Citizen Participation in the Political Process: A Guide


Which situation is an example of a citizen participating in the political process?

A citizen votes in a local election.

Which situation is an example of a citizen participating in the political process?

A citizen emails her congressional representative about an important issue

Which situation is an example of a citizen participating in the political process?

A citizen researches the candidates running for office

How can a citizen best become more informed about current issues?

Consume a variety of media with different perspectives

Why should citizens be informed about current issues?

Doing so ensures that their political representatives will address the issues important to voters.

Which action would most help a citizen become more informed about current issues?

Recognizing the biases of the media he or she consumes

Which step is not part of the process of voting

Submit a voter registration application on Election Day.

Which step is a required part of the process of voting?

Know the deadline for registering to vote

Which of the following is not an available option for registering to vote?

Over the phone

Which statement best describes the role of voters in the American system of democracy?

Voters determine the outcome of all elections.

Voters play an essential role in the American system of democracy by:

participating in elections

How is the American system of democracy most dependent on voters?

Voters participate in elections to choose their representatives in government.

Which statement most likely comes from a voter who is informed?

“I read the local newspaper every day to learn about important issues.”

“I try to read a variety of news sources.”

“I know who is running for the Senate in my state.”

What is likely to result from the event referred to in the headline?

The representative will realize that pollution is an issue important to the people he represents

The representative will realize that campaign finance reform is an issue important to the people he represents.

The representative will realize that campaign funding is an issue important to the people he represents.

Based on the graph, which statement is most accurate

Voter turnout is especially low in midterm elections.

Which statement accurately describes the information shown in this graph

Voter turnout has not passed 50 percent in midterm elections since 1992.

What statement most accurately describes the trend shown in this graph?

Voter turnout is much lower in midterm elections.

Which of the following is a cause of voter apathy in the United States

People feel like their votes won’t make a difference.

Why is voter apathy a problem in the United States?

People feel that their votes don’t matter.

Which of the following is not a cause of voter apathy?

Citizens elect government representatives at the local, state, and federal levels.


Which item best completes the list?

Know the requirements for the political office you want

Have sufficient time and money

Have a passion for the issues

Which action is restricted to members of a political party?

Voting in a closed primary

Only members of a political party can:

vote in a closed primary.

A voter who is not registered as a Republican

cannot vote in a closed Republican primary

Which task do volunteers for a political campaign usually do?

Print posters and campaign materials

Which task do volunteers for a political campaign usually do?

Canvas at local rallies and events

Which task do volunteers for a political campaign usually do?

Coordinate fund-raisers

Which is a common political advocacy strategy?

Boycotting government services

Which is a common political advocacy strategy?

Picketing outside government buildings

Which is a common method of political advocacy?

Petitioning representatives

Why might citizens choose to join a political party?

They can vote in a closed primary.

Why might citizens choose to join a political party?

Joining a political party might help them run for public office.

Why might citizens choose to join a political party?

They can be part of a community of like-minded citizens.

Which item best completes the chart

Contributing to party newsletters

Working booths at local festivals

Answering phone calls

Which of the following is an example of an interest group?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

The National Organization for Women

The speaker of which statement would be best served by joining an interest group?

“I feel Congress is not doing enough to address environmental problems”

“I want politicians to make more of an effort for LGBT rights”

“I care deeply about campaign finance reform.”


A country’s government is designed to balance power between the legislative and executive branches. Every two years, citizens may vote for leaders to represent

An indirect presidential democracy

A country’s government is controlled by a powerful legislative branch. Every two years, citizens may vote for leaders to represent them in a national legislature.

An indirect parliamentary democracy

A small country makes all of its laws through popular vote. When a law is proposed, all citizens have the opportunity to vote to support or oppose it.

A direct democracy

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.1

Natural rights

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . . .

Popular sovereignty

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.1

Social contract   

Which speaker would most likely be aligned with the Federalists in the fight over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Speaker 2

Which speaker would most likely be aligned with the Anti-Federalists in the fight over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Speaker 3

Which speaker would most likely be aligned with the Federalists in the fight over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution?

Speaker 4

What was the process illustrated in the diagram designed to do?

Allow the Constitution to be updated to suit changing times

What was the process illustrated in the diagram designed to do?

Make it difficult for the Constitution to be amended

Ensure that the Constitution could only be changed with overwhelming support

Which element of the U.S. government most reflects the constitutional principle of rule of law?

The Constitution allows presidents to be removed from office if they are convicted of a crime

Which element of the U.S. government most reflects the constitutional principle of federalism?

The state and federal governments each have different powers and responsibilities.

Which element of the U.S. government most reflects the constitutional principle of republicanism?

Citizens have the opportunity to vote for the president and for members of Congress.

Which scenario is an accurate example of how branches of the federal government can check each other’s power?

