Assessment and Education for Students with Disabilities
1.Valuable Information about the student’s skills and needs can come from: all of the Above
2.Which Of the following is the primary purpose of assessment? All of the above
3.Prior To 1975 in the United States, discrimination against those with disabilities Was prevalent in schools. The type of discrimination most evident was? Both A and B
4.By The early 1950’s all of the above
5.Brown V. Board of Education both A and B
Case involved the idea that schools may not exclude students who have been
Classified with mental retardation and that all students must be provided with
A free public education?
Parc v. Commonwealth of PA
7.Which Case set forth future guidelines of P.L. 94-142, including the rights of all Students with disabilities to have access to a free and public education and Mandated requirements to receive special education services even if the school States that is does not have the money to provide them? Mills v. Board of Education
8.The Enactment of P.L. 94-142 came in:1975
9.The Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act is Public Law:94-142
10.In 1975 Public Law ____ set forth federal procedural safeguards for children with Disabilities and their parents. 94-142
11.The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was enacted in:1990
12.An Evaluation of a child with a suspected disability must be made by a Multidisciplinary team.True
1.A ____ is a large number of children who are representative of all children in That age group. Norm group
____is a starting point that represents the level of mastery of a task below
Which the student would correctly answer all items on a test:
3.A ____ is an ending point that represents the level of mastery of a task above Which the student would incorrectly answer all future items on a test: Ceiling
4.____ Compare(s) a person’s score against the scores of a group of people who have Already taken the same exam: Norm-referenced Test
5.Curriculum Based Measurement is most concerned with: Fluency
6.Breaking Down a particular task into the basic sequential steps, component parts or Skills necessary to accomplish the task is called: Task analysis
1.When Doing an assessment, why calculate age as opposed to just asking children their Age? All of the above
2.A Child whose age is 13-7-24 is 13 years, 7 months and 24 days old: True
3.A Student is tested on April 16, 2015. His Date of birth is February 12, 2005. His Age at the time of testing is: 10-2-4
4.The ____ indicates the number of items correctly answered on a given test. In almost all cases, it is the first score a Teacher obtains when interpreting data. Raw score
5.A Student gets 22 correct and 8 wrong on a test. His raw score is: 22
6.A Percentile rank of 95 means that you did as well as or better than _______ Percent of the students in the class. 95
7.The Percentage correct on a test is not the same as the percentage of people Scoring below a given score, the percentile rank. True
8.The _______ percentile normally signifies the average ranking or average Performance. 50th
9.On IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (e.G. The Wechsler Scales) a score of 115 would be a in the classification: High average
10.On IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (e.G. The Wechsler Scales) A score of 125 would be a in the classification: Superior
11. ____ is a type of standard scores that is Often seen when doing psychoeducational assessments: All of the above
12.____ Have a mean of 50 with a standard deviation of 10. T score
13.A Student who scored 1.5 standard deviations below the mean would have a T score Of: 35
14.A Student who scored 2 standard deviations above the mean would have a T score Of: 70
15.A Student who gets an age equivalent score of 10-5 is performing as well as the Average: 10 year 5 month old student
16.A Child who gets a grade equivalent score of 10.5 is performing as well as: 10th Grade 5 month old student
17.Which Of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency? Range
18.In A normal distribution with a mean of 90 and a standard deviation of 10, Approximately what percentage of scores fall between 80 and 90? 34
1.The Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) Process is a __________ approach to providing services and interventions to Struggling learners at increasing levels of intensity. Multi-tiered
2.Which of the following is not the purpose Of RTI? RTI is very similar to the method associated with the achievement Aptitude discrepancy models traditionally utilized for SLD identification.
