20th-Century Spanish Literature: From Novecentismo to the Generation of ’27


After the First World War Young Europeans advocated a new world and opposed to an artistic tradition. In Spain the desire of modernization and the desire to revolt materialized in novencentismo and undiscovered.


gathers a group of authors with a solid intellectual training in Europe saw a pattern that was to follow. Put aside the painful complaint of fin de siecle writers to examine with rigor and coldness of the country’s problems and find an efficient solution.
The head was Jose Ortega y Gasset, new ideas disseminated through newspaper articles and essays, Invertebrate Spain the revolt of the masses Ramon Perez de Ayala and Gabriel Miro with his novels.
Juan Ramón Jiménez with poetry.
The vanguard integrated into a whole artistic movement characterized by his eagerness to break with refreshing and creative principles above.

Movements –

Futurism: Marinetti inspired by advocating the antiromanticism and enhance the mechanical and technical civilization. – Cubism: It came from painting, proposed to the decomposition of reality into geometric shapes, Apollinari inspired to create their calligrams. – Surrealism: André Breton sought to discover the true reality through dreams and automatic writing, incorporating images that suggest emotions and do not respond to logic. – Creationism and Ultraism: Vicente Huidobro sought to create their own reality with Creationism. Ultraism surigo in Spain at the breakdown of logical discourse and the introduction of innovations Typing.

Juan Ramón Jiménez:

Delivered to poetry and the pursuit of beauty. The beginnings Poeticos juanramonianos are influenced by modernism. Toggles a poem intimate short, sad melancholy arias with other more descriptive and ornamental elegies on the predominant adjectives and descriptions of synesthesia. Diary of a newly married poet under a change in the literature of Juan Ramon, is entering a very personal poetic and known as pure poetry:
pursues conceptual condensation, based on reason, the poet aspires to name the substance with the lowest number of words possible. It deals with the fullness of nature, eternity, the poetry and beauty, the poet as a god Credor. His eagerness to renew literary expression, Juan Ramon mix different genres and wrote poetic prose in works such as silversmith and me.

The leading literatuta:

Ramon Gomez released the avant-garde ideas. New genre:


metaphor + humor. They are short texts that present surprising associations and situations from everyday elements. They offer an original vision, full of humor, reality and use various linguistic means: metaphors, phonics resources, puns, idioms. Guillermo also include tower theories that fused ultraists Through his visual poems. Juan Larrea home in creationism and momentum after surrealism.

The poetic group of 27:

Group of young authors, wrote plays, essays and novels, noted especially for his poetry.

The most important poets:

Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillen, Gerardo Diego, Federico Garcia Lorca, Vicente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti
Luis Alberti, Luis Cernuda and Damaso Alonso. On 27, coincided with the end of the century writers, the avant-garde and Juan Ramón Jiménez, and the work of Picasso and Dalí, as a failure musicians, filmmakers like Bunel. The artistic and cultural splendor of this period has led to the coining of the term silver age.Main features: – Relationships: poetic generation is due to their birth dates close, strong ties of friendship and influence and cultural exchange that occurred between them. – Homage to Góngora: Ateneo de Sevilla act of 1927 to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Gongora. – Training and cultural interests in common: actively involved in cultural life and participated in literary magazine publishing poetry and prose knew tento Spanish literary tradition in its side opened educated and popular radio renewal of the vanguards. Themes such as love or nature with living with the praise of modern objects and classical forms (sonnets, octaves …) and popular (quatrains, romances …) alternate with visual poems and free verse. – Evolution: Three times. 1. 1918-1925, formative stage with strong influence of Juan Ramon Jimenez and ultraism. 2. 1926-1929, they found more personal voice. 3. Since 1930 the social and political concerns and his work broke the influence of surrealism, after the Civil War the group 27 is disposed.

The neopopularismo:

The influence of traditional Spanish lyric and song popular among the poets of the Generation of ’27 was held in the stream known as neopopularismo.

It is characterized:

by the use of short compositions and some with chorus and verse-intensive lyrical repetition through the parallelism and the elimination of surface elements. The works of this trend are land sailor Rafael Alberti, cantejondo poem by Federico Garcia Lorca.
Marinero en tierra published in 1925 and for which Rafael Alberti received the national prize for literature expose the painful longing for the poetic voice for having to leave their place of origin to live inland. The lost paradise of childhood is represented by the sea cadiz also symbolizes freedom.

