Combating School Absenteeism: A Collaborative Approach in Castellon
-This plan starts with the detection of absences of a child, by the number of unexcused absences, in this case the tutor monitor the assistance, if this situation persists, report the fact to the head of these two professionals estudios.-communicate to the family this fact to be resolved, they may conduct interviews with parents to get information.-in the case of the absence-continue to be passed to process 2 which will be communicated in writing to the families of faults or failures, transfer the case to the respective actions to the commission of coexistence of the school board, here studied the case carefully, they analyze the situation and determine measures to be taken as the case requires it, these measures include: educational assistance home , financial services, home visits by social educator, transportation assistance, material .- If after these steps the problem persists the school management will transfer the file to the local board of absenteeism, which has the expertise in developing programs truancy prevention and intervention in Castellon.
Is studying and assessing the problematic will contact the family by social services team and council will propose action proposals and their subsequent monitoring, analyzing the causes of the event and will speak at school and socially. This panel will inform the school and the service involved in the proceedings all the steps to be taken .- if systematically continued absenteeism will proceed to transfer the file to Na lower section of the Department of Social Welfare, which consider that measures protection take assume the guardianship and custody, guardianship or other, this always in coordination with the prosecution of menores.-all this process is the result of a consensus, analytical dialogue of the professionals involved, tb is an effort to break new ground to overcome the difficulties found in dealing with this issue. It is a useful tool and reflection aid, prevention and eradication of truancy in castellon.Es clear that the problem of absenteeism and dropout is linked to several personal, societal and family, but also to factors related to schools and operation that can exacerbate problems and academic engagement of young people at risk. Against this background, it would be very biased any policy to mitigate absenteeism and dropout assimilate these phenomena exclusively to social, exclusion and pre-criminal behavior, or certain configurations of the personality of the child or adolescent, and that obviates the school size, curriculum and teaching thereof. It would, therefore, appropriate to raise policies from a single optical nor psicologicista and assistance from a coercive or exclusively administratives. -1. Any action to prevent truancy and drop will not be effective unless all members of the school agree that improving the assistance goes to make significant changes to improve the quality of their learning environments, and that this is a central element daily mission of the school. -2. Strategies and plans that have developed from the exploration and understanding by the school as to why students do not attend school, why some people feel alienated from the school environment or curriculum and off, why not engaged in academic work or socially, etc.It is imperative, therefore, to what extent the structures themselves, the curriculum that is offered, the teaching that takes place in classrooms, the relationships are maintained with the environment, and beliefs on which articulates the functioning of the school contribute to the problems of attendance and dropout. An agreed minimum analysis of the reasons for such problems is probably the first step to improve what is being done. -3. They can take all the measures or programs deemed appropriate to deal with absenteeism and attrition (supports, curricular modifications, teacher teams work …) but they will not come into a port if teachers do not have the necessary skills and no are committed to it. “In any case, each school also will be necessary to combine the actions and dynamics that develop it with the contributions and support of community members, other organizations, families, etc.
Absentismo school. Models approach. Plan of cooperation of institutions in the truancy program in Castellón
Truancy is defined as non-attendance of the child to a school. There are a number of students being in compulsory education, for personal, family, school or social environment in which it operates, not in school or not attending regularly the colegio.-the educational event is a essential for personality development and socialization of the child, hence the concern of the public administration to implement the right and duty to provide education for all children and to do so at the municipal level there is the organic law right to education, additional provision of 2 nd and Article 25.2 Regulatory Act LOCAL database system-a high percentage of absenteeism is given in the Roma population in the suburbs of the city, it has to take account the characteristics, habits and behavior of the people’s culture gitano.-some explanations for this absence are: “lack of linear explanatory models: the low yield and poor school continuity given are explained by psychological factors, socialógicos, cultural or language that make it different or deficit for this child and they are driven to the thesis fracaso.-builder: the lack of school tradition and mimicry or peer group pressure that longer study, early marriage, early into the workforce and the sense of lack económica.-school reflects and reproduces unequal social relations: in these circumstances are reflected Roma children and school social contradictions, the system returns to play stereotypes and exclusion mechanisms in-education company.A company as interpersonal process: therefore, schooling is a matter of mutual trust, mutual adaptation, communication, Gypsies and their experiences are not able to bring such relaciones.-light of all these issues there is the development of a program absenteeism from school to work on the model of community intervention, which is defined as follows: general target, “enabling the enrollment and school attendance of all children in the municipio.-specific objectives: -1 raise awareness problem of absenteeism and the need for institutional collaboration and social.Es-action: present the program in organizations and institutions to involve them in case detection and awareness in the media comunicación.-2 individually and collectively to prevent the occurrence. -action: intervening in the range of 3 to 6 years who may be absentee or have dropped out, report on financial assistance to families to prevent absenteeism.-3Detect .- 4 cases of interventions socio-educativas.-action: the first intervention is the guardian of the minor, by contacting the family, and if that persists is the head teacher who will speak, a these avenues have been exhausted the director will refer the case to the social base of the county team, which develop an intervention program to return the child to school. If after these interventions remains absenteeism will result from the case to the family section, children and juventud.-5 achieve cooperation and coordination between all the institutions implicadas.-action: joint avenues for referral and case tracking. -6 investigate the genesis of problema.-action: develop systematic documentation, analyze results, set the child Prefiled absentista.-the resources used to develop all these actions are:-institutional, social, cultural canselleria, etc. -human, social service professionals, professional institutions involved, volunteer-instrumental, interviews, technical material ..- the timing of these interventions will be: during the school year, and always prevent, “the location of this program is: is limited to the municipality, “the assessment: continuous, every 3 months domestic and areas for action and final assessment: reviewing the totality of the programa.-en Castellón there is a plan of cooperation of institutions in the field to try .- This was developed based on the overall objective of the Plan is: “To establish an intervention project with the family and the school to facilitate the mainstreaming and normalizing regular truant student.