Catalan Literature Post-Civil War to 1970s: Suppression, Revival, and Trends
How does the sociopolitical context influence narrative?
During the First Republic, the Statute of Catalonia established the official status of the Catalan language. Literature approached normality: creation, publication, and consumption across all genres, especially fiction due to its popularity. The Balearic Islands and Valencia attempted to follow suit but were hindered by the outbreak of the war.
- In 1939, after the Civil War, the Franco dictatorship abolished these advancements, banning the Catalan language and exiling many intellectuals.
- Public use of Catalan disappeared, going underground, limited to family and private settings.
- Spanish became the sole language for citizen relations (school, media), aiming to increase Spanish speakers.
- Persecution was particularly harsh in Catalonia, where Catalan was official, while Valencian was tolerated in colloquial and folk contexts.
- Floral motifs persisted.
- Comic sketches and bats were represented.
- 1939-46: Intense repression led to intellectual exile and a silencing of publishing, with only clandestine editions.
- 1946-56: Repression eased, allowing Catalan representations and some literary and editorial awards. Literary language use slowly resumed, though clandestine work continued. Exiled writers produced literature of longing.
Censorship and Literature:
Little literature was due to war: Dispersion-intellectuals; — silences of censorship;-Prohibited language. Our literature suffered double censorship: “The on freedom of expression, and the prohibition of the use of Catalan public or private sphere to reduce it. The narrative genres The other suffered censorship: “For its commercial character,” Because he acquired a high level of normalcy which in turn contributed to the standardization of the language, the dissemination of ideas and freedom of expression. So the Franco dismantle the infrastructure was hindering the marketing and editorial works. narrative genres: the slight liberalization of the Franco regime and the desire to improve trade relations led to an uneven crop of narrative. GREAT novel ID ‘ Avoidance: The avoidance of reality was one of the creative alternatives to the plight of novelists. There stands with Joan Perucho The natural history, which recounts one case of vampirism:-The humor and irony to the mix fantasy, the presence of historical characters and invented. PSICLÒGICA novel: After the war he acquired a character and a Catholic existentialist in the case of Xavier Benguerel and John Chambers, author of the novel Incerta Glory, a good example of Francoist censorship since it was first published in 1956, and in 1969 he leave the original version. realist novel: Think about the difficult living conditions of the war. S’escrigeren novels that were published during this period is not until the late sixties. Emphasizes-with Joaquim Amat-PiniellaKL Reich: Catalan chronicles the experiences of the Nazi camps concetració. Riera-Vincent-Llorca All three come with the fear Ozoma: the adventure tells the exiles. Tísner-pseudonym of Eternal lens Artis January, with 556 Brigade Mixed Words and Opoton old. Pedrolo-Manuel, the author pursued by the censor. NARRATIVE FROM THE 70 YEARS: During the seventies (Franco’s death) the writers live in a different situation since the postwar Franco finished:-new publications appear that facilitate knowledge construction.-proliferation of literary prizes.-censorship is relaxed.-restoring democracy recognizes the linguistic rights of the nationalities with their own language. 2 – Features dénric opens: His literary work was the lack of supply between narrative prose authors of the Valencian revival. Value was a folklorist at Valencia Fables. This author is situated within the fashionable narrative of the time (to build on historical narratives, but that continues to write with the linearity and detallisme that writers of the nineteenth century. FEATURES: – The works are situated amid a beautiful countryside full of beauty and grandeur. displays a square-plausible manners: a positive and negative ( impediment to progress).-dialogues, descriptions and augmentative thread often give way to analysis on social justice and human dignity. – Appear theses on the problems of the moment: situations of injustice, the rural … caciquisme — acuradíssim style with a very correct language, but without forgetting the popular expressions. thorough, detailed descriptions and where is the words with the same affection for the landscape. naturalist and realist-narrative model: linear action of reality known by the author. The most innovative technique: free indirect discourse,
3. The literary production of Merce Rodoreda effect on the psychology of the characters. Agree with this asservación? Explain why. I totally agree, Merce Rodoreda start posting from 1930, when the crop is generally pscològica. With a life as long as his (1908 – 1983) and influence of three writers psychological (Virginia Woof, Marcel Proust and Thomas Mann), the author covers a lot of features: 1.Capacitat to advance the action while the characters project their inner world: – The description of people, places and situations, which makes the effect be a projection of thought of the characters. The dialogues are mixed-with the thought of the characters. – The different styles of quoted speech (style direct, indirect …) make this thought, character and temperament characters. 2.Divisió between narrative, description and dialogue, and these in turn fades into history. In carácterisica This conveys the passage of time. 3. The psychology of the characters is given through the actions, behaviors and even certain expressions. 4. Which highlights the narrative of the 70s until atualitat? Think especially of the new environment in the literary technique and the sociocultural context.The narrative from the seventies is dominated by writers born during the war or the war. These have not experienced war, but its consequences: education repressive aprentatge self-learning. They have also experienced the culture media, the youth rebellion of the sixties and the fight against Franco in the street. Features: 1.Estos authors, speak in first person giving his personal opinion. 2.Solen be poetic, for it which are broken in this period Gerner boundaries between narrative and poetry. 3.l ‘attitude tends to be intimate. 4.Es ago pressencia of culturalism (references from other authors). 5.Transgressió moral and ideological, ie recreating the world of forbidden childhood and youth lived (eroticism …) 6.Incorporació of modern culture. 7.Incorporació new genres: history, travel, the erotic, or the police. The narrative is now characterized by: 1. Also the intimacy and lyricism. 2.Cosmopolitalisme There is scroll to flee localist vision for the sake of atmosphere in other countries, seeking modernity, culture … 3.Reflex of modernity and the spirit of rebel.lia. 6. Describes trends poets in the period since the war until the late 70s. Scarce literature in the postwar period due to dispersion of the Intellectuals, silence imposed by censorship, bans linguistic recarietat of war, defeat the despair, loss of freedoms, the European cultural isolation, difficulties in maintaining a connection between the writer if the lack of criticism. TREND Poetry: The first time poetry followed previous trends the Civil War as the symbolist tradition and avant-garde (sealed Connect with metaphysical and religious concerns, avoidance of reality). POETRY Symbolist tradition: Charles-shore and some underground magazines influence during the 40s and a group of 50 Torres poets like Marius. “In this trend we include ? Blai Bonet, Joan Teixidor, Joan Valls.-We should not forget the work of writers such as Josep Carner (Nabi) … poetry avant-garde tradition: – Differences in these previous authors way. All vanguard have sought to experiment with the language: – presence of visual resources; Josep Palau: his poetry is characterized by:-existential concerns, loneliness-of the human-feeling of helplessness, direct-eroticism, WORKS: poems of the alchemist, magazine Ariel. Joan Brossa: – poetic forms cultivated classical-language cultíssim – in his work is criticized this social Works: The Saltamarti, Poetry Rasa, visual poems. social realism: As of sixties SalvadorEspriu and Peter wanted to change the orientation toward social realism of reality exposure or exposure to the harsh reality amd all serveixca because of complaints of injustice caused by the dictatorship: Inequality, poverty, repression, exile, censorship, etc. … It was characterized by: a) Attitude prophetic. The poet assumes the fate of oppressed people and poetitza their historical and social aspirations. B) Description of the bitter realities war and postwar. c) The recipient is society as a whole and not a selected group. involves ? direct language and communicative, lively and colloquial. e) often becomes narrative poetry. f) The common themes: – denouncing the injustice – the demand for freedom, especially of expression – the feeling of internal exile, – the reflection on the role of poet and poetry, etc.