Construction & Demolition Waste Management: RD 105/2008 Guide

Theme 2: Building Activity and the Environment

2.1 Management of Construction Environmental Works. Royal Decree 105/2008

1. Introduction

Council Directive 91/156/EEC of 18 March 1991, by amending Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste.

1. Phases of Production

Reduction of waste production at each stage of the process. Apply the principle of responsibility for the proper management of waste who generates (in the project and implementation).

According to the RD 105/2008 Production and Management of Construction and Demolition Waste:

  • Producer of RCDs: The property owner who resides in the ultimate decision to build or demolish.
  • Owner of RCDs: The one who executes the work and has the physical control of which is generated in the same.

2. Use of Waste

Development of measures to encourage the use of waste in construction, sitting as the building process materials reused or recycled.

3. Elimination Compatible with the Environment

We have landfills as non-returnable deposit of waste or usable.


  • Environment: The set of physical, chemical, biological, social, aesthetic, and so on., forming the system in which an agency conducts its activities.
  • Ecosystem: System consisting of living beings exist in a particular location and environment that is properly theirs. Symbiosis of living things (plants and animals) and nonliving (soil, climate) in a specific area.
  • Sustainable Development: That meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Sustainability: Is the maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for future generations.

Laws of the “Sustainability”

  • The rate of utilization of renewable resources must be less than or equal to its regeneration.
  • The rate of use of nonrenewable resources must be less than or equal to the generation of renewable substitutes.
  • The rate of generation of contaminants must be less than or equal to that required for their removal, sterilization or recycling.

Definition of LCA

LCA is a methodology to systematize the acquisition and generation of information, to objectify the decision-making and effectively identify improvement opportunities throughout the system.

National Definition of Stroke (1993)

LCA is an objective process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product, process or activity.

  • Identifying and quantifying energy, materials used and waste of all types discharged into the environment.
  • Determining the impact of energy use and materials and discharges into the environment.
  • Evaluating and implementing environmental improvement practices. The analysis includes the study of the entire lifecycle of the product, process or activity, and comprising the steps of: extraction and primary raw material-manufacturing – transmission and distribution – use, reuse and recycling and maintenance – fate fraction of rejection.

Stages of the Methodology

  1. Defining objectives and scope.
  2. Inventory Analysis (definition of inputs and outputs).
  3. Impact assessment – classification according to their effect on the environment – characterization, standardization to compare the categories – assessment or evaluation of the different categories of impact.
  4. Assessment of improvements or results interpretation phase.


Definitions (Article 2 RD RCDs)

  • Construction and Demolition Waste: Any substance or object that meet the definition of ‘waste’ in Article 3a) of Law 10/1998 of 21 April, generated in a construction or demolition.
  • Residue Inert: Non-hazardous waste that does not experience physical, chemical or biological significant, is not soluble fuel or physically or chemically react or otherwise, is not biodegradable, does not adversely affect other matter with which it comes into contact in a way that may lead to environmental pollution or harm human health.

Obligations of Producer of RCDs (Art.4 RD RCDs)

  1. Include in the proposed execution of the work a management study of construction and demolition waste, including at least:
    1. An estimate of the quantity, filling-in cubic meters of waste from construction and demolition to be generated on site, coded according to the European Waste List MAM/304/2002 published by Order of 8 February, which are published from recovery and disposal of waste and the European Waste List, or rule that replaces it.
    2. The measures for waste prevention in the work to the project.
    3. Operations reuse, recovery or disposal of waste that is destined to be generated on site.
    4. The measures for the separation of waste at work.
    5. Plans to facilities for the storage, handling, separation and, where appropriate, other management operations of construction and demolition waste within the work.
    6. The requirements of the Statement of particular technical requirements of project, in conjunction with the storage, handling, separation and, where appropriate, other management operations of construction and demolition waste within the work.
    7. An assessment of the expected costs of waste management and construction demolition will be part of the project budget in separate chapter.
  2. In demolition, rehabilitation, repair or alteration, make an inventory of hazardous waste generated, to be included in the management study referred to the letter a) of paragraph 1 and provide for selective withdrawal in order to avoid mixing with each other or with other non-hazardous waste, and ensure they are sent to managers of hazardous waste.
  3. Provide documentation certifying that the construction and demolition waste actually produced in his works have been managed, if necessary, on site or delivered to a recovery facility for disposal or for treatment by licensed waste management company in the terms included in this Royal Decree and, in particular in the waste management study of the work or any amendments thereof. The documentation for each calendar year must continue for the next five years.
  4. In the case of works subject to planning consent form, where appropriate, as provided in the legislation of the autonomous communities, the bond or equivalent financial guarantee to ensure compliance with the requirements of this license in respect of construction and demolition waste of obra.2. For building works, when there is a blueprint for obtaining planning permission, the project will contain at least the documents referred to in points 1, 2.