Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Its History, Theories, and Practices

Names of Education: The Different Routes

Via vulgar, etymological and scientific.

Names of Different Types of Education and the Elements Q DI Help Differentiate

Formal, nonformal, and informal.
Intencionalidad the agent and the agent’s character sistemematico

Names of Different Types of Education and an Example

Formal, non formal and informal.

Names of Different Levels of Education and Whom Composed. Policies

Application and historical.

Q Is Meant by Theory of Education

That part of the General Education who studies the essence of the educational act, namely: its nature and its purposes, the factors that are, and the same party that must have the educator and learner.

Pedagogy and Science Educa Es Lo Mismo?

In the pedagogy is interested in educat act is law, gives standards to see how to act in education, draws on information sciences education, science education is a acto.La . is explanatory and is interested in the nexus of education (the subject) is explicativa.explica the link educat.a light of different disciplines is a fact.


Debauchery is the use of the freedom to do evil, against normas.Libertad is the ability to act spontaneously within the equitable rules or conveniente.El man is born with spontaneity, freedom is more complex, difficult , is the human capacity to deter one’s actions according to principles racionales.El work freely is a human fullness of maturity.

Q Understand for Pedagogy

The word education comes from the Greek-paid-child apopia-conduction (q science educates the child). In the beginning was a slave q showed the boy, the guide, is now the q is licensed in pedagogy expert Education. the condition of the child to educación.Pedagogo, the q enlightened and educated children, q exercised discipline in an institution, investigates issues of education. and graduated in this science.

Responding to Define Etymological Via Education

There are counter to their source, but need each other, we need to form and then give the source of palabra.1.Educo-as-ere (fill-form construction: centripetal-heteroeducacion ) .2. Educo-is-ere (task + q development of construction: centrifugal-self-education).

Basic Elements of the Educational Process

1.Finalidad: no purpose is not contenidos.2.Contenidos: with purpose and contents need a stock and a 1 objetivo.4.Efecto addressed efecto.3.Accion produced in the subject.

Difference Between Authority and Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism: abuse of authority (power), defined as an individual superiority over others and this gives the right to use the benefit propio.El act of sending an abuse, a plundering, and undergo a humiliation, an act of servidumbre.Es injustificable.Autoridad: is a positive element of life useful and social.Es funcional.Si govern all knew would not be needed, with sufficient freedom libertad.La coerces the man to do good in things q is incapable of self-government supplies the capacity of some social function sujetos.Cumple q always respected about assumptions: 1.quien commands should just send you q q quiere.2.solo can not send someone who is not able to govern themselves. 3.solo can send who knows how.

Justify the Existence of Education Theory

The most decisive and influential factor is the philosophical theory behind each is a philosophy: naturalistic sociologisatas, staff, idealists, realists, positivists, perennial, humanist ….

Term Evolution Theory

Q ARE THE GIFTS. education of the hands, called gifts. The gifts are items intended to arouse
the toddler’s representation of the shape, color, motion and matter. The gifts consist of: a) a ball of cloth with six small balls with the colors of the rainbow, b) a sphere, a cube and a cylinder, all wood, c) a collapsible cube into eight smaller cubes, d ) a collapsible cube into eight parallelepipeds e) a collapsible cube into twenty-seven cubes f) a collapsible cube into twenty-seven small parallelepipeds.

Pestalozzi Appoints Three Works

Vigilia, Switzerland and Paper A sheet of mothers.

Steps of the Theory of Formal Process

They offer the general form in which the learner can take over the most diverse materials enseñanza.1.claridad of comparación.3.Sistematizacion or objeto.2.Asociacion or generalización.4.Metodo or application.

Two Factors Theory Roseau

1.’s Education. Must be made according to nature, this being the first set of rules or habits undisturbed by the instruction, can not take any habito.Sus first emotions and impressions are more reliable basis for action as the child acts q q q all the experiences acquired through others.The q importantly it is the author of his own formación.La education should focus on knowledge of the true natural child, q are discovered by the experiences of and on one mismo.Hay q situate the learner in contact with nature. 2. The first education should be purely negativa.Preservar children from vice and spirit against error, not to teach children the principles of virtue or evil acts verdad.Cuando not him only q q is allowed to suffer the authority of consecuencias.Se q disclaims all taught and leaves it to each subject its own evolución.Como result of his work changed the conception of the child, teach and escuelas.Se revised curricula and new subjects are included.

Pedagogic Naturalism

It emerges as a proposed anti-rationalist formalism and antiquated q governing the partner época.Para reason many had become a tyranny, hence q proposes a revaluation of the senses and emotions as a true expression of natural humana.El natur.intento awaken a new faith in man and chart a different ideal of returning to nature vida.El became overvalued real culto.Se the natural man, fortified by the belief that q pq so vile man has done to civilization.

How Many Books Consta El Emilio

Book 1 (up to two years), libro2 (2-12) phase of niñez.Libro3 (12-15) 1 adolescencia.Libro4 (15-20) Changes in adolescencia.Libro5 (from 20 and education of women).