Gypsy Ballads

The 18 ballads that make up this book at public readings. The protagonists of the poems are members of the Gypsy people, socially marginalized. It represents the most intimate truth of the Andalusian people. Seres dominated by dissatisfaction, love and death.

Classical Influence and pure poetry:

poets of the 27 received the influence of Spanish classics especially of Gongora and most recent authors as Becquer and Juan Ramon Jimenez.
The classical influence: the use of forms like the hendecasyllable, the tenth, the octava real, and the sonnet, used in works such as brick and mortar of alberti. Becquer’s presence is felt in the love poetry of love reason salt. Pure poetry of Juan Ramon influeye the song of guillen, pure poetry d. Alonso.
the voice you love due trilogy that includes reason and love and long lament. The beloved is with you and gives meaning to the existence of loving me.
Cantico meetings guillen compositions in which exalt the joy of everyday objects existence and perfection of nature.
Poetry of vanguard art movements that influenced the 27 were creationism, ultraism, surrealism. Influence of ultraism image is evident in Gerardo Diego. Surrealism his greatest influence lies in the use of images illogical. Surrealist works are predominantly in New York poet Lorca cernura prohibited pleasures. The destruction or the love of Aleixandre.
the forbidden pleasures written in free verse, cernuda explores the gross income of love, identified with the desire and pleasure. Love is impossible: only the loneliness remains.The destruction or love the fact equates love with death with destruction. No rejection of love but to Aleixandre excitement for the mineral and wild animals are the purest forms of existence: the lovers turned into stars, rocks … Give proof of their love.

Other productions from 27:

27 cultivated genres in prose and the literary essay and prose defender Ocnos poetic drama in the men stand uninhabited alberti lorca company director’s cabin and figure in the dramatic renewal of the first third of S . XX.
Lorca was the creator of a new concept combining characterized by dramatic theater and poetry. Started in the modern theater with the curse of the butterfly also wrote The Shoemaker’s Prodigious farces and works influenced by surrealism as the most representative public are his plays.

Dramas Lorca:

themes are frustration, love, and death. These are works of intense lyricism expresses THROUGH songs and symbolic characters. The author mixes verse and prose.
Main dramas called tragic cycle. – Blood Wedding: amorous yearning faces social norms. The bride runs off with her former boyfriend pursues love and there was a confrontation and death of 2 men. – Yerma: theme frustration of a woman if sterility. Yerma kills her husband for not wanting children. – The House of Bernarda Alba: full honor to the family and the impossibility of overcoming social barriers. The mother imposes her children 8 years of mourning after the death of her husband. The small to be discovered and believed killed his lover commits suicide.

Rafael Alberti:

1902-1999. Cadiz. Neopopulism Tirra sailor trend. Influence of Surrealism saobre los angeles. Volco civic and social concerns in the street dmo production in exile between carnation and the sword

Federico Garcia Lorca:

1898-1936.Granada. Poetic lines: – revitalization of the ballad tradition of surrealism incorporation gypsy poet in new york – finding the balance Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias was assassinated.

Pedro Salinas:

1891-1951. 1 stage: avant-garde influence and secure random Gongorine 2etapa: great romantic production. Voice 3 stage due to you. In exile with reflections on human existence that provided

Jorge Guillen:

1893-1984.Valladoliz. Conceived his work as a whole and was accompanied our air to form poems composed song, cry tribute

Luis Cernuda:

1902-1963. Sevilla. He picked up his pre-war production in a single book of reality and desire surrealist poems appear alongside other intimate and personal expression. Exile desolation of the chimera

Vicente Alexandre:

1898-1984. Sevilla. National prize for literature by the destruction or the love and influenced young petas. 1977 Nobel Prize for literature. Poetry rejection of the social and love and nature sing swords lips singing poetry man history of heart alone

Curriculum vitae:

typed text in which an applicant for employment who is exposed, what is your training, and devoted. It requires a formal language, the target tone.
Letter: accompanied the curriculum to expose sel few aspects do not appear on this applicant: skills, interests, skills … Must be courteous, careful and precise language.