Congress overrides a presidential veto to make a new law, but the Supreme Court rules that the law is unconstitutional

The Supreme Court rules an act of Congress unconstitutional, so Congress proposes a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.

The president vetoes a law passed by Congress, but Congress overrides the veto with a two-thirds majority vote.

How does the principle of federalism affect the U.S. government?

It creates distinct roles for the federal and state governments.

By dividing some responsibilities between the federal and state governments

It creates both separate and overlapping powers for the federal and state governments.

Which statement accurately describes the powers of Congress and the president over military affairs?

Congress has the power to declare war, while the president commands the armed forces.

Which statement accurately describes how Congress and the Supreme Court influence U.S. immigration policy?

Congress passes laws to regulate immigration, while the Supreme Court determines whether the regulations are constitutional.

Which statement accurately describes how the Senate and the president influence the U.S. judiciary?

The president nominates federal judges, while the Senate approves the nominations.

Why is judicial review an important aspect of the U.S. government?

It prevents the government from enforcing laws that violate the Constitution.

How does judicial review affect the U.S. government?

By allowing unconstitutional laws to be challenged and overturned

Why is the power of judicial review important to U.S. democracy?

It ensures that the country’s laws do not clash with constitutional values.

Which action would most likely be protected under the First Amendment?

Making a public speech demanding that Congress impeach the president for corruption

Publishing a newsletter claiming that Americans of a certain racial group are superior

Participating in religious services that many members of a community find offensive

How does the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment differ from the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment?

The clause in the Fifth Amendment was specifically written to restrict a new, powerful government.

How are the due process clauses in the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments similar

Both protect citizens in cases in which they could be deprived of life, liberty, or property.

How does the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment differ from the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment?

The clause in the Fourteenth Amendment has been interpreted to mean that state governments must provide some of the protections in the Bill of Rights.

How did courts once interpret the equal protection clause to rule in favor of laws that segregated white Americans and African Americans?

They claimed that the laws treated both groups equally because neither could use the services and facilities designated for the other group.

What aspect of equal protection did the Supreme Court consider when it ruled against segregation in public schools?

Whether providing services or facilities that seemed equal produced equal effects

How did the Supreme Court interpret the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment from the 1950s through the 2010s?

To expand the rights of minorities and women but also to limit programs that did not provide equal protection for the majority

Legal challenges brought by marginalized groups in the 1940s and 1950s led most directly to which outcome?

The end of racial segregation in public schools

Legal challenges brought by marginalized groups in the 21st century led most directly to which outcome?

The elimination of laws banning same-sex marriage

The efforts of feminist activists in the 1960s and 1970s led most directly to which outcome

Increased attention for issues involving women’s health, violence against women, and divorce

How do political parties in the United States help citizens engage with their government?

By informing the public about political issues and motivating them to take action

By making it easier for voters to identify candidates who share their general beliefs and values

How do the major political parties in the United States get citizens more interested in the political process?

By encouraging them to view members of competing parties as enemies

What is one typical way interest groups participate in the U.S. political process?

They pressure lawmakers to make policies that align with the groups’ goals.

They gather and publicize data in support of policy changes that align with their goals.

They file and support lawsuits that align with their goals.

Which scenario is not an example of one of the major ways media coverage shapes public opinion?

An online news site publishes a story that includes a link to a site where people can register to vote.

A newspaper makes sure to quote sources in stories whenever possible.

Which scenario is not an example of one of the primary motivations for bias in media coverage?

A radio host criticizes the local mayor because he plans to run for mayor himself the following year.

Why have corporations and unions been able to spend unlimited sums of money on campaign advertising since 2010?

The Supreme Court ruled that campaign spending is a protected form of free speech.

Which development resulted from the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC ruling in 2010?

The first super PACs were formed

How did the creation of super PACs influence U.S. election campaigns beginning in 2010?

It led corporations and unions to increase election spending.

Which statement best completes the diagram of the presidential election process?

Each party’s presidential candidate uses speeches, debates, and advertising to try to win support from voters.

Electors from each state officially select the next president.

Electors from each state officially select the next president.

How does the relationship between the federal government and state governments differ from the relationship between state and local governments?

The relationship between the federal government and state governments is specifically laid out in the Constitution.

How are state governments most similar to the federal government?

They are organized into three branches and use a system of checks and balances to ensure no branch becomes too powerful

Which responsibilities are typically handled by local governments, not by state governments?

Emergency medical services and zoning

What role do state legislatures and the U.S. Congress play in the policy-making process?

They debate, revise, and adopt proposals for laws that establish policy.

What role do governors and presidents play in the policy-making process?

They formulate ideas for new policy

What role do executive departments and agencies play in the policy-making process?

They directly implement and enforce new laws that 

establish policy.