Advertising Campaign Planning and Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Advertising Campaign Planning and Analysis

Benefits (USP)

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your product special and better than the competition?

Reason Why: The reason consumers believe in the benefits your product promises.

  1. Rational (facts, data) or Emotional (feelings, emotions)
  2. Proof or evidence
  3. Why your product has a specific feature


Consider including these elements:

  • Image/Product
  • Headline
  • Subtitle
  • Logo
  • Body Text
  • Product
  • Slogan

Types of Campaigns

  1. Corporate, Institutional, or Political: Educational, stimulate generic demand (e.g., local tourism), image creation (e.g., improving a company’s image by showcasing environmental commitment).
  2. New Product Campaign: Promoting the latest line of beauty products.
  3. Pooled Campaigns: Companies join to reduce costs. Horizontal: companies in the same sector. Vertical: e.g., bike manufacturer and repair shop.
  4. Maintain Campaigns: Keep the brand in the consumer’s mind (e.g., McDonald’s).

Advertising Styles

  • Informative
  • Persuasive
  • Recall
  • Emotional
  • Testimony
  • Comparative
  • Lifestyle
  • Branding
  • Humorous
  • Subliminal

Klepness Ideas

  1. Informative: Present new benefits.
  2. Advice: Recommendations (directly to the reader).
  3. Promise: Promise an existing benefit/solution.
  4. Curiosity: Provocative & awake curiosity (piques curiosity with a provocative or intriguing approach).
  5. Selective: Target a specific audience (e.g., coffee lovers).
  6. Imperative: Direct call to action (e.g.,”Buy now and get 10% off”). Can be a mix of the above.

Media & Formats

  • Print
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Out-of-Home (OOH)
  • Cinema
  • Digital

Media Metrics

Cost Per Thousand (CPM)

CPM = (Budget / Net Audience) x 1000

Net Audience or Coverage

Number of different people reached by a support, minus duplications.

Cn = C1 + C2 + C3 – C12 – C13 – C23 + C123


Gross Penetration: Gross Audience / Target Audience

Net Penetration: Net Audience / Target Audience

Gross Rating Points (GRP)

GRP = Coverage x Frequency


Rating = (Audience / Target Audience) * 100


HUT (Homes Using TV): % of homes watching TV.

PUT (People Using TV): % of people watching TV.


% of individuals watching a specific program over the total audience of that channel (media).

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 100

Cost Per Mille (CPM)

Profitability measure. Divide the total investment by the number of clicks obtained.

Ad Analysis/Advert Objectives

Key Considerations

  1. Target Audience: Who is the ad aimed at? What are their demographics, interests, and needs?
  2. Message: What is the main message? What is the ad trying to communicate to the audience?
  3. Creative Strategy: What is the creative approach used? Is it emotional, rational, or a combination? How effective is it in conveying the message?
  4. Visuals: What visuals are used? How do they support the message and creative strategy?
  5. Branding: How is the brand represented? Is it consistent with the overall brand image and messaging?
  6. Overall Effectiveness: How effective is the ad in achieving its objectives? What metrics can be used to measure its effectiveness (e.g., brand awareness, engagement, sales)?

Benefits of Product/Reason Why

  1. Identify Product: What is the product being advertised? What are its features and benefits?
  2. Look for Evidence: Is there any evidence provided to support the benefits or reason why of the product (e.g., testimonials, statistics, research studies)?

Layout Analysis

  • Copy: (Headline, Subheadline, Body, Closing, Slogan) What copy is used? How does it support the message and creative strategy? Is it easy to read and understand?
  • Illustration/Visuals: (Image or Drawing, Standalone Product, Product as Part of the Environment, Product Being Used, Residual Presence) What visuals are used? How do they support the message and creative strategy? Are they relevant to the product?
  • Logo: (Good location, evaluate the typography) Is the logo prominently placed? Is the typography easy to read and appropriate for the target audience?
  • Call to Action: Is there a clear call to action? What is it, and how effective is it in encouraging the audience to take action? Is it a combination of visuals and headlines, or just one of the two?
  • White Space: Is there enough white space to make the ad easy to read and understand? Is it used effectively to highlight key elements?
  • Balance: Is the ad balanced in terms of the placement of elements (e.g., text, images, white space)? Does it create a sense of harmony and unity?
  • Emphasis: Are key elements (e.g., the product or service) highlighted effectively? Is there a clear call to action?
  • General Appearance: Is the overall appearance and design of the ad harmonious?


Key Elements

  • Budget Requirements/Factors: Information on the budget required and factors to consider when creating an ad, including financial ratios and objectives related to reach, frequency, and affinity.
  • Advertising Research and Control: Importance of advertising research and control, including general socioeconomic research, media audience research, media planning, and distribution costs.
  • Selection Criteria: Information on the selection criteria for choosing an advertising agency, including information, analysis, and selection.
  • Creative Service: Outlines the functions of the advertising agency, including creative service, account service, and marketing service.
  • Layout: Information on the layout of an ad, including the copy, illustration, and the general appearance and design.
  • Metrics: Information on the metrics used to evaluate the success of an ad, including CTR, CPM, and cost.
  • Trends and Challenges: Outlines the trends and challenges facing the advertising industry, including the atomization of small agencies, multinational groups, and the need to adapt to new trends and innovations.

Media Plan

Key Considerations

  • Media Placement: Where is the ad placed? Is it in a relevant media channel for the target audience? How effective is the placement in reaching the target audience?
  • Communication Objectives: What are the communication objectives? Are they focused on awareness, impact, recruitment, coverage, frequency, or affinity?
  • Media Mix Selection: What media supports/vehicles (e.g., TV, digital media, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, outdoor advertising locations) are being used? Are they appropriate for the target audience and communication objectives?
  • Media Mix Budget: What is the investment employed in each support/vehicle? Is the budget allocated effectively to achieve the communication objectives?
  • Legal Restrictions: Are there any legal restrictions that need to be considered (e.g., those related to spirits, tobacco, or other regulated products)?
  • Competition: How can the media plan differentiate the ad from the competition?
  • Timing: When is the best moment to launch the campaign?
  • Share of Voice (SOV): What is the percentage of reached GRPs by the brand campaign in relation to its total market? Is the SOV appropriate for the communication objectives and competition?
  • Share of Spending (SOS): What is the percentage of investment reached by the brand campaign in relation to its total market?
  • Campaign Evaluation: How will the effectiveness and efficiency of the campaign be evaluated?
  • Budget Requirements: What are the budget requirements for the media plan?