
Word Order: Why did they do that?; How much will they pay you?; When are you leaving?;Are you happy in your new job?;Have you ever eaten snails?;What do you want?;Where did you get the computer from?;Is she a teacher?;Can you play the guitar?;Will you marry me?

words in the correct order:Do you enjoy studying English?; Does she prefer weekdays or weekends?; My sister and her boyfriend have just got married; My best friend always wears beautiful clothes; I still can’t find my watch; I’ve lived here for about three years; Everybody knows that exercise is good for the body and the mind; How often do you have your computer mended?; She cleaned her flat before lunch; Tom and Jemma had arranged to meet each other.

Question tags: Peter works in a shop, doesn’t he?; You are Italian, aren’t you?; They can speak German, can’t they?; It will be easy to do it, won’t it?; I am right, aren’t I?; We don’t go to the cinema once a week, do we?; She isn’t from Argentina, is she?; Your brother hasn’t got a scooter, has he?; You usually drive to work, don’t you?; They never come here, do they?

Frequency adverbs: I usually finish work at half past five; They always stay in the same hotel ;She never works on Saturdays; I am often at home in the evenings; I will always remember you.

Correct form of the verbs: -Even though Jane says she’s feeling better. I think she still (lose) (Is still losing) weight; -Frank (collect)(Collects) stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby; -How are you getting on with the book? At the moment I (read)(Am reading) chapter four. -He has an important project to finish by next week, so he (work)(Is working) in the evenings at presenT; -A: I can’t read this. B: You always (complain)(Are always complaining)about my handwriting; -He usually (not drive)(Doesn’t usually drive) to work. He usually (walk) (walks); -You (see)(Do you see) that man over there?; -The water (boil)(Is boiling). Can you turn it off?

Use the present simple or the present continuous:I am writing (1 write) to you from our holiday home, right next to the sea. Im’ sitting (2 sit) in my cozy bedroom, which Is (3 be) at the back of the building, and I’m looking (4 look) out across the waves to a little island. I Love (5 love) this breathtaking view, and in the evening I sometimes Stay (6 stay) in to watch the sun go down. Every day I Go (7 go) for a long walk along the top of the cliffs. It’s late June now, so the weather’s getting(8 get) hotter, but I always Leave (9 leave) the house early in the morning while that cool wind from out at sea Is blowing.(10 blow). Im’ having(11 have) a really good time here, and I Don’t think (12 not think) I want to go home!

Past simple or past continuous:Sara fell asleep when she (Was doing) (do) her homework; It was a beautiful day. The sun (Was shining) (shine) and the birds (were singing). (sing); My parents (Chose) (choose) this school because it (was) (be) near our school; Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. I really (enjoyed) (enjoy) myself; Some years ago I (travelled) (travel) to England with a friend; I (saw) (see) you in the park yesterday. You (were sitting) (sit) on the grass; I (was walking) (walk) along the road when I (saw) (see) him so I (stopped) (stop) and we Was shining(had)(have) a chat; It was warm, so I (took) (take) off my coat; I (started) (start) the job two years ago; Last week I (visited) (visit) one of our other sites; What (were you doing) (do) at this time yesterday? I was asleep; (did you go) (you/go) last night? No, I was too tired; How fast (were you druvung(drive) when the accident (happened) (happen); I saw you in town yesterday, but you (dint’s see)(not/see) me. You (were looking)(look) the other way; Last night I (dropped) (drop) a plate when I (was doing)(do) the washing up. Fortunately it (didn’t break) (not/break).

Used to + a suitable verb:I don’t travel much now. I (used to travel) a lot, but I prefer to stay at home these days; I(used to live) in a small village, but now I live in New York; When you lived in London, (did you use to go) to the theatre very often?; David (used to spend) a lot of money on clothes. These days he can’t afford it; She (she used to be) a vegetarian, but now she eats meat sometimes.

Present perfect or past simple: (Did you see) (you/see) Alan last week?; (Have you ever been) (you/ever/be) to the United States?; Nobody lives in those houses. They (Have been empty) (be) for many years; When (Did they get married) (they/get married)?; How long (Have you known) (you/know) her?; We (Haven’t seen) (not see) them since 1998; It’s two months since he last (had) (have) that watch; He (has had) (have) that watch since Christmas; Life (was) (be) very different a hundred years ago; Where (have you been recently) (you/be/recently) ?

Present perfect or the present perfect continuous: Since they were young, the children (have enjoyed) (enjoy) travelling by plane; I(have never understood)(never understand) why we have to pay so much tax; In recent years, Brazilian companies (have been putting) (put) a lot of money into developing advanced technology.; It (has been raining) (rain) since I got up this morning; Henry (has been living) (live) in California for three years.

The future:I (’ll have finished) (finish) it before you get back; This time tomorrow I (’ll be flying) (fly) to New York; She (will probably come) (probably/come) to see you tonight; Careful! That glass (is going to) (fall)!; We (will start) (start) the meeting as soon as he (arrives) (arrive); I (’m having) (have) a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?; I’ve bought this picture for Karen. Do you think she (will like) (like) it?;We’re late. The film (will already have started) (already/start) by the time we get to the cinema; Next year they (will have been married) (be married) for 25 years;Get out of the building! It sounds like the generator (’s going to)(explode); If you’re ready, I (‘ll explain) (explain) how the equipment operates;The next meeting of the committee (Is) (be) on November 5th ; The plane (will be travelling) (travel) at twice the speed of sound when it (passes) (pass) overhead; After the operation you (won’t be doing) (do) any sport for a while.

Modal verb:I don’t think you should tell anyone yet; That can’t be the hotel Jane told us about; I’m afraid that nobody would help me in that kind of situation; There are times when the traffic here can/ really heavy; I think you should go to Brighton for a week.

Active to passive.Move the object to the beginning of the sentence; Replace the verb with the same tense of the verbbe; Add the pastparticiple of the verb; Add any words after the past participle; If you need to, move the subject to the end of the sentence; Connect it using the word by.