3.The movement toward change towards RTI stems From criticisms of current _____ determination components, procedures, and Criteria. Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
4. _________ is for students who are falling Behind same-age peers and need additional, targeted interventions to meet Grade-level expectations. The goal is to accelerate learning for students who Need more intensive support. Tier 2
5._________ is designed for students who Still have considerable difficulty in mastering necessary academic and/or Behavioral skills. It addresses students’ needs through intensive Individualized services. In this tier, students receive intensive and highly Focused, intentional, research-based instruction, possibly over a long period Of time. Tier 3
6.IDEIA continues to define ___________ as “a disorder in 1 or more of the basic psychological processes involved in Understanding or in using language, spoken, or written, which disorder may Manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, Or do mathematical calculations.” Specific learning disability
7. The Process for determining the presence of a specific learning disability has Involved the use of an intelligence-achievement discrepancy criterion for many Years. This method has been widely criticized as the “wait-to-fail” method since Students rarely qualify for special education services until third or fourth Grade. True
8. While RTI is not intended as a stand-alone Approach to determining specific learning disabilities, it can be a key Component of a comprehensive approach to disability determination. True
9.Many school systems recommend or require That, ________ an individualized evaluation of a student is conducted for Possible placement in special education, his or her teacher meet with a Pre-referral team to discuss the nature of the problem and what possible Modifications to instruction or the classroom might be made. Before
10. A pre-referral team might: All of the above
11. A team meeting with teachers is a pre-referral Procedure whereby teachers who have worked with the student and/or have ideas About this student come together to determine what strategies can be Implemented to help this child. True
12.Which Of the following situations could warrant a parent interview? All of the Above
13. Even if a teacher or any other professional Who works with a child feels that there is any possibility of a medical Condition and the need for a complete medical work-up is evident, a Recommendation for a medical examination should never be made as a pre-referral Procedure. False
14.Which Symptom might indicate that an updated audiological examination may be Necessary for a child? All of the above
15.Which Symptom might indicate that an updated vision examination may be necessary for A child? All of the above
16.Which Of the following are classroom techniques and modifications that could be used As a pre-referral procedure? All of the above
17.Which Of the following are classroom techniques and modifications that could be used As a pre-referral procedure? All of the above
18.Which Of the following are classroom techniques and modifications that could be used As a pre-referral procedure? All of the above
19.Which Of the following are classroom techniques and modifications that could be used As a pre-referral procedure? All of the above
20. All schools provide resource room for students Who are having academic problems that are not severe enough to warrant Classification. False
21. Children may experience a situational or Adjustment disorder resulting from: All of the above
22. A ____ is a synopsis of the child’s work and Behavior in the classroom sent home to the parents in order to keep them Updated on the child’s strengths and weaknesses over a period of time (e.G. Every day, each week, each month, etc.). Progress report
23.Informal Screening tools may include:
1.Many schools are moving towards a more Global approach to the identification of potential high-risk students through The development of a school based team that, depending on the state in which The student resides, may be referred to as: The multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
2.The MDT should always use only one single Procedure as criteria for determining an appropriate educational program for an Individual with special needs: False
3.The professional most often responsible
For doing a comprehensive achievement battery to determine where the child’s
Strengths and weaknesses are with respect to academics when compared to
National norms, doing classroom observations, making recommendations for the
Child’s future educational program (IEP)
And monitoring the student’s progress
Over time is the? Special education educator
4.The regular education teacher will Normally be the professional to: Implement any pre-referral recommendations Or implement the goals which are set forth by the committee on special Education for the child
5.The professional most often responsible For diagnosing intelligence, visual motor coordination, and emotional behavior Of children is the: School psychologist
6.____ refers to whether a test measures what It is supposed to measure. Validity
7.____ refers to consistency of test Results. Reliability
8.Parents have the ability to play a very Important role in the assessment process. True
9.Which of the following is an area covered In a parent intake? All of the above
10.Reassuring Parents of confidentiality in assessment is very important part of the parent Intake. True
11.Which Of the following is FALSE? All of the Above
