
FINANCE DEPARTMENT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTROL OF BILLING, EXPENSES, TREASURE, THE PAYMENTS, ETC… IN THE AGENCY .m The finance department must be informed about the management of the different clients.In the finance department we can find personnel department, accounting, billing,dealing with suppliers… Etc. The finance department reports need to bill and claiming collections from clients. Finance department– Main roles :Understand the agency business , Very close to account department ,Focus on profitability , Control obssesed , Direct relationship with suppliers (payment) , Pay salaries Relationship with banks , Billing closures , Fiscal year-year closings Exhaustive control of financial reality , Focused on making money for the agency , Very close to the CEO ,Relationship with other departments. How is an advertising agency remunerated? Before… % commission on advertiser investment in media 15% s/gross16.65 s/net(depends on agency discount) % commission on production After…usually by fees based on allocated resourcesACCOUNT DEPARTMENTThe account department represents the agency in the client side. And the client in the agency side. The account department is really key . Account departmentor Client service departmentBuild brands: ClientServiceDirector needs to understand brand building. He really needs to know everything about the client/brand he is handling. Understand the client business: The client needs to know the CSD has the ability to understand his business, he needs an interlocutor strong enough to have rich conversations. Strategic abilities: Although the CSD may not be a planner, he needs to work with strategic tools. Sometimes in agencies without Planning Department, CSD can be the planner.Resources:CSD needs to allocate resources when needed, for example, he can distribute team for a pitch or a punctual need. Inspire and stimulate creativity: As well as CSD needs to be strategic, he also needs to have the ability to inspire creatives with ideas, with examples, with stimuli… He can invite the creative team out of the office. Build relationships:He is the aim, he is the responsible to build strong relationship together in the agency and in the client Generate profitability: CSD must to be focus on profitability, he needs to have control of incomes, expenses, and to know deeply the performance of his accounts/clients. Understand the agency business:As well as knowing the client business. CSD must understand deeply the agency business and he must focus on generating new incomes, new business. Anticipate: issues:He needs to have a global vision of the client and agency relationship and detect any possible issue.Build trust:CSD is the face of the agency in the client. He has to build trust in the client team. He can become personal friend of clients. Team leader: CSD is the motor of business. He moves forward the team. He has to motivate different members of team.Find opportunities: CSD has the pulse of the account, he should be able to look for and find oportuntities to create business, to present a braver idea. Account department x creative department: very close relationship.Account department leads the project, write the brief (together with planning department) and gives the brief to creatives and/or to other departments.The brief should be inspiring.Account department x strategic department:Account & Planning judge the creative ideas and make sure the strategy is correct as well as the creative ideas and usually work in a rational to explain the reason why the idea fix in the brief.Account department x production department:When the idea/s are approved by client (depending on the process – test, internal approval, etc…) the idea gets into the production department. The approved idea needs to be produced in time and money available.Account department works very close to the production department and creative department.Account department x digital department:Maybe, the agency is organized with a digital department or maybe the digital department is integrated with the existing account and creative teams. Account and digital must work together offering clients the best solutions to the brief. Account department x financial department:Both teams works together in analysis evolution of sales, incomes, spents, margins, etc. Usually every month the account team and the finance team have a meeting to review main numbers. Account department x traffic department:Often in big structure we may find a traffic department, this is the one in charge of distributing all the workflow in the agency, status on brief, on creation, on production…etc.Traffic department is useful to optimize processes and resources.STRATEGIC/PLANNING DEPARTMENTis the voice of the customer in the agencyThe planning department is really key to help creativesIn agencies without planning dept. Account dept does the planning. Creative dept does the planning. A good strategy is as important as a good idea When the strategy is poweful, creative ideas flow perfectly. Estructura: Strategy general director-planning director-plannerBuild brands: Planners need to understand the strategic language of the different clients, their tools… etc. Planners need to be able to speak every client in their strategic idiom. Every client has his own branding process to build brands. Planners know to use all the data from the client side (tracking, sales, digital, …etc). Understand the client business: Planners need to understand the client business perfectly as well as the account team.Planners need to follow the activity of main competitors and detect any relevant information/idea/action to his client. Planners should be proactive and convince account teams to present clients new initiatives. Strategic abilities: He is the soul of Strategy. He has a structured mind. He has a creative mind. He can conceptualize. He has criteria.Inspire and stimulate creativity: Together with the account team, he inspires and stimulates creatives.Planning should belong to the creative department. The nicest circle: ACCOUNT – PLANNING – CREATIVE Trend hunter: He is open, he likes to read, arts, urban culture, music, travel he knows last trends.BRAND PASSION. Customer obsessed:He is the voice of the customer in the agency. He need to identify insights powerful enough to move to action.Understand the agency business: As well as knowing the client business. Planner must understand deeply the agency business and he must focus on generating new ideas to help agency to diferenciate.