
It is important at this point to consider resources other than those tb’s attention-residencial. regarding the revision of targets will be referred to if the goal is still valid, if not yet set up, whether it has succeeded in estimated time, if removed or has been monitoring readaptado.-5: the protocol review and results.-monitoring is a necessary moment in any intervention, since it allows a continuous evaluation process. Monitoring provides information on the attainment of program objectives and therefore the same efficiency or effectiveness of the proceedings. Monitoring allows continuous monitoring of the intervention process and its results, collecting information on the following aspects: “the attainment of objetivos.-level maintenance of the achieved objectives .- reason or reasons that have been made ​​.- (or not) objetivos.-relationships between different program elements, such as the relationship between the child and the teacher, the less family-educator family. produced significant changes in the least in the areas of personal development and / or the adaptation to the contexts pii .- monitoring should not only be reviewing the goals or the degree of achieving them, tb is to obtain information about relationships between different program elements. In fact, why sometimes not achieved the objectives are related to variables such as lack of coordination among professionals, the scarcity of resources, or have been unrealistically raised by, among other things is interesting .- the schedule for actions subsequent to the child, consider the reasons why a particular program did not achieve its objectives, or conversely, to find out the reasons why we do it alcanzarón.-There are two types of monitoring. The monitoring of the objectives on the one hand, and the development of the child, on the other lado.-monitoring of levels of objectives. Along with the establishment of a target in the pii, considering the time allowed for review. In addition to collecting information on the achievement or, conversely, has not been reached, indicate razones.-monthly monitoring of evolution of the child. This is a monthly re-evaluation of the child. Monitoring allows the educator to conduct a review of the most significant changes produced in each of the areas of personal development and acceptance of the contextos.-monthly registration facilitates the completion of monthly reports and final account for the intervention process and taking place in the final report individual.-6 the individual final report: results. communication-the last stage referred to in individualized intervention process has to do with the description and subsequent communication of observations and interventions on menor.-the individual final report should be structured in such a way that reflects an understandable way, useful and rigorous life story of a child in the center. It should be understood as a working tool to facilitate decision-making regarding the child’s immediate future. Specifically, the final report must describe in an integrated way the initial state of the child, the intervention targets were raised to meet its needs, the developments which were recorded and their current state of development and adopción. “Now, if Liem aware, precisely because the present moment in which to develop your work, which is forcing us to use increasingly systematic methods, methods that require an effort to change work habits acquired in practice exercised.Both aspects: new models and changes in habits can not be rejected if we act under consideration to adapt our work to the present moment, in that search and improved scientific approaches has been constant since the emergence of our profession in its continuing evolution histórico. “On the thickness of dust on the books of a public library can be measured in the culture of a people. John Ernst Steinbeck-The better way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde

32. Individual initial program and individual program final

The individualized intervention program is conceived as a tool for organization and planning, unique and personalized, the performances with the child during his stay in the center, continues to review, in order to positively influence child development in different pii .- contexts will be developed by the teachers responsible for each education and supervised by educational teams .- in reception centers for children, pii will focus on the diagnosis and prognosis of the child’s situation through the admission and assessment the case and its orientation through the report derivación.-pii general conditions are:-must have a pee, usuario. single-pii goals are drawn up taking into account the centro.-programming the program design must be after the initial assessment .- must designate those responsible for designing and putting in marcha.-be should consider the participation of implicados.-1 strengths and débiles.-understood by all those strengths capabilities, resources and skills of an individual or group that are positive for the personal, social and therefore adaptativas. “means those deficits weaknesses and difficulties of an individual, group or institution that are negative and personal development social and therefore desadaptativas.-the strengths and weaknesses arise as a result of the review of all professional reports which have, and records used in the evaluation phase inicial.-2 detection needs. -detection is key needs in the design of pii, and are derived from the strengths and weaknesses. While obviously outweigh weaknesses in setting needs to refer to deficits or needs, tb be detected needs arising from the strengths. There will be a list of needs and will be grouped again intervención. areas-these areas are “areas personal.-area development of cognitive-intellectual-emotional development area-motivational-area instrumental skills ,-area physical and salud.-areas of adaptation and integration in meaningful contexts:-area family context, context-area school / work, residential-area context, context-area comunitario.-3 specific objectives:-in pii will establish a list of all possible specific objectives in each area. Depending on the needs of each child, in some areas there will be many goals and other less. Since you can not address all the objectives and it is not realistically address an excessive number, you must choose those that are most relevant and which decides to initiate the intervention. This will determine the priority of each depending on the urgency of the needs identified and resources disponibles.-4 protocol for “the action protocol is a document that is structured steps to achieve specific targets provided. There will, therefore, with such action protocols have been prioritized objectives.- On them shall specify the activities to be carried out with the minor, the resources required and the time allocated to achieve the same .- The protocols will be saved in the document pii, sorting them by area, so the record of what has worked with the juvenile and what has been results.-activity is the model of intervention on a reality through concrete actions. Will have to specify who will carry them out, under what conditions and the minimum level required. Be formulated in terms of observable behavior and language understandable to the minor. Must be nested in time, following the criterion of lowest to highest dificultad.-provisions resources are human, material and techniques that make it possible to carry out the intervention level to alleviate the identified needs and achieve their objectives.