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International trade: Buy and sell goods from/ to other countries.

External debt: The money a country owes.

Balance of trade: What a country exports and imports. If the country exports more that imports is positive and if they exports minus than imports is negative


Crop diversity– Single crop (monoculture) : When only one crop(product) is grown(cultivate)– Multiple crop (polyculture) :  When we grow more than one product at the same time.Water use– Irrigated lands: When a crop,apart from the rainwater, needs to be artificially irrigated. (use of water) adib: vegetables and fruit.– Unirrigated lands: When a crop grows WITHOUT IRRIGATION using rainwater and requite little attention (no use of water) adib: cereals, olives, grapes…Farming techniques– Intensive: When a land is cultivated using new technology (chemical fertilisers, pesticides, genetically improved seeds…) GREENHOUSESExtensive: It involves low use of new technology with the crop yield depending on the natural conditions of soil fertility ,water supply…Structure:– Open field: Large fields (not divided by hedges), with geometric and straight boundaries,not  indicating where a property finishes and another one begins.– Bocage: Lands surrounded and separated by  hedges and wooden fences , typical of zones next to the Atlantic….Recent approaches:– Green revolution: It refers to the introduction of better crop varieties (genetically modified) and  increased use of fertilisers and irrigation.

– Organic: It avoids the use of artificial fertilisers,   weed killers and insecticides. (natural fertilles)

Economically sustainable means to be able to satisfy needs in a profitable way; producing the same or greater output of goods and services with less use of natural resources and workforce, to generate economic growth without hurting the environment.Environmentally sustainable means that the present generation should ensure that the health, diversity and productivity of the environment is maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations.Socially sustainable is based on a process to create sustainable, successful places that promote well-being, by understanding what people need from the places where they live and work..Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The ecological footprint measures the impact of human acitivities in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods comsumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. The size of and ecological footprint is calculated by meauring, por person. Carbon footprint: Represents the amount of forestland that could absorb CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil energy sources due to transport and energ Cropland: Represents the amount of land used to grow crops for human consumption and animal feed Grazing land: Represents the amount of grazing land used for livestock farming for meat, dairy, leather and wool product Fishing Grounds: Represents the grounds required to support the fish and seafood caught Built-up land: Represents the amount of land covered by human infrastructure (roads, railways), housing, and industrial structures. Forest land: Represents the amount of forest required to supply wood products for buildings, etc

Greenhouse gases are gases located in the atmosphere that absorb and emit infrared radiation. The main greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.The greenhouse effect is when the temperature of the Earth become higher because of human’s activity as the layer of gases in the atmosphere “trap” the radiation.Potential climate change impact:Temperature, sea level rise, precipitation impacts on:-Health: Weather-related mortality, Infectious diseases, Air-quality respiratory illnesses.-Agriculture: Crop yields, Irrigation demands.-Forest: Forest composition, Geographic range of forest, Forest health and productivity.Water sources: Water supply, Water quality, Competition for water.Coastal areas: Erosion of beaches, Flooding of costal lands, Additional costs to protect coastal communities.Species and natural areas: Loss of habitat and species, Cryosphere: diminishing glaciers.