
theory that need not necessarily be veradera.
36. When you sign the modern world view and those were: In the sixteenth and seventeenth S. Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Tycho Brahe …
37. Copernicus reasons that moved to replace the one heliocentric Ptolemaic system: Each time you into a new observation, astronomers veianobligados to introduce new epicycles. Thus the STRONOMY had been loaded with circles, while the heliocentric be simpler mathematically.
39. In the sist. Copernicus the earth must have three kinds of mov: rotation, translation and precession mov.
40. Is the difference between the cosmos and the universe Greek Renaissance?: The modern world view replaces the distinction between world and incorruptible and unalterable supralunar sublunary world where chaos reigns and disorder for a world without hierarchies
A. Koyre.

41. That mov. Astonomicos land and replaced the translation that explains phenomena. Replaces the epicycles and deferential. Explain the difference in brightness and the decline of the planets as optical effect due to different distances traveled to the sun.
44. Galileo built galiei physics corresponding to this new Astronomy: Resume your contributions: a) Contributing the telescope. B) found this Medicean moons.
45. G (geocentrismo. H (heliocentric) Aristoteles_G, Galileo_H, Aristarchus of
Samos_H, Ptolomeo_G, Brahe_G, Kepler_H, Copernico_H, Eudoxo_G.
46. Cornflower is critical that the heliocentric and follows them.
1 Do not perceive the mov. From the earth. 2 º we not seen the parallax in the fixed stars. 3 º Do not explained why the planets moved well. That is, no physical explanations were given to prove his claims.
47. The new physics got two things: 1 That the heliocentric triumph because it was more in line with the principles of physics that were uncovering. Unify 2nd heaven and earth, because the laws of celestial motion of the planets and terrestrial bodies were identical.
48. Lists la3 laws more imp. In is new physics: The PRINCIPLES of inertia, the law of universal gravitation and the principle of relativity.
50. List the characteristics of the modern world view: a) mechanism, b) desterminismo, c) reducing the role of god in cosmology, d) the importance of nature and e) power of reason.
51. worldview and modern physics introduced a new way of understanding the world: The mechanism. What constitutes?: It consists, in explaining the universe like a clock mechanism, based on material causes and mov. Which can be described mathematically. While the explanation of the cosmos girego was teleological and saw the world as a giant organism that had its own soul.
52. That is determinism: It is that from the differential equations that are written into the laws of motion, and the initial conditions one can predict the state of the world at any time in the past or future
53. To what extent favored the scientific rev atheism: The Modern Science does not need God to explain the universe.
54. What Did in the XVIII and XIX the physics of Galileo and Newton? Science As a final that could practically serve as a model for any other science, but earlier than 20 new models are two completely transformed physics : relativity and quantum physics.
55. Einstein presents works in which his theory of relativity einstein in 1905 exposed the theory of special relativity, which explains relativity in a purely kinetic. In 1916 he wrote his General Theory.

56. In opposing Einstein’s special relativity in classical physics: the relativity of one fact: The constancy of the speed of light regardless of motion or rest of the reference system from which it is measured.
57. That depends on space and teimpo to Einstein: From the speed at which moves in sist that the measured observed.
58. In affirming the theory of relativity that space and time form a continuous four-dimensional: for the space and time are no longer independent and absolute magnitudes.
59. Can you get the time. This is obtained in function of the speed with which the system moves it is measured and depending on the speed of light.

60. What effect does the seriousness of the theory of relativity?: Bending the space-time. If special relativity geometrizes time, which is reduced to one more dimension of space. General relativity geometrizes the gravitational force, which reduces to the curvature of space lines near lso bodies.
61. It may be instantaneous gravitational interaction: No, since no physical interaction can have a velociadad greater than that of light. This was what Einstein to force myself to rework the theory of Newton’s grav.
62.Que is a geodesic?: It is a path of minimum curvature, so the shortest way between two points on a curved surface. The orbits of the planets osn geodesic lines.
63. One of the consequences that reigned theoretical relativity is the expansion of the universe. But who actually showed? American astronomer Edmund Hubble to observe that the spectrum of light from more distant galaxies is shifted toward the red.
64. List the 3 theory of quantum physics: 1 the theory of wave-particle duality. 2 The uncertainty principle and 3rd the theory of quantum superposition.

