Chilean Legends of La Llorona, Calchona, and Cegua

In Valparaiso says that La Llorona was a woman who married the Devil. This woman in love with him thinking it was a good man, not knowing who he really was. One day the Devil came earlier than usual to his house and the woman was not yet prepared the food. Went shopping for cooking, but the Devil broke down and ate his children. When the woman returned, disconsolate weeping for her children every night. One day the devil got tired of his continuous crying. Tied her to the bed with chains and buried him a stake through the heart. Since then, the Llorona walks the streets across the region by dragging its chains and crying for their lost children.


Legend has it that originally Calchona was a witch who had a husband and two young children, having your home in a field of central Chile. However, his family did not know the truth about what she practiced witchcraft. At home she hid several vials containing a magic ointment (cream), which when applied over a person allowed to transform a human into the animal they chose.
It is said that every night he used his power to her husband and children did not wake up all night, and for reasons unknown, the strange Calchona subsequently performed the rite of the magic ointment placed into a large black sheep taking a stroll around the fields until the wee hours, and regaining his human form to re-apply their ointment.
But it happened that one day he forgot to cast the spell to sleep, and because their children saw it transformed. Seeing the amazing transformation, they wanted to imitate his mother put ointments, becoming foxes. But after completion of the transformation realized they did not know how to be children again, and it turned into these animals began to mourn bitterly. Proceeds from the tears, the father woke up, but his surprise was great at not finding his wife and children, and see in place only those small animals.
Product of love for their children and the stories I had heard about the witches ointments used, managed to imagine that those bottles might contain some sort of magic ointment and that those foxes were possibly his family. So decided to try those ointments in foxes, which immediately became kids again. Then the children told their mother was the mistress of ointments. The frightened father and to prevent them from happening again the same to their children, decided to throw the ointment in the waters of a river, and put all of the house.
Calchona subsequently returning the home, and even being turned into a black sheep, seeing that it was her husband and children, frightened ointments began searching through the house and its surroundings, finding only the bottles almost empty. So she very upset, I try to use leftover ointment to become human again, but only hit him to transform his hands, face and hair to his human form. Forever being transformed into the mythological animal.
So when at night the villagers feel bleating sheep that wanders alone through the fields, they know that it would be the mythical Calchona, and as tradition would get used to leave a plate of food for feeding, as it says the Calchona is completely harmless and would be sorry for their former acts of witchcraft.

Legend has it that the widow would be the lost soul of a woman or a witch, to be alone and abandoned the death of the love of his life, mad with grief and rage, and so decided to take revenge on every man. Thus was the product said that eternal hatred felt towards the men, before he died would have made a pact with the devil to continue his revenge, which would have transformed into this terrifying madman spectrum.
Since that day the lonely riders in rural areas of Chile, always afraid that when passing by a lonely road at night, there is a fateful encounter with the widow. Therefore always careful to watch that is not in the way the figure of a woman who is said to carry a black dress that covers her completely, and which you can not see the face or any part of the body until this very about it, and it is too late to escape.
If, despite the care of the rider, or his neglect, she manages to approach her, the way they attack the riders would be using its power to force the horse who refuses to move on quickly or stopping. Later the horse neighing and strong throw desbocaría in bustling career, now guided by the magic of the Widow, who at that time and would be perched on the rump of the horse. So the horse would be guided by the Widow to the nearest ravine, where precipitate the rider and his horse was found the next day their dead bodies at the bottom of the ravine.
But despite his revenge, also note that from time to time, inevitably with the passage of time, always returns to miss the male affection, what would their hatred into remission for close to towns in search of a pedestrian night owl. On these occasions, it is said that from the windows they can be viewed by residents, who fear, would achieve its ugly look pale and cadaverous face, with big bright eyes and shifting, and his horrible hair tied with a black veil that falls to sweep the floor next to her long dress.
It is said that she would move on the ground so fast it would be impossible to attain or start it, if she so does not. Solitary males, or men brave or foolish that would pursue, would be attracted and then trapped on the outskirts of villages, in which she would have an affair with the man. The next day he said that the man would feel dizzy as if drunk, and his face and hands scratched and his clothes unbuttoned and partially unstitched. Even so, these men are lucky to be alive, unlike the unfortunate that are in the lonely roads, when she is back serving his revenge.
In recent times, also said that the widow is also encaramaría automobiles, which are managed by single men, especially if they have some degree of alcohol in the blood.


