Economic Terms and Concepts

Distribution and Allocation

Distribution: According to a plan: Allocation (Of resources)


Commercialize: Do organize something to make a profit


Externalities: Possitive or negative consequences (benefit or cost) of economic activities experienced by other people


Infrastructure: A basic systems and services such as transport and power supplies


Optimal: The best of most likely to bring success


Outcome: The result or effect of an action or situation


Unfettered: No limited by any rules or controls

Income Tax

Income Tax: The tax people pay in their wages and salaries

Direct Tax

Direct tax: Tax on wages and salaries or on Company Profit

Progressive Tax

Progressive Tax: A tax levied at a higher rate on higher incomes

Indirect Tax

Indirect tax: Tax on property, sales transaction, imports and so on

Value-added Tax

Value-added tax: Tax collected at each stage of production, excluding the already tax cost from previous stages

Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains tax: Profits made by selling asset are generally liable to

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax: Gift to family members over certain value are often liable to an

Wealth Tax

Wealth tax: The annual tax imposed on people fortunes(in some countries)

Tax Avoidance

Tax avoidance: Make false declarations to the tax authorities

Tax Havens

Tax havens: Countries where taxes are low, where multinational companies often set up their head offices


Loophole: A small mistake or exception in a tax law, which allows you to avoid paying something


Downturn: A decline in economic activity


Am Increase in economic activity: upturn


Beliefs about what will happen in the future: expectation


Purchasing and using goods and services: consumption

Balance of Payment

The difference between the funds country receives and those it pays for all international transaction: Balance of payment

Gross Domestic Products

The total market value of all the goods and services produced in a country during a given period: Gross Domestic products


The willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services: Demand


The willingness and ability of business to offer goods or services for sale: Supply


To pay money aside to spend in the future: Safe


An amount of money that is smaller than is need (e.g when spending exceeds revenues): deficit


An excess a quantity that is larger than is needed: surplus


A state of balance for example when supply is the same as demands: equilibrium

Monetary Politics

Government of central bank action concerning the rate of growth of the money in circulation: monetary politics

Fiscal Policy

Government actions concerning taxation and public expenditure: fiscal policy


The economic theory that government monetary and fiscal policy should stimulate business activity and increase employment in a recession: Keynesianism

Money Supply

The total amount of money available in a economy at a particular time: Money Supply


Treating some people in a worse way than you treat other people: discrimination


Making something weaker: undermining

Free Enterprise

An economic system in which anyone can raise capital from a business and offer goods or services: free enterprise

Conforming to

Complying with or following rules, etc: conforming to


Express given a material for: Embodied


According to generally accept beliefs based on moral: ethical


Usual way of behaving: custom

Insofar as

To the degree or extent that: Insofar as


Causes damages: Harms


Supporters, people who argue in favors of something: proponents.

Flexible Labor Market

A situation in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff: Flexible labor market


Decreasing the number of permanent employee working for and organization: downsizing

Outsourcing of Contracting – Out

Using other businesses as subcontractors to supply components of services: outsourcing of contracting – out.

Job Sharing

Employing two or more or more people on a part time basis to perform job normally available to one person working full time: job sharing

Relocation or Delocalization

Moving some of a business activity (e.g accounting, production to another place or country): relocation or delocalization.


Removing un productive parts of the management hierarchy to make organization more flexible and efficient: delayering 

Rationalization or Restructuring

Reorganizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce cost and improve efficiency and effectiveness: rationalization or restructuring.

Contract Work

Temporary employment by an organization to do a specific project of price of work: contract work

Casual Work

Temporary employment that not regular oz fixed: casual work


Another way of saying downsizing thought it could also describe increasing the size of an organization, perhaps as an attempt to correct a previous downsizing: rightsizing


To increase the value of a currency in an otherwise fixed system: Revalue


To decrease the value of a currency in an otherwise fixed system: devalue


Adjective describing a rate change or varies: floating


People who argue in favor if something: proponent


To fall in value in a market system depreciate


To rise in value in market system: appreciate


To attempt to protect oneself against future price changes: hedge


Continuous change in a price or value: fluctuations

Future Contracts

Agreement to buy something at a fixed price several month ahead: future contracts

Free Trade

Free trade means imports and

exports of goods and services: without any government restriction

Protectionism means restricting imports: way of trade barriers such as tariff and quotas

Trade barrier are government or regulation that restrict international trade .

A tariff is a tax charged

A quota is a maximum quantity of goods of specific kind that can be imported into a country.

Comparative advantage means a country ability to: produce particular goods more efficiently (using fewer resources and a at lower cost) that some other countries

An infant industry is one that is in an early stage of development and which cannot survive competition from foreign companies

A strategic industry is one that is particularly important to a country economy.

A cheaper copy of a product that is not marked with the product name: Generic

A name or a symbol showing that a product is made by a particular producer and which cannot be legally used by anyone else: Trademark

Selling unwanted goods very cheaply usually in other countries: Dumping

The legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, flim, photograph, piace of music: Copyright

To pay part of the cost of something: Subsidize

Average: Mean

To accept or tolerate or endure something unpleasant: bear

Originating or developing as the result of something: stemming from

Am extremally import or necessary thing to ask: crucial question

Reduced: Discounted

The amount of income received each year form and investment expressed as a percentage of the total amount invested: rate of return/ capital

In summary briefly or simply: in a nutshell

Producing very good result for the amount of money concerned: highly cost effective

Least wealthy countries: poorest nations of developing nations

The minimum level of income necessary meet basic needs: poverty time

Albeit: Although it is

At threat: likely to become endangered in the future

Decouple: to disconnect or separate

Desertification: the process by which land becomes dry and vegetation is destroyed

Hindrance: something which makes it more difficult of something to happen.

Inertia: the physical force that keeps something maximum in the same direction.

Iterative: Repetitive or receiving

On a par with at: Th same level as something else.

Political will: Strong government intentions

Reticence: Unwillingness to do something.

Timeframe: the period during which something is projected to take place.