
The Quattrocento. Italian was the period when k is developing a new art k picked up the classic heritage of the past. Architecture. Order, proportion, symmetry and l unit will be the foundations of Renaissance arkitectura. Characteristics. The use of structural clasicos.los Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and composite used in arkitectura.el arch, the texos coffered, barrel covers and edges, the orange half-dome were tb mu .. utilizados.En the faxadas dominates the horizontal, and are used as wall decoration pillows and a preference x esgrafiados.hay straight lines against the interior are decorated curvas.Los com d motifs taken classical antiquity, as willing to candelieri grotesques, putti .. The d tenplos plants have great perfection of mathematics, both the centralized, as the basilica of America and cross cuz griega.Los materials used are brick, the cockpit pad and the d-coated masonry building types are marmol.Los mu variados.junto churches, civic buildings are made tb palaces and villas for nobles and bourgeois. Filippo Brunelleschi. (1377-1446) is one of the authors ron k mark a break with the Gothic entering a new Renaissance style, introduced in his works the laws of proportion and volume d perspectivak the classics, dominated by straight lines and volumes cubicos.Su most famous work is the dome of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the flowers in florencia.otras works: the church of San Lorenzo, Church of the Holy Spirit and the Pazzi Chapel. alberti. Arkitect is the classic x excedencia.El concept of order and proportion in their edificios.Superpone brings its classic ordens their edificaciones.Alberti was the perfect prototype k and humanistic knowledge possessed theater, musika, derexo, painting and several treatises on art arkitectura.Esribio: re adificatoria, painting and statue. His major works are: the church of San Andres and the Palazzo Rucellai. escultura.caracteristicas. Naturalism seeks k similarity between the work and the model is thus opposed to mysticism and symbolism mediavales.El main theme will be the human form naked adkiriendi imxtancia both the study and x d the d anatomia.La sculpture independence with respect to k arkitecturalo allows the development of Figures redondo.La application package from the perspective through which the realism of the works is higher when it proporcionadas.La diversification of the themes represented: religious, allegorical, mythological and imxtancia k adkiere portrait bust as both body entero.El greatest sculptors of the Quattrocento was Donatello. Donatello (1386-1466). is the sculptors x leave the s: 14.Las characteristics of his sculpture are determined x a strong realism, naturalism and great strength and emotional exprsiva. Got a perfect mastery of human anatomy he was able to represent k sr toas umano in stages: childhood, adolescence, maturity and vejez.Utiliza the stiacciato> Technical recessed in the k d the composition planes flatten some VS otros.Sus ImxtanT sculptures are the David, the St. George and the gattamelata.Aparte condottiero portrait sculptors in the round is tb: – Habakkuk> represents the man in the final stage of relief LIFE.> cantoria d the Cathedral valence. pintura.caracteristicas. naturalism and realism, great interest • the study of human anatomy which will see the beauty conkista d idealizada.Uso perspective where a plane is represented in the 3 dimensiones.Imxtancia of employment dibujo.El pa light planes define and unify the atmosphere, the light of rebirth is a light illuminates k x =.It still uses the table as sport and the technique of tempera. (Table), insert the oil (cloth). The fresco mural (wall) continue to remain utilizandose.La tematica religious frescoes in introduces The resulting portrait of the cult of man and the bourgeois d afa x inmortalizarse.Los main quettrocento are masacio painters, Fra Angelico and Botticelli. massacio (1401-1428). is the initiator of Renaissance painting of the origins quattrocento.los paint must be sought directly in the work of Giotto, aunk massacio figures are monumental, robust, sculptural and pesadas.Sus most representative works are: the church of Santa Maria Novella and the Brancacci Chapel. links to Michelangelo, imxtncia k volume gives his figures and the classic intriduccion of arkitecturas. Fra Angelico. first half of the s: k 15.mantiene Gothic tradition we see in gold funds and delicacy of the figures> typical of the place the figures gotico.el k arkitectonico in a fund allows us to see perfectly perspectiva.el k massacio.Su richer color most representative work is The Annunciation> light illuminates x equal and the sun symbolizes the divine presence. botticelli. second half of s: 15.destaca x profanas.Se paintings painter considered the k cuattrocento marks the end of the cinquecento and the start of his style as well x x the x formas.Su technique highlights the quality of the drawing of curved lines and x the feeling of grace and harmony k transmite.Fue the first Renaissance artist to recreate mythological themes, tb RELIGIOUS paint allegorical subjects and landscape works will have a role ImxtanT and treat it with great detalle.entre his works is the birth of venus and spring.