Natorp Summarizing the Ideas of

1.Principio fundamental harmony between education and spontaneity natu.2.Principio:

adaptation to the mode of being niño.3Principio of intuition: es.4.principio reality as the method: from the simple to the complejo.5. Balancing fuerazas: education. Balanced, spiritual and moral.
USED Fröbel Q PA LA EDUCA. THE CHILD: Use the Gifts. The gifts are items intended to arouse
the toddler’s representation of the shape, color, motion and matter. The gifts consist of: a) a ball of cloth with six small balls with the colors of the rainbow, b) a sphere, a cube and a cylinder, all wood, c) a collapsible cube into eight smaller cubes, d ) a collapsible cube into eight parallelepipeds e) a collapsible cube into twenty-seven cubes f) a collapsible cube into twenty-seven small parallelepipeds.
According to Froebel STAGES CHILD DEVELOPMENT: infancy, childhood, adolescence and maturity.
KINDERGARTEN IS Q: What conceived as an integral institution for a significant period of the child’s life, with its own characteristics and correspond to an education. especifica.Aqui the educator provides a suitable environment where children develop in a natural way and according to their posibilidades.Hace a basic game.
PURPOSES IN EDUCA.PARA Herbart: 2 aspects: the purely possible, q q depend on what subject and how it intends to streamline their education, the very will of educando.Los necessary purposes, with the ultimate goal of morality is based q in the will and intelligence shapes yq own individual personality.

NEW SCHOOL EDUCAT.DE METHODS: 1.De individualization education should be made taking into account the char. of each individual, respecting their abilities and capacities to q can make the best of si.Se should be divided into age groups, socialization skills … 2.De: seek to educate students and to society arising from the need to associate developed and contradicts anterior.A perfeccionarse.No through activities in groups or teams in the student develop positive habits they prepare pa q vida.3.De globalization: emerging from the psycho-Gestalt theory, according to which psychic phenomena globalmente.Surge expressed by teaching everything organized, with a unitary approach and totalizador.Los content should be organized in units or centers of global interest the alumno.4.De autoeducación pa: are the consequence of the theory of active school. They consider the child the center of all school activity and the main cause of its dynamic forms saber.Organizando learning.
STEPS BY JESUS PALACIOS: Single, Idealism and and Systems mé major wars and maturity.
Teacher-student relationship in new schools: The teacher’s presence is very important, the relationship is left behind by the power-submission of affection camaderia.El assistant teacher is the free and spontaneous development of more niño.Prevalece q behavior of word of the teacher.

Name 4 EDUCA CARACT.DE THE FAMILY: 1.fundamental: solid and duradera.2.Informal: education planificada.3.Perentoria not: let huella.4.Soberana: flia corresponds to the education of children.
Reason of the FLIA RELATIONS CONFLICT 1.Desmitificacion of the largest and autoridad.2.Alargamiento vida.3.Nucleorizacion loss of roles and responsibilities flia.4.Dejacion fundamental conflicts but padres.5.No + + opportunities to express .
PEDAGOGICAL PILLARS OF COEXISTENCE FLIA: Authority, employment and love.
Sociologists CONCRETION ON FLIA: Birth Control, population decline and rising living standards.
Educate families OBJECTIVES: To give confidence in the life of the child, provide the capacity for self-preservation, given realistic picture of the world and of himself, cultivating self-discipline and cultivation of values.
CONTENTS OF EDUCA.FAMILIAR: Formation of the basic personality, personal-social adaptation, cultivation and development of attitudes, habit formation, morality, educa.empleo time, religion and vocation.

RESPONDING TO DEFINE Etymological VIA EDUCATION: There are counter to their source, but need each other, we need to form and then give the source of palabra.1.Educo-as-ere (fill-form construction: centripetal-heteroeducacion ) .2. Educo-is-ere (task + q development of construction: centrifugal-self-education).
BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: 1.Finalidad: no purpose is not contenidos.2.Contenidos: with purpose and contents need a stock and a 1 objetivo.4.Efecto addressed efecto.3.Accion produced in the subject.
Difference between authority and authoritarianism Authoritarianism: abuse of authority (power), defined as an individual superiority over others and this gives the right to use the benefit propio.El act of sending an abuse, a plundering, and undergo a humiliation, an act of servidumbre.Es injustificable.AutOrida: is a positive element of life useful and social.Es funcional.Si govern all knew would not be needed, with sufficient freedom libertad.La coerces the man to do good things in q is incapable supplies the capacity for self-government some social function sujetos.Cumple q always respected about assumptions: 1.quien commands should just send you q q quiere.2.solo can not send someone who is not capable of autogobernarse.3.solo can send someone who knows it.
Justify the existence of education theory: The most decisive and influential factor is the philosophical theory behind each is a philosophy: naturalistic sociologisatas, staff, idealists, realists, positivists, perennial, humanist ….