1.Def. worldview: Any interpretation of reality that constitutes a coherent and systematic world view and understand.
2.Clases of worldviews: They can be poetic religious, philosophical or scientific.
3.Rasgos of cosmov. Christian medieval man occupies the center dela creation and is watched closely by divinity
4. Cosmetic Features classical Greek. It is a world populated by gods capriciously involved in human affairs and whose fen. INDICATED air are by divine wrath
5. That means expr. The sociologist Max Weber reprocess Experesa the magical relationships that existed between the world and man to appear rational thought and science.
6.Que is a cosm. Scientific and / or philosophical. Consistenete coherent image of the universe that results from the causal explanation of the fen. Through the laws that govern them, and predicting its appearance on experience
7.Que sciences contribute to the scientific worldview: astronomy, astrology and physics.
8. Can be classified as historically different worldviews: Ancient, modern and contemporary.
9.Estudia reasoning erostenes made to calculate the length of the radius of the earth: 1 Note the perpendicularity of the sun’s rays in senia during the summer solstice. Assume 2nd Siena and Alexandria were in the same meridian. 3rd Calculate the average meridian arc between these two cities. 4th measure the distance of this arc linearly. 5th deduce the length of the circumference of the earth from lian and angular measures. 6th applies the formula to derive L = 2piR R.
Which were based 10.ENE Greeks to think that heaven and earth are different worlds: In the mov reg, and stars is the newspaper, while the ground is uneven mov.
11. As the Greeks explained the plurality of substances: By the successive transformation of one or more natural principles called archi.
12. List the theories on the principles of reality. Milesians arke the beginning or was unique and was identified with the water or air. The pluralists introduced various principles.
13. As was the land according to the first philosophers thought it was flat and was surrounded by the ocean, but the Pythagoreans in the fifth century had concluded that spherical form.
14. List the 3 tenets of Greek astronomy. 1st Mov of the stars is circular. 2nd and 3rd geocentric universe is finite and limited by the last field.
15.Cual is the biggest problem that has Greek astronomy by Gerald Holton: Explaining the planets lso irregular mov word that comes from planetes which means wanderer and vagabond
16.En that is the problem of Plato: mov determine what kind of uniform and ordered circular should be assigned to each planet to explain the seemingly irregular annual path.
17. Elaborates on the theory of Eudoxus: Theory homocentric areas. The universe has 27 fields (4 fields for each of the planets 3 for the moon and the sun most of the fixed stars.)
18. That theory suggested Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus was the only previous astronomer Copernicus that defended the heliocentric theory.
19. For that the theory of Aristarchus in counterintuitive: Because we see the sun rise over the horizon and because we do not feel that the earth is moving.
20. What is the most complete world view of antiquity: The one that aristteles XVI hard to follow from the IV BC
21. What character does the sublunary world of Aristotle: It is a corrupt world, composed of four elements, in which the mov. It can be natural and violent

65. Stages in the formation of the theory of wave-particle duality: 1 planck in 1900 demonstrated that a black body released energy, not continuously but in spurts, in packets, which demin few. 2nd Einstein identify denominadolos light quanta photons. 3 º de Broglie proved that not only photons behave as particles and waves.
66. What says the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?: Q ue is impossible to determine both the position and velociadad an elementary particle like the electron.
67. That is the superposition principle: In which a particle can simultaneously receive different values of the same magnitude.
68. That is the collapse of the wave function?: The collapse of the wave function is that desparaecen lso appears superposed states and only one of the possible. This is what happens when we try to observe a quantum system as the uncertainty principle.
69. In that lies the paradox of the cat Schodinguer?:This paradox explains what would happen if no wave function collapse, that the cat locked in the box would be alive and dead simultaneously.
70. Lists the philosophical implications of quantum-relativistic worldview: 1st Closing of the subject-object separation. Indeterminism and rupture 2nd chance. 3 rd housing standpoint of common sense.
71. Because it is impossible to separate subject from object: Pq prtender merely because an object means to interact with it.

72. Phenomenon that questions the principle of chance?: The radiation or atomic disintegration is a phenomenon that occurs spontaneously, if nque has determined a cause.