Essential Business Vocabulary for Professionals

Business Vocabulary

General Terms

  • Get a Promotion: Be promoted
  • Get the Sack: Be dismissed
  • Early Retirement: Retirement
  • Flexitime Work: Flexible work hours
  • Overtime Work: Overtime
  • Recruitment: Hiring
  • Vacancy: Open position
  • Resignation: Leaving a job
  • Make Somebody Redundant: Lay off staff
  • Overworked: Work overload
  • Pay Rise: Raise
  • Workload: Amount of work
  • Deadline: Delivery deadline
  • Workaholic: Someone who works excessively
  • Subsidiary: Affiliate (an entity controlled by another entity)
  • Head Office: Main office
  • Car Dealership: Business that sells cars
  • Chain Store: Branch of a larger company
  • Share Price: Stock price
  • Workforce: Employees/workers
  • Profit: Earnings
  • Turnover: Sales
  • Market Share: Percentage of a market held by a company
  • Enter the Market: Access a market
  • Extend the Product Range: Expand product offerings
  • To Meet a Need: Satisfy a need
  • Make a Breakthrough: Make significant progress
  • Bargain: Negotiate a lower price
  • Develop a Product: Create a new product
  • Launch a Product: Introduce a product to the market
  • Manufacture a Product: Produce a product
  • Fall in Profits: Decrease in earnings

Business Verbs

  • To Refund: Give money back
  • To Discount: Reduce the price
  • To Deliver: Distribute
  • To Return: Give back
  • To Despatch: Send
  • To Purchase: Buy
  • To Exchange: Trade
  • To Employ: Hire
  • To Expand: Grow
  • To Merge: Combine

People Characteristics

  • Ambitious: Driven to succeed
  • Energetic: Full of energy
  • Reliable: Dependable
  • Creative: Imaginative
  • Emotional: Sensitive
  • Confident: Self-assured
  • Outgoing: Sociable
  • Aggressive: Assertive
  • Persuasive: Convincing
  • Rude: Impolite
  • Calm: Relaxed
  • Quiet: Peaceful
  • Patient/Impatient: Tolerant/Intolerant of delays
  • Formal/Informal: Professional/Casual
  • Consistent/Inconsistent: Regular/Irregular
  • Enthusiastic/Unenthusiastic: Excited/Apathetic

Activities in a Company

  • To Do Research/Investigation: Conduct research
  • To Make a Presentation: Give a presentation
  • To Lead a Meeting: Manage a meeting
  • To Negotiate a Contract: Discuss and agree on a contract
  • To Attend a Conference: Participate in a conference
  • To Supervise Staff: Manage a team
  • To Write Reports: Create reports
  • To Telephone: Make a phone call
  • To Deal With Customers: Handle customer interactions

Functional Areas in a Company

  • Sales and Marketing: Promoting and selling products
  • Finance: Managing money
  • Management: Leading and organizing
  • Administration and Personnel: Handling administrative tasks and human resources
  • Production: Manufacturing goods
  • Research and Development: Creating new products and technologies

Sectors in a Company

  • Telecommunications/Media: Communication and entertainment industries
  • Engineering: Designing and building structures and machines
  • Retailing: Selling goods to consumers
  • Construction: Building structures
  • Tourism: Travel and hospitality industry
  • Pharmaceutical and Chemicals: Developing and producing drugs and chemicals
  • Banking and Finance: Managing money and financial services
  • Transportation: Moving people and goods
  • Vehicle Manufacturing: Producing cars and other vehicles
  • IT (Information Technology and Electronics): Computer and technology industry
  • Food and Drink: Producing and selling food and beverages

Finance and Money

  • Government Grant: Government-sponsored funding
  • Strong Currency: Hard currency (e.g., dollar, euro, yen)
  • Interest Rate: Cost of borrowing money
  • Consumer Spending: Money spent by consumers on goods and services
  • Make a Fortune: Become rich
  • Earn Money: Make money
  • Earn a Bonus: Receive extra payment
  • Overspend: Spend more than planned
  • Keep Within a Budget: Stay within budget limits
  • Make a Profit: Earn more than it costs to produce
  • Break Even: Reach a point where revenues equal costs


  • Sales Manager: Manages a sales team
  • Sales Representative: Sells products or services
  • Sales Assistant: Helps customers in a store
  • Consultant: Provides expert advice
  • Rep: Representative
  • Marketing Manager: Oversees marketing activities
  • Accountant: Manages financial records

Buying and Selling

  • Bargain: Negotiate a lower price
  • Discount: Reduction in price
  • Refund: Money returned for a purchase
  • After-Sales Service: Support provided after a purchase
  • Interest-Free Credit: Loan with no interest charges
  • Retailer: Sells goods to consumers
  • Turnover: Revenue
  • Supplier: Provides goods or services
  • Purchaser: Buyer
  • To Buy in Bulk: Purchase large quantities
  • To Exceed Sales Targets: Surpass sales goals

Product Description

  • Exciting: Stimulating
  • Attractive: Appealing
  • Reliable: Dependable
  • Well-Designed: Functional and aesthetically pleasing
  • Elegant: Stylish and sophisticated
  • Economical: Affordable
  • Practical: Useful and functional
  • Stylish: Fashionable
  • User-Friendly: Easy to use
  • Innovative: New and original
  • Fashionable: Trendy
  • Popular: Liked by many people
  • Robust: Durable
  • High Quality: Superior standard

Marketing and Advertisement

  • Mail Shots: Sending promotional materials by mail
  • Press/Radio Advertising: Advertising in print and on the radio
  • TV/Radio Commercials: Television and radio advertisements
  • Leaflet Sales: Selling through brochures
  • Celebrity Endorsement: Using a celebrity to promote a product
  • Product Placement: Featuring a product in media
  • Customer Loyalty: Customers’ continued preference for a brand
  • Niche Market: Specialized market segment
  • Marketing Strategy: Plan for promoting and selling a product
  • To Satisfy Consumer Demand: Meet customer needs
  • To Launch an Advertisement Campaign: Start a series of advertisements
  • To Do Market Research: Conduct market analysis
  • To Endorse a Product: Support or recommend a product