Aircraft systems
FUNCTIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERE: SCREEN PROTECTOR-ACT: The layer of ozone in the stratosphere prevents ultraviolet radiation from reaching Earth’s surface.
The atmosphere tb avoids the impact of meteorites and other bodies from outer space that disintegrates when crossing the layers of atmósfera.-INVOLVED IN THE WATER CYCLE: The water vapor it contains condenses, forms clouds and precipitates as of lluevia or nieve.-CONTAINING GAS REQUIREMENTS OF LIFE: CO2 and O2 are used for vital processes like breathing or fotosíntesis.-T ª MEDIA HAS A RIGHT TO VITAL PROCESSES: The atmosphere has regulatory function of the t th because it maintains a balance of solar radiation on earth, this is possible thanks to the greenhouse effect that prevents some of the heat that reaches Earth’s surface from the sun from escaping into outer space.
Global atmospheric circulation: Solar radiation heats unevenly Earth’s surface, so that the equatorial regions are warmer than the polar regions. This suggests that the warm equatorial airLess dense, rises, and cold polar air, denser, it descends and travels to Ecuador to replace the warm air. That is, they form a surface circulation of cold air from the poles to Ecuador, where the warm, ascend again and would move toward the poles, to cool down and restart the cycle. Asin. Shears we suppose that cells were originally two convents, one in each hemisphere, but this model is not real because it is only for static bodies. On Earth there is a physical phenomenon, the Coriolis effect which affects the circulation of winds and water. This effect is due to the movement of rotation of the earth and its direction opposite to clockwise. Since the speed of rotation of the earth is lower in p olos by being close to the axis of rotation, the circular path described by a spin is lower than in Ecuador. Consequently, distance runs increasingly making lag behind the Earth’s rotation so deviates westward.
ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE: Another factor d ingluye movements of air masses is the amount of water vapor they possess. Can be distinguished- Absolute humidity is the amount of water vapor that is in a given volume of air and is expressed in g/m3. There is a relationship between the t ª direta which is the amount of air and water vapor it supports. So once you reach a certain t ª, known as the dew point the air becomes saturated with moisture and steam begins to condensarse.-HUMIDITY: The amount of water vapor that is in a given volume of air in relation to the maximum possible. It is expressed as a percentage. RH = total amount of water vapor / maximum amount of water vapor X 100. The relative humidity of 100% corresponds to the dew point. In reaching the dew point rises on colder surfaces dew or frost if the t ª s is below 0 ° C.
T.3: AIR POLLUTION: Defined as the condition of the atmosphere in which certain substances and / or energy reaches levels that are above their normal environmental level, so that risks occur, damage or disruption to people, Ecosystems and property. MAIN CONTAMINTANTES Atmospheric Chemistry. CARBON MONOXIDE (CO): Source:-NATURAL: Most type is secondary, as derived from the oxidation of CH4. Other sources are the oceans, forest fires … -Anthropic: The main source is the combustion takes place in cars. The rate of CO emitted by human activity is so high that exceeded local natural mechanisms of elimination. Effects: It is very toxic to humans and higher animals generates, and can cause death. This is its ease pra ebe penetrate the pulmonary alveoli and combined with the hemoglobin in the blood. Asin CO causes death by suffocation, even at low concentrations. You can cause tragic accidents in confined spaces where combustion takes place poor. Correction methods: Reactor systems exhaust to complete the combustion process. In these reactors, the CO is converted to CO2 and hydrocarbons into CO2 and H2O. Base models are the thermal reactor type and catalyst type.
oxi2 d nitrÓgno (nox) s knowledge 8 óxi2 d nitrogno different pro only 3 star sueln Dyos prsnts in atmósfra – Nitric oxide (N2O), ks d naturally emit no toxic s, x lo k no s considra air. Dl-l contamintant d nitrogngo monoxide (no) poisonous, colorless, odorless xvien principalmnt d k fuents Mnor naturals and mdida, anthropogenic. Nitrogno the d-
dioxide (NO2) gas d toxic reddish brown and strong suffocating odor which Origne s almost entirely anthropogenic. Efctos: l pligro contamination d d x plants and animals oxi2 d nitrogno s + k potncial ral, dbid to actuals in nivls ls atmósfra. Oxi2l hese d k greater toxicity prsnta xal sl sr umano no2, k can afctar to sistma rspiratorio even rsultar Italo. Ls about matrials, afcta to txtils tints and favorc ls ls ls corrosions oucltas in mtálicas STRUCTURES. – Sulfur dioxide (SO2) most oxi2 d d ls emiti2 to sulfur dioxide d atmosfra corrspond sulfur (SO2) efctos: l so2 s horn fotooxida form sulfuric acid (H2SO4), acid mist k is the 1st known sulfur smog cm k can rsultar very prjudicial. Ad+ l ls 2SO4 disielto in water droplets d rtorna to prcipitacions d suprficie shaped, causing the acid YUVIA, k tb considrabls.L so2 production causes damage in lsions Ojas d ls ls plants. Sto affects photosynthetic activity. Most efctos d ls dl sr so2 sobrl umano rlaciona2 tothe stan sistma rspiratorio while rkiern concntracions s supriors to cause damage to ls k ls d plantas.L dioxide to sulfur may afctar tb ls mucosal ejmplo to ls x oculars. St contaminants influences group d d enl cracking paint, leather l l dtrioro dl papl. Ls líkns very snsibls to so2 even concntracions very bjas s considran bioindicadors type d d st contamination.