12.When Arranging and/or conducting a parent interview, which of the following is NOT True? View parents as adversaries if they are angry or hostile
13.Of The following rights guaranteed to parents during the evaluation phase of the Assessment process, which one is NOT true? The parent does not have to Consent to the evaluation
1.Before any evaluations, testing, and Placement can be done, there must be parental consent. True
2.All testing materials and procedures used For the purposes of evaluation and placement of children with disabilities must Be selected and administered so as not to be racially or culturally Discriminatory? True
3.____ refers to the extent to which a test Measures what it is supposed to measure. Validity
4.Which of the following is the strongest Validity coefficient? +91
5.Which of the following is the weakest Validity coefficient? +32
6.____suggests that subjects tend to obtain The same score when tested at different times. Test-re-test reliability
7.In theory, the obtained score consists of ______: Both A and B
8.Which of the following are NOT factors Which can affect reliability? All of the above
9.In general, which of the following are General objectives of a comprehensive assessment? All of the above
10.When Doing an evaluation of a child for a suspected disability, all tests must be Given in the child’s native language and all reports must be written in the Parent’s native language? True
1.A student’s Academic achievement skills are reviewed to determine how well he or she is Performing in which core skill area? All of the above
2.Individual Achievement tests rather than group achievement tests are preferred for Assessment? True
3.Which of the Following is NOT a reason why individually administered achievement tests are Used in assessment in special education? All of the above
4.With respect to Oral reading errors, omissions of a word or groups of words means: The Student will skip individual words or groups of words
5.With respect to Oral reading errors, insertion of a word or groups of words means: The Student inserts one or more words into the sentence being read
6.With respect to oral Reading errors, substitution of one meaningful word for another means: The Student replaces one or more words in the passage by one or more meaningful Words
7.Miscues are Generally significant when: All of the above
8.Miscues are Generally not significant when: All of the above
9.____assesses a Student’s ability to understand what he or she is reading. Reading Comprehension
10.With respect to Reading comprehension skills, literal comprehension means: The student reads The paragraph or story and is then asked questions based on it
11.With respect to Reading comprehension skills, inferential comprehension means: The student Reads the paragraph or story and must interpret what has been read
12.When evaluating the Reading behavior of a child on reading comprehension subtests, which of the Following questions should be asked? All of the above
13.When evaluating The reading behavior of a child on reading comprehension subtests, which of the Following questions should be asked? All of the above
14.The purpose of Word recognition tests is to explore the student’s ability with respect to sight. True
15.Word attack Skills are those used to derive meaning and/or pronunciation of a word through. True
16.The term “writing” refers to a variety of interrelated graphic skills, includingcomposition, which is: The ability To physically the graphic marks necessary to produce legible composition or Messages
17.____refers to The study of numbers and their relationships to time, space, volume, and geometry While ____refers to the operations or computations preformed. Mathematics/Arithmetic
18.Mathematics Involves which of the following skills? All of the above
19.If a student Recalls the product of 8 x7 as 49, this is the mathematical error of: Incorrect Number fact
20.If theprocedures used by the student to Solve the problem are inappropriate where he skips a step, applies the correct Steps in the wrong sequence or uses and inaccurate method, this is the Mathematical error called: Incorrect algorithm
21. ____is the ability to use letters to construct words in Accordance with accepted usage
22.Learning to Spell is a developmental process, and young children go through a number of stages As they begin to acquire written language skills. True
23.Which of the Following questions should be addressed before one begins to analyze the? All Of the above
24.Which of the Following is important to know when analyzing a child’s spelling ability? All Of the above
25.Which of the Following is important to know when analyzing a child’s spelling ability? All Of the above
1.Which Term/phrase is associated with intelligence? Both A and B
2.Which skill does intelligence tests NOT attempt to measure? All of the above
3.Which skill does intelligence tests NOT attempt to measure? All of the above
4.When children take intelligence tests, They normally receive an overall: IQ score
5.IQ is an abbreviation for: Intelligence Quotient
6.The IQ score often represents a Measure of the child’s overall potential relative to the norms. True
7.On almost all intelligence tests, The mean IQ score is _____ with a standard deviation of? 100/15
8.For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and A standard deviation of 15, a score of 83 would represent? Low average
9.For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and A standard deviation of 15, a score of 93 would represent? Average
10. For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard Deviation of 15, a score of 103 would represent? Average