The myth tells the story of a beautiful woman named Dolores, who lived in northern Chile, and was desired by most men, who called her “Lola.” She had a father who lived to care for her daughter and distance of their lovers, pending the arrival of the man for her. However, one day she met a young and poor miner which fell madly in love, and as he knew his father would not accept it, decided to leave home and get away with this man to marry him.
Soon, they joined a group of miners who walked after searching for a vein of gold or silver appreciated, and this is how marriage is a wealth and the slaughter begins. Everything looked like it would be pure happiness in their lives, but the man she wanted did not really love her, and was no longer a husband dedicated to her, because the mining, with the wealth they got, only engaged in conquering other women.
However, soon saw him kissing another woman. Enraged by the deception and jealousy, waited for the miner in his home and killed him with a knife. Then he fled to the hills, screaming and yelling sorry for what he had done. At the time, returned to the village where he lived, a victim of the madness, just knowing laugh and mormurando who had assaulted and killed her husband.
Mad, then search the corpse was that he was in a black coffin, and fled to the hills with him, trying to find the criminal of her husband (who really was nothing more than her). This is how I begin to roam the heights of mountains and the foothills, hungry, barefoot, disheveled; simpre with the desire for revenge against the criminal of her beloved husband, until the end of his days. But as they obviously never find the criminal, after dying on the hills, his soul could not find rest, and since then the vengeful spirit runs through the hills and mines, and their escapades make her aware of the sites where the precious metal.
From that day states that on some nights the men who walk in the northern hills hear a voice that calls them by name, and once they get to where the sound came from a woman are extremely pale and beautiful that you saw white and dark coffin creeps. Since that time, the man that follows is almost lost, as would assassinate him mistaken for the murderer you are seeking.
The miners also say that “La Lola” passes through the abandoned galleries, accompanied by her husband’s black coffin. Thus it is said that the miners who have found the sudden death in some of these galleries, it is certain that died of terror at the ghostly presence of La Lola.
But for seekers of a vein mining, “La Lola” revenge turns into a pity, to announce the proximity of the treasure seekers, but not that they do emerge, but to stay away from the place, because when you are vein, death on the life of the miner.


Cegua called a monstrosity that, according to legend, appears at night to philandering men traveling alone, in the form of a beautiful girl. On seeing her, she would convince the man that the horse inebitablemente the rise of his victim, so that the man turn his head to look lustfully at the girl, only to find that really has gone to his horse to a spectrum, where she heads woman, now has a horse’s skull covered with rotting flesh.
According to tradition, the terrible Cegua that frightens men would actually betrayed a witch, which is out for revenge discover the womanizing revelers. It is said that for this character acquires his grotesque appearance, you must first enter the dark of night to a cornfield, where he makes a pact with the lord of darkness. Then she would perform a ritual where they throw up his soul in a crate or vacija to lose his soul and thus can begin its transformation, thereby acquire the powers of the Siguanaba. So through the demonic powers attached to the Siguanaba comvertir can achieve his face in a skeletal mare, her hair back like hair and teeth like maize grains ear rot. Besides that the rest of his body is transformed, your legs get so long and strong as a horse’s hind legs, their feet get bigger so does their arms, giving her great physical strength and speed that ensure not to miss the victim.
When the night owl is not careful, the first Cegua ambush him playing with it, and then torment him without killing him immediately. The spectrum seizes man and bites her cheek leaving the mark of hummingbirds and unfaithful. It is said that all who see it end up mad, and that to let him go, when this is found by someone, is in his face the terror of seeing her, his eyes bulging and also with a strong fever and other symptoms such as diarrhea. Subsequently the victim died almost as crazy before, all it says is: the road, I saw!.
Most scholars suggest that the only way to protect yourself is carrying mustard seeds and a hat either, then there would have to show this with the cup on his back, an act that would impress a lot. Following that would have to take the mustard seeds and throw them against it, that it is said that the mustard seed is sacred (Matthew 13:31-32), with this action Cegua be available to try to pick them up, which would be impossible to be transformed, because every time you finish collecting the grains this fall from his hands again and she again tried to incorporate this ritual if you do not die of shame at having vomited his soul. So, either way she would stop and never do get to amacenar inevitably die, to be reborn again only until the next night. It is said that this tradition has enabled travelers to escape easily from it while attempting to gather the mustard seeds.

The inhabitants of Chiloé have their legends that the conviction is the result of unbridled pleasures and vices, which brings the moral degradation of women incarnated in a licentious and dissipated life. This woman, whose name he forgot chilote people over time, says that in her youth and beauty product of economic comfort her family gave him only a life devoted to wild and full of vices. Proceeds from these perversions and excesses of all kinds caught the spirit of evil, which managed to wake up to see these services as an evil being reflected and embodied in this woman’s body, thus transforming the horrible creature that represents this kind of life . As the islanders knew the reasons which led to this change in appearance, and as she had no remorse for his actions, he was condemned to wander all the way, bringing with it the guilt of having an existence licentious and amoral.
As the evil attracts more evil, as well as the order wanted to propagate their services, she managed to attract the attention of Trauco to have sex with him. Thus, the order was able to germinate in it the seed of the perversion of their actions, and be known more as the mother of Fiura.

Protection and cure for their ills and Fiura
The evils and distortions caused by Fiura are practically incurable and only a few cases can get relief through treatment and special ritual that can only machis ised. To counter the evils of the Fiura is said to be taking scrapings from the “Altar Stone” (stone marble altar of a church).
Against deformation, the cure would be to cut a branch of pahueldún (creeper) beginning at sunset, and once taken with the patient, the branch should be whipped until the sap outbreak, which the patient should drink. Subsequently, the branch hit should be dragged to the beach, and then thrown into the sea. According Fiura chilotes are several daughters and only a powerful witch or cal chilote can act against them, because normal men can not be approached.