The atmosphere tb avoids the impact of meteorites and other bodies from outer space that disintegrates when crossing the layers of atmósfera.-INVOLVED IN THE WATER CYCLE: The water vapor it contains condenses, forms clouds and precipitates as of lluevia or nieve.-CONTAINING GAS REQUIREMENTS OF LIFE: CO2 and O2 are used for vital processes like breathing or fotosíntesis.-T ª MEDIA HAS A RIGHT TO VITAL PROCESSES: The atmosphere has regulatory function of the t th because it maintains a balance of solar radiation on earth, this is possible thanks to the greenhouse effect that prevents some of the heat that reaches Earth’s surface from the sun from escaping into outer space.
Global atmospheric circulation: Solar radiation heats unevenly Earth’s surface, so that the equatorial regions are warmer than the polar regions. This suggests that the warm equatorial airLess dense, rises, and cold polar air, denser, it descends and travels to Ecuador to replace the warm air. That is, they form a surface circulation of cold air from the poles to Ecuador, where the warm, ascend again and would move toward the poles, to cool down and restart the cycle. Asin. Shears we suppose that cells were originally two convents, one in each hemisphere, but this model is not real because it is only for static bodies. On Earth there is a physical phenomenon, the Coriolis effect which affects the circulation of winds and water. This effect is due to the movement of rotation of the earth and its direction opposite to clockwise. Since the speed of rotation of the earth is lower in p olos by being close to the axis of rotation, the circular path described by a spin is lower than in Ecuador. Consequently, distance runs increasingly making lag behind the Earth’s rotation so deviates westward.
ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE: Another factor d ingluye movements of air masses is the amount of water vapor they possess. Can be distinguished- Absolute humidity is the amount of water vapor that is in a given volume of air and is expressed in g/m3. There is a relationship between the t ª direta which is the amount of air and water vapor it supports. So once you reach a certain t ª, known as the dew point the air becomes saturated with moisture and steam begins to condensarse.-HUMIDITY: The amount of water vapor that is in a given volume of air in relation to the maximum possible. It is expressed as a percentage. RH = total amount of water vapor / maximum amount of water vapor X 100. The relative humidity of 100% corresponds to the dew point. In reaching the dew point rises on colder surfaces dew or frost if the t ª s is below 0 ° C.
T.3: AIR POLLUTION: Defined as the condition of the atmosphere in which certain substances and / or energy reaches levels that are above their normal environmental level, so that risks occur, damage or disruption to people, Ecosystems and property. MAIN CONTAMINTANTES Atmospheric Chemistry. CARBON MONOXIDE (CO): Source:-NATURAL: Most type is secondary, as derived from the oxidation of CH4. Other sources are the oceans, forest fires … -Anthropic: The main source is the combustion takes place in cars. The rate of CO emitted by human activity is so high that exceeded local natural mechanisms of elimination. Effects: It is very toxic to humans and higher animals generates, and can cause death. This is its ease pra ebe penetrate the pulmonary alveoli and combined with the hemoglobin in the blood. Asin CO causes death by suffocation, even at low concentrations. You can cause tragic accidents in confined spaces where combustion takes place poor. Correction methods: Reactor systems exhaust to complete the combustion process. In these reactors, the CO is converted to CO2 and hydrocarbons into CO2 and H2O. Base models are the thermal reactor type and catalyst type.
oxi2 d nitrÓgno (nox) s knowledge 8 óxi2 d nitrogno different pro only 3 star sueln Dyos prsnts in atmósfra – Nitric oxide (N2O), ks d naturally emit no toxic s, x lo k no s considra air. Dl-l contamintant d nitrogngo monoxide (no) poisonous, colorless, odorless xvien principalmnt d k fuents Mnor naturals and mdida, anthropogenic. Nitrogno the d-
dioxide (NO2) gas d toxic reddish brown and strong suffocating odor which Origne s almost entirely anthropogenic. Efctos: l pligro contamination d d x plants and animals oxi2 d nitrogno s + k potncial ral, dbid to actuals in nivls ls atmósfra. Oxi2l hese d k greater toxicity prsnta xal sl sr umano no2, k can afctar to sistma rspiratorio even rsultar Italo. Ls about matrials, afcta to txtils tints and favorc ls ls ls corrosions oucltas in mtálicas STRUCTURES. – Sulfur dioxide (SO2) most oxi2 d d ls emiti2 to sulfur dioxide d atmosfra corrspond sulfur (SO2) efctos: l so2 s horn fotooxida form sulfuric acid (H2SO4), acid mist k is the 1st known sulfur smog cm k can rsultar very prjudicial. Ad+ l ls 2SO4 disielto in water droplets d rtorna to prcipitacions d suprficie shaped, causing the acid YUVIA, k tb considrabls.L so2 production causes damage in lsions Ojas d ls ls plants. Sto affects photosynthetic activity. Most efctos d ls dl sr so2 sobrl umano rlaciona2 tothe stan sistma rspiratorio while rkiern concntracions s supriors to cause damage to ls k ls d plantas.L dioxide to sulfur may afctar tb ls mucosal ejmplo to ls x oculars. St contaminants influences group d d enl cracking paint, leather l l dtrioro dl papl. Ls líkns very snsibls to so2 even concntracions very bjas s considran bioindicadors type d d st contamination.