11. For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard Deviation of 15, a score of 113 would represent a classification of? High Average
12. For IQ tests with a mean of 100 and a standard Deviation of 15, a score of 123 would represent? Superior
13.Which of the following is NOT true About IQ scores? IQ scores are less stable for school aged children than Preschoolers and less stable among individuals with disabilities than among Those without disabilities
14.Once an IQ score is calculated, the Psychologist can make which determination? All of the above
15.The WISC-V is: An individualized IQ test
1.When a referral is made on a child For a suspected disability, a behavioral and emotional assessment is a normal Part of the psychoeducational evaluation. True
2.The first goal of observation is to Determine the target behaviors. True
3.In which type of recording does the Observer look specifically for one target behavior and record the frequency With which it occurs? Event recording
4.In Which type of recording does the observer determine the amount of time between A given stimulus for the child and the response (e.G. The time it takes a student to get Out his pencil after the teacher says “Take out your pencil”)? Latency recording
5.In Which type of recording does the observer note the amount of time a target Behavior occurs (e.G. Watching a child For one hour who is supposed to be reading-The child reads only 12 minutes of That time)? Duration recording
6.Which Of the following could have an adverse impact on a student during testing? All Of the above
7.When doing an evaluation of adaptive behavior there which Area should be studied? All of the above
8.When Doing an evaluation of adaptive behavior there which area should be studied? All Of the above
1.Which of the following has the highest Prevalence of students receiving special education? Learning disabilities
2.Which of the Following is NOT an eligibility criteria for autism? The student exhibits an Abnormal range of activities
3.Which of the Following is NOT one of the eligibility criteria for an emotional disturbance? Appropriate Types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances
4.Significantly impaired intellectual Functioning is normally indicated by IQ scores that are two or more standard Deviations below the mean. Given that Most IQ tests have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, an IQ score of Less than what score would be considered “significantly impaired intellectual Functioning”? 70
5.Which disability is defined as “concomitant impairments (such as intellectual disability–orthopedic Impairment), the combination of which causes such severe educational problems That the problems cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely For one of the impairments”? Multiple disabilities
6.An individual can be considered Eligible for services under Multiple Disabilities if the adverse effects are From environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage as a result of such Factors as: Second language, limited English proficiency, other cultural values And experiences and experiential differences. False
7.In order to identify and be Determined as eligible for special education services as a student with an Other Health Impairment, the Eligibility Committee must a medical statement or A health assessment statement indicating a classification of health impairment Or a description of the impairment, and that the student’s condition is Permanent or is expected to last for more than how many days? 60
8.Which disability requires having Limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health Problems, such as a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, Asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, or Diabetes, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance? Other Health impairment
9.Traumatic Brain Injury applies to Open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, Such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; Judgment; problem solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psychosocial Behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. True
10.Traumatic Brain Injury applies to Brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative or to brain injuries induced By birth tantum. False
1.All students in special education are expected to leave school prepared to: All of the above
2.The Committee on Special Education Is charged with insuring that each student with a disability is educated to the Maximum extent appropriate in classes and programs with their peers who do not Have disabilities. True
3.The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that all students in special education have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). True
4.What is the purpose of an IEP? Both A and B
5.An IEP must include all of the Following EXCEPT: All of the above
6.When writing an IEP, it is very Important to remember that it is being written for: Both A and B
7.An IEP should be: All of the Above
8.The IEP must describe the student’s Present levels of educational performance, including the student’s abilities And needs. True
9.Which of the following statements Are TRUE? All of the above
10.In an IEP, there must be a direct Relationship between the annual goals and the present levels of performance. True
11.Which of the following criteria Should be considered when establishing annual goals? All of the above
12.Which of the following is a related Service? All of the above
13.Which of the following is an example Of a modification or supports that may be provided for school personnel? All Of the above