internal contradictions of the language issue., 1. The thesis that nationalism is only appropriate political support for the claim and reality is insostenible.El autonomous nationalism, by definition, is forced to base the claim on the autonomous right of self determination inherent authorities nacionales.Por Thus, nationalism is incompatible with the autonomía.La autonomy is incompatible with the principle of nationalities because some powers are exercised within a set, in which he enclosed the body is autonomous.
The contract is lower for federalism. But federalism from above is not acceptable for a nationalist.
In these circumstances, the claim of the autonomy statute has its rationale in a plot to conquer enough power on which to make further development possible in a nationalist policy of broader flights. The statute would be a mere first step.
2. Contradictions:
“Their aspirations and their own internal dynamics drag the nationalist movement towards independence claim but this issue is opposed by most political nationalism own followers.
“The political theory of our nationalist part of the idea of nationality as a legitimate claim on the doctrine of differential fact symbolized pro tongue.
3. On the right course of official recognition of these languages where they exist, could be a negative reaction, because the nationalism seen in the autonomous powers that allows the instrument to cover the cultural gap that a ruling class and a bourgeoisie almost Castilianized been opened. But the strict co-official should constitute a renunciation of nationalism by the use of autonomous powers as an instrument of affirmation and promotion of languages as a means of political pressure.
The language problem becomes even more thorny in those regions that have similarities with other language.
The term “nationalities”, said Professor Jesus Fueyo in 1978 that “A nationality is the postulation of the principle of nation will become. Power is a nation, a nation in the making. Therefore, all the constitutional restrictions imposed on the nationalities recognized as such are mere technical defenses unable to stop the unstoppable historical tide (…)”. Undoubtedly, these claims are typical of the era and the ideology of the author. The proof is that 25 years have passed and Spain is